Kamen Petrov
1 (KP) Are you [all] from the town of Tryavna?
nom 2pl | from | city sg m def | interr clt | 2pl pres cop clt | Tryavna sg f place |
2 (b) [0:05] Yes.
yes |
3 (a) [0:06] Well, I’ve retired; I’m on a pension.
disc | pension.off 1sg aor P |
4 (b) [0:08] In our old age we’ve begun to pasture goats.
in | aged pl adj | year pl f | begin 2pl aor P | comp | pasture 1pl pres I | goat pl f |
5 (b) [0:11] We didn’t do it before now, but since we’ve gone on pension,
until.now adv | neg | 1pl pres aux clt | acc refl clt | occupy pl L.part I | but | when conj | acc refl clt | pension.off 1pl pres I |
6 (b) [0:13] what can we do? We have to get by somehow.
what sg n interr | comp | do 1pl pres I | something sg n | must pres imprs | comp | get through 1pl pres I | already adv |
7 (KP) Yes.
good adv |
8 (a) [0:17] There’s no – there’s no way to get by.
neg exist | neg exist | from.where interr | comp | get through 1pl pres P | disc |
9 (KP) I saw a lot of nice old houses [around] here.
many adv | old pl adj | house pl f | pretty pl adj | see 1sg aor P | here adv |
10 (a) [0:20] Eh! Nice! Old, old – I don’t like what’s old.
excl | nice sg n adj | old sg n adj | old sg n adj | nom 1sg | neg | like 1sg pres I | disc | old sg n def adj |
11 (c) [0:26] [unintelligible]
12 (a) [0:28] Come here, come here!
come sg imv P | come sg imv P | here adv | come sg imv P |
13 (c) [0:29] … because [it’s] nice, but –
because | nice sg n adj | but |
14 (a) [0:30] And that one there is a real little one.
disc | this sg n adj | toddler sg n | where rel | 3sg pres cop clt | there adv |
15 (PSh) Why did you tie that one up there like that?
and | this sg f adj | why interr | 2pl pres aux clt | acc f 3sg clt | tie pl L.part P | there adv | thus adv |
16 (a) [0:33] Because the kids are suckling of course!
disc | because | suckle 3pl pres I | kid pl n def | adrs |
17 (PSh) Ah.
disc |
18 (a) [0:35] Otherwise we milk them for the milk.
and | otherwise adv | acc 3pl clt | milk 1pl pres I | and | for | milk sg n def |
19 (b) [0:36] Look, the boy is recording you! [laughter]
see sg imv P | nom n 3sg | acc 2sg clt | record 3sg pres I | boy sg n def |
20 (a) [0:38] [laughter] Uh huh [laughter] [He wants] to make a recording –
disc | comp | dat refl clt | record 3sg pres P |
21 (b) [0:41] [laughter] [– for them] to see what sorts of things …
comp | see 3pl pres P | what.kind pl adj | thing pl f | dat 3pl clt | 3pl pres cop clt |
22 (PSh) I can’t remember everything [so I need to record it].
neg | can 1sg pres I | everything sg n adj | comp | remember 1sg pres P |
23 (a) [0:44] Well, of course.
disc | understand 3sg pres I | acc refl clt |
24 (b) [0:45] … what he’s seen in the mountains [around here], right?
around | mountain sg m def | what sg n interr | 3sg pres aux clt | see sg m L.part P | disc |
25 (a) [0:46] The kids suckle, but we also have to eat a bit of milk and cheese.
kid pl n def | suckle 3pl pres I | and | nom 1pl | must pres imprs | and | nom 1pl | comp | bite 1pl pres I | milk sg n | cheese sg n |
26 (b) [0:50] It’s time to wean them. Three months is enough for them.
and | time sg n | dat 3pl clt | comp | acc refl clt | wean 3pl pres I | three | month ct m | dat 3pl clt | suffice 3sg pres I |
27 (KP) And what’s this called, this down here?
and | this sg n adj | how interr | acc refl clt | say 3sg pres I | below adv |
28 (b) [0:54] [laughter] Pavlinka.
Pavlinka sg f name |
29 (b) [0:55] Pavlinka.
Pavlinka sg f name |
30 (KP) Ah no, down below. This thing that –
disc | no | below adv | this sg n adj | rel |
31 (a) [0:58] Ah! Wattles, wattles.
excl | wattle pl f | wattle pl f |
32 (b) Wattles, wattles, little “earrings”.
wattle pl f | wattle pl f | earring pl f |
33 (KP) Wattles.
wattle pl f |
34 (b) [1:00] Little “earrings”.
earring pl f |
35 (a) [1:01] Little “earrings”.
earring pl f |
36 (KP) Hm.
bkch |
37 (a) [1:05] [cough]
38 (b) [1:06] Each one has a name.
each sg n adj | dat refl clt | have 3sg pres I | name sg n |
39 (a) [1:08] Each goat knows its own name.
each sg f adj | goat sg f | dat refl clt | know 3sg pres I | name sg n def |
40 (KP) What’s this one’s name?
this sg f adj | how interr | acc refl clt | say 3sg pres I |
41 (b) [1:10] Sashka.
Sashka sg f name |
42 (KP) And this one?
and | that sg f adj |
43 (b) [1:13] Which? The one that has the bag?
which sg f interr adj | this sg f adj | rel | with | bag sg f def |
44 (KP) Yes.
yes |
45 (b) [1:15] Maria.
Maria sg f name |
46 (KP) Hm.
47 (b) [1:16] Uh huh.
bkch |
48 (a) [1:17] And that one is Petya.
that sg f adj | Petya sg f name |
49 (b) [1:18] Petya’s over there.
there adv | Petya sg f name |
50 (a) [1:18] This is Lyubka.
this sg n adj | 3sg pres cop clt | Lyubka sg f name |
51 (KP) Yes.
yes |
52 (b) [1:21] And this one is a male, Becho.
and | this sg n adj | 3sg pres cop clt | male sg n adj | Becho sg m name |
53 (KP) Becho.
Becho sg m name |
54 (b) [1:24] Yes.
yes |
55 (a) [1:25] Yes, Becho.
yes | Becho sg m name | Becho sg m name |
56 (PSh) And do they obey you? Do they obey you?
and | obey 3sg pres I | interr clt | acc 2pl clt | obey 3sg pres I | interr clt | acc 2pl clt |
57 (KP) And this one?
and | this sg f adj |
58 (a) [1:27] They obey us.
obey 3sg pres I | acc 1pl clt |
59 (b) [1:27] Martina.
Martina sg f name |
60 (a) [1:27] When you call them, they come immediately.
when conj | dat 3pl clt | call 2sg pres P | immediately adv | come 3pl pres I |
61 (KP) Yes, yes.
yes | yes |
62 (b) [1:29] And that one –
that sg f adj | hes |
63 (PSh) You look after them there, by –
nom 2pl | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | look 2pl pres I | there adv | to |
64 (b) [1:30] Ah [yes].
yes |
65 (PSh) by the house there’s – ?
to | house sg f def | dat refl clt | pres exist |
66 (a) [1:32] Well, we have a little room in the house, sort of like a little basement,
yes | at.home adv | have 1pl pres I | small.room sg f | there adv | pres exist | like | basement sg f | such sg n adj |
67 (a) [1:37] and we put them there.
and | there adv | acc 3pl clt | put 1pl pres I |
68 (KP) Becho. And this one?
Becho sg m name | hes | this sg f adj |
69 (b) [1:39] Uh –
hes |
70 (a) [1:39] Marta. This one?
Marta sg f name | this sg f adj | interr clt |
71 (b) [1:41] The other one, the other one.
other sg f def adj | other sg f def adj |
72 (a) [1:42] Lina.
Lina sg f name |
73 (b) [1:42] Lin– Liza, Liza.
[...] |
hes | Liza sg f name | Liza sg f name |
74 (a) [1:43] Lina, Liza –
Lina sg f name | Liza sg f name |
75 (b) [1:44] Lina, Liza, and this one is …
Lina sg f name | Liza sg f name | and | this sg n adj | 3sg pres cop clt |
76 (a) [1:47] Maya.
Maya sg f name |
77 (b) [1:47] … Krasimira. That one there, the little one with horns, is Krasimira.
Krasimira sg f name | ost | there adv | that sg n adj | horned sg n def adj | little sg n def adj | Krasimira sg f name |
78 (KP) And that one with the bag, the yellow [bag]?
and | that sg f adj | with | bag sg f def | yellow sg f def adj |
79 (b) [1:53] Lina.
Lina sg f name |
80 (a) [1:53] Maya, Maya.
Maya sg f name | Maya sg f name |
81 (b) [1:54] Lina, that’s Lina. Ah, with the yellow bag! [That’s] Maya.
Lina sg f name | and | this sg n adj | 3sg pres cop clt | Lina sg f name | disc | yellow sg f def adj | bag sg f | Maya sg f name |
82 (a) [1:56] Maya.
Maya sg f name |
83 (b) [1:58] And that one, Valentina, is over there …
hes | and | ost | this sg f adj | 3sg pres cop clt | Valentina sg f name | ost | there adv |
84 (PSh) And after you milk them …
and | when conj | acc 3pl clt | milk 2pl pres P |
85 (b) [2:01] … the multicolored one, the black one.
variegated sg f def adj | black sg f def adj |
86 (PSh) … what do you do with the milk?
what sg n interr | do 2pl pres I | with | milk sg n def |
87 (a) [2:03] Cheese.
cheese sg n |
88 (b) [2:04] Cheese, milk [that] we [put culture in to] make it sour.
cheese sg n | milk sg n | ferment 1pl pres I |
89 (a) [2:05] Milk that’s been soured (= yogurt).
sour sg n P.part I | milk sg n |
90 (b) [2:09] It’s good for everything, we just need to have it.
for | everything sg n adj | become 3sg pres I | nom n 3sg | suffice 3sg pres I | comp | acc n 3sg clt | have 1pl pres I |
91 (KP) Yes.
yes |
92 (b) [2:12] It’s good for everything but –
everything sg n adj | become 3sg pres I | but |
93 (KP) You make everything here –
here adv | everything sg n adj | dat refl clt | make 2pl pres I | hes |
94 (a) [2:15] Well what can we do, granny’s one? What can we do? My pension isn’t [even]
disc | what sg n interr | comp | do 1pl pres I | grandmother voc sg f | what sg n interr | comp | do 1pl pres I | my sg f def adj | pension sg f | neg exist |
95 (a) [2:18] three thousand levs! I walk like crazy around the woods [to make a living].
three | thousand pl f | lev ct m | walk 1sg pres I | as | foolish sg f adj | around | woods pl f def |
96 (a) [2:21] What should you buy first? Tell me then!
what sg n interr | comp | buy 2sg pres P | more | before adv | say sg imv P | adrs |
97 (KP) Um. And how …
hes | hes | how interr |
98 (a) [2:24] And to –
comp | [...] |
99 (KP) How do you make it, cheese and – milk?
how interr | acc n 3sg clt | make 1pl pres I | cheese sg n def | and | milk sg n def |
100 (a) [2:27] Well [for] cheese, after we finish the milking there’s this …
disc | cheese sg n def | when conj | acc n 3sg clt | milk 1pl pres P | and | pres exist | such sg f adj |
101 (b) [2:29] We strain [unintelligible]
strain 1pl pres P |
102 (a) [2:30] … starter – we put [the milk] in a pot
yeast sg f | in | one sg f adj | pot sg f | acc n 3sg clt | put 1pl pres I |
103 (a) [2:32] and we put a little starter and it becomes cheese.
and | put 1pl pres I | by | little adv | yeast sg f | and | nom n 3sg | dat refl clt | become 3sg pres I | cheese sg n def |
104 (a) [2:35] And after that we strain it.
after adv | acc n 3sg clt | strain 1pl pres I |
105 (b) [2:36] You put it into a strainer for two hours,.
for | two m | hour ct m | put 2sg pres I | acc n 3sg clt | in | one sg m adj | strainer sg m | thus adv |
106 (b) [2:39] and it strains out and becomes cheese.
and | nom n 3sg | acc refl clt | strain 3sg pres I | and | become 3sg pres I | cheese sg n |
107 (a) [2:40] Cheesecloth, [it’s] made [of] cheesecloth, and –
cheesecloth sg m | cheesecloth sg m | make sg n P.part P | and |
108 (KP) The strainer.
strainer sg m |
109 (a) [2:43] Yes, yes.
yes | yes |
110 (b) [2:43] Uh huh. It strains out, and it becomes cheese.
disc | strain 3sg pres I | acc refl clt | and | become 3sg pres I | cheese sg n |
111 (a) [2:48] My older [daughter] –
my sg f def adj | big sg f def adj |
112 (b) [2:49] When we want more [to keep] for the winter, we salt it
when conj | want 1pl pres I | for | winter sg f def | more adv | acc n 3sg clt | salt 1sg pres I |
113 (b) [2:51] [but] when we want to eat it freshly salted we don’t salt it,
when conj | want 1pl pres I | comp | acc n 3sg clt | eat 1pl pres I | fresh.salted sg n adj | neg | acc n 3sg clt | salt 1pl pres I |
114 (b) [2:54] we [only] put into it a very little salt for the taste, and they eat it.
very adv | little adv | thus adv | dat n 3sg clt | put 1pl pres I | for | taste sg m | salt sg f | and | acc n 3sg clt | eat 3pl pres I |
115 (b) [2:58] In the summer time it’s mostly eaten that way,
summer sg n adj | time sg n | and | probably adv | mostly def | such sg n adj | acc refl clt | eat 3sg pres I |
116 (a) [3:00] [laughter]
117 (b) [3:00] mostly at home, I think.
probably adv | at.home adv |
118 (a) [3:01] [laughter] Well, cheese – and tomatoes, they’re coming on now.
disc | cheese sg n | tomato sg n | now adv | come.out 3sg pres P |
119 (b) [3:04] [cough]
120 (PSh) Do you make kashkaval?
and | kashkaval sg m | make 2pl pres I | interr clt |
121 (a) [3:06] Now we make kashkaval more – but goat milk is thinner, it’s not …
and | kashkaval sg m | now adv | make 1pl pres I | more | but | goat's sg n def adj | more | thin sg n adj | milk sg n | neg | 3sg pres cop clt |
122 (b) [3:10] Sometimes it doesn’t come out successfully, how can I know [what works].
disc | some sg m adj | time sg m | neg | can 3sg pres | comp | come.out 3sg pres P | successful sg f adj | where interr | comp | know 1sg pres I |
123 (a) [3:12] … it’s not like sheep’s [milk] or cow’s [milk].
hes | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | how rel | sheep's sg n def adj | cow's sg n def adj |
124 (b) [3:13] I made some today, I’ll see to what extent I managed to make it [come out right].
today adv | 1sg pres aux clt | make sg f L.part | fut | acc n 3sg clt | see 1sg pres P | to.where interr | 1sg pres aux clt | acc n 3sg clt | make sg f L.part P |
125 (a) [3:15] Goat [milk] is a little thinner.
goat's sg n def adj | more | thin sg n adj |
126 (KP) Goat’s is a little thinner.
goat's sg n def adj | more | thin sg n adj |
127 (a) [3:17] [It’s] thinner milk.
more | thin sg n adj | milk sg n |
128 (b) [3:18] And there’s also more fat.
and | but | and | more | fatty sg n adj |
129 (a) [3:20] Uh huh.
bkch |
130 (b) [3:21] It’s with more fat, and more buttery, but still it’s thinner.
more | fatty sg n adj | 3sg pres cop clt | more | of.butter sg n adj | but | 3pl pres cop clt | more | thin sg n adj |
131 (b) [3:24] But [when it gets] towards autumn –
but | towards | autumn sg f def | acc refl clt |
132 (a) [3:25] In the autumn it gets thicker when there’s less food
autumn sg f def | become 3sg pres I | thick sg n adj | already adv | when conj | decrease 3sg pres I | food sg f def |
133 (a) [3:28] and you start to feed them with –
and | begin 2sg pres I | comp | acc 3pl clt | feed 2sg pres I | with |
134 (b) [3:30] The different grasses and other [things they eat] get harder, and –
and | already adv | harden 3sg pres I | acc refl clt | this sg n adj | grass pl f def | one sg n adj | other sg n adj | and |
135 (b) [3:34] and the milk gets thicker.
and | become 3sg pres I | already adv | thick sg n adj | milk sg n def |
136 (PSh) Doesn’t anything else other than blackberries grow over there?
and | thither adv | neg | grow 3sg pres I | interr clt | something sg n | other sg n adj | only adv | blackberry pl f |
137 (a) [3:38] Oh there is, there is over there. But not [for pasturing]. It’s been over-grazed.
disc |
pres exist | adrs | pres exist | ost | beyond adv | but | neg exist | disc | acc refl clt | graze 3sg aor P |
138 (a) [3:41] There’s a lot of livestock around …
many adv | livestock sg m | pres exist | and |
139 (PSh) Uh huh.
bkch |
140 (a) [3:43] … and everything’s been all cleaned out. [Do you want] this, hm?
graze.out 3sg aor P | dat refl clt | disc | disc |
141 (PSh) Hah, they understand you!
disc | understand 3pl pres I | acc 2sg clt |
142 (a) [3:50] Ahh!
disc |
143 (PSh) [They’re] intelligent!
intelligent pl adj |
144 (b) [3:51] Each one knows its name.
each sg f adj | dat refl clt | know 3sg pres I | name sg n def |
145 (a) [3:51] Martina! Martina! Look here, Martina, what I’ve got for you. Come here!
Martina voc sg f name | Martina voc sg f name | see sg imv P | see sg imv P | Martina voc sg f name | what sg n interr | fut | dat 2sg clt | give 1sg pres P | come sg imv P |
146 (b) [3:55] Come here, I’ve got [something] for you [too]. Come here!
come sg imv P | nom 1sg | fut | dat 2sg clt | give 1sg pres P | come sg imv P |
147 (a) [3:58] Come here, look see what I’ve got for you! Come here! [Now,] you see …
come sg imv P | see sg imv P | what sg n interr | fut | dat 2sg clt | give 1sg pres P | come sg imv P | ost | see sg imv P |
148 (PSh) Uh huh.
149 (a) [4:00] …how it wants corn. [cough] When they – when they go somewhere
how interr | dat f 3sg clt | acc refl clt | want 3sg pres I | corn sg f def | disc | when conj |
when conj | go 3pl pres P | somewhere adv |
150 (a) [4:08] we bring along a bit and when we call them they come.
and | nom 1pl | bring 1pl pres I | by | little adv | and | when conj | acc 3pl clt | call 1pl pres P | and | nom 3pl | come 3pl pres I |
151 (a) [4:12] Hey, little Martina, eat, eat, eat!
hort | Martinche sg f name | graze sg imv I | graze sg imv I | graze sg imv I | disc |
152 (KP) Do they recognize their names when you call them?
by | name pl n | recognize 3pl pres I | interr clt | acc refl clt | when conj | dat 3pl clt | call 2sg pres I |
153 (a) [4:15] Yes! As soon as you call one. Now if we decide we are leaving
yes | when conj | acc f 3sg clt | call 2sg pres P | disc | now adv | comp | say 1pl pres P | comp | dat refl clt | set.off 1pl pres I |
154 (a) [4:18] [if] we’re leaving, [then] when I call them they set off at once.
comp | dat refl clt | set.off 1pl pres I | when conj | dat 3pl clt | call 1sg pres P | and | immediately adv | set.off 3pl pres I |
155 (KP) Hm.
bkch |
156 (b) [4:20] We set off to go home and all of them set off after us. I don’t have to go ...
set.off 1pl pres I | dat refl clt | depart 1pl pres I | and | nom 3pl | set.off 3pl pres I | after | dat 1sg clt | all pl adj | fut neg | comp | go 1sg pres I |
157 (a) Uh huh.
158 (b) [4:23] ... and chase them to get them back. None of that [is necessary].
comp | acc 3pl clt | chase 1sg pres I | comp | acc 3pl clt | return 1sg pres I | comp | disc | neg exist |
159 (KP) They know you.
know 3pl pres I | acc 2pl clt |
160 (a) [4:27] Uh huh.
161 (b) [4:28] Yes.
yes |
162 (KP) And – and for cheese, what do you put into [the milk] for it to become [cheese]?
and | hes | to | cheese sg n def | what sg n interr | dat n 3sg clt | put 2pl pres I | […] | for | comp | become 3sg pres P |
163 (a) [4:34] Didn’t I tell you? You put starter.
interr | dat 2sg clt | say 1sg pres I | yeast sg f | yeast sg f | acc refl clt | put 3sg pres I | and |
164 (b) [4:36] From the store, we have a special –
from | store sg m def | have 1pl pres I | special sg f adj |
165 (a) [4:38] [In] the store they have this particular starter,
store sg m def | pres exist | special sg f adj | yeast sg f |
166 (a) [4:39] and you put a few drops into each [container of potential cheese].
and | there adv | put 2sg pres I | by | how.many interr | drop pl f |
167 (b) [4:40] And you put in so many drops.
and | by | how.many interr | drop pl f | acc refl clt | put 3sg pres I |
168 (b) [4:42] It sits for two hours, and while it’s sitting it thickens.
and | become 3sg pres I | two m | hour ct m | when conj | stand 3sg pres I | and | nom n 3sg | acc refl clt | thicken 3sg pres I |
169 (a) [4:44] It thickens, and then you strain it through a strainer.
thicken 3sg pres I | acc refl clt | after adv | through | strainer sg m | acc refl clt | strain 3sg pres I |
170 (b) [4:45] Then you put it through a strainer.
and | after adv | acc refl clt | strain 3sg pres I | again adv | through | strainer sg m def |
171 (b) [4:47] Something like a strainer made out of cheesecloth.
cheesecloth sg m | make sg n P.part P | this sg n adj | like | strainer sg n |
172 (KP) Hm.
bkch |
173 (b) [4:49] You pour the milk in and it strains.
and | pour 2sg pres I | milk sg n def | and | nom n 3sg | acc refl clt | strain 3sg pres I |
174 (KP) And do you know how this was done in the old days?
and | before adv | know 2pl pres I | interr clt | how interr | 3sg pres aux clt | happen sg n L.part I |
175 (b) [4:53] How?
how interr |
176 (a) [4:53] Ah, in the old days this was done with –
disc | nom n 3sg | before adv | happen sg n L.part I | with | hes |
177 (b) [4:55] Rennet.
rennet sg n |
178 (a) [4:55] In the old days with rennet. When you slaughter a sheep, that is a little kid –
one sg n adj | time sg n | with | rennet sg n | when conj | slaughter 1pl pres P | sheep sg f def | hes | this sg n adj | kid sg n |
179 (b) [5:00] The kid.
kid sg n def |
180 (a) [5:00] a lamb that is still suckling, then there’s starter inside it
lamb sg n | nom n 3sg | still adv | when conj | 3sg pres cop clt | suckling sg n | pres exist | yeast sg f | inside adv | in | acc n 3sg | dat refl clt |
181 (a) [5:05] inside the actual whatever (= stomach).
in | very sg n def adj | disc |
182 (b) [5:05] Something milk-like. [They take some] and strain it through a piece of cheesecloth.
milk sg n adj | such sg n adj | and | from | acc n 3sg | with | one sg n adj | rag sg n | and | acc n 3sg clt | strain 3pl pres I |
183 (b) [5:08] They do it like that.
and | thus adv | acc n 3sg clt | do 3pl pres I |
184 (a) [5:10] Uh huh.
bkch |
185 (b) [5:11] I had gathered [some once] but I never made [cheese] with it.
nom 1sg | 1sg impf aux | gather sg f L.part P | but | neg | 1sg pres aux clt | make sg f L.part I | from | acc m 3sg |
186 (a) [5:13] Well, I don’t like it.
disc | neg | dat 1sg clt | like 3sg pres I |
187 (b) [5:14] Have you made it [that way]?
make sg f L.part I | 2sg pres aux clt |
188 (a) [5:15] No, I haven’t made it [that way], but I don’t like it.
no | neg | 1sg pres aux clt | make sg f L.part I | but | neg | dat 1sg clt | like 3sg pres I |
189 (b) [5:17] I haven’t made it [either].
neg | 1sg pres aux clt | make sg f L.part I | nom 1sg | disc |
190 (KP) Uh huh.
bkch |
191 (a) [5:19] Bechie, what do you want? Here, granny’s little one!
Becho sg m name | what sg n interr | want 2sg pres I | nom 2sg | adrs | grandmother voc sg f |
192 (b) [5:21] [unintelligible]
193 (a) [5:21] Shall Granny give [this] to little Bechko? Shall Granny give it?
grandmother sg f | comp | give 3sg pres P | interr clt | to | Bechko sg m name | comp | give 3sg pres P | interr clt | grandmother sg f |
194 (KP) Hm.
195 (a) [5:25] Shall Granny give [it] to the little boy?
grandmother f | comp | give 3sg pres P | to | boy sg n def |
196 (b) [5:26] [unintelligible]
197 (a) [5:27] Ah, you’re Granny’s dear one. Eh, Granny’s little boy!
excl | nom 2sg | 2sg pres cop clt | grandmother f | dear sg n adj | excl | of | grandmother sg f | boy sg n def |
198 (KP) Why [is there] a red necklace [on it]?
why interr | red sg m adj | necklace sg m |
199 (b) [5:33] Well, we’re going to – when we slaughter it, doesn’t [something] red come out? Blood!
disc | and | when conj | acc n 3sg clt | slaughter 1pl pres P | interr | release 3sg pres I | red sg n adj | blood sg f |
200 (KP) Uh huh.
bkch |
201 (b) [5:37] [laughter] We call it a red necklace.
red sg m adj | necklace sg m | dat m 3sg clt | call 1pl pres I | nom 1pl |
202 (KP) [laughter]
203 (a) [5:38] Hey, Lina! Where did you go?
Lina voc sg f name | where interr | go 2sg aor P |
204 (PSh) But why are you going to slaughter it?
and | why interr | fut | acc n 3sg clt | slaughter 2pl pres I |
205 (b) [5:42] Well, what can we do? We can’t leave all of them [alive].
disc | what sg n interr | comp | acc 3pl clt | do 1pl pres I | neg | can pres imprs | all pl def adj | adrs | comp | acc 3pl clt | leave 1pl pres I |
206 (PSh) Uh huh.
207 (b) [5:45] Isn’t [the animal world] created for slaughtering, to have a little meat, something to eat?
interr | create sg n P.part P | comp | acc refl clt | slaughter 3sg pres I | comp | pres exist | meat sg n | what sg n interr | comp | eat 2sg pres I |
208 (PSh) How big is this one?
and | nom n 3sg | how.much | 3sg pres cop clt | big sg n adj | this sg n adj |
209 (b) [5:52] It’s [three months, now] into its fourth month.
disc | disc | fourth sg m def adj | month sg m | experience 3sg pres I |
210 (KP) And you take them around all day long?
entire sg m adj | day sg m | acc 3pl clt | lead 2pl pres I |
211 (b) [6:02] Well we let them out two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon
disc | disc | morning sg f | acc 3pl clt | release 1pl pres I | two m | hour ct m | and | afternoon sg m | two m | hour ct m |
212 (KP) Uh huh.
213 (b) [6:07] All day – where would we go all day? Two hours.
disc | entire sg m adj | day sg m | where interr | comp | walk 1pl pres I | entire sg m adj | day sg m | two m | hour ct m |
214 (KP) They like it the best like that.
most | like 3pl pres I | disc |
215 (b) [6:12] Well, you know, foliage is nice, because it’s more nourishing.
adrs | ost | this pl adj | foliage sg f def | 3sg pres cop clt | nice sg n adj | because | more | nutritious sg n adj |
216 (b) [6:16] But still it’s not very nourishing.
but | otherwise adv | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | very adv | nutritious sg f adj |
217 (b) [6:17] However when there’s nothing else, then that’s O.K. too.
but | when conj | neg exist | other sg n adj | and | nom n 3sg | 3sg pres cop clt | good sg n adj |
218 (KP) Uh huh.
bkch |
219 (b) [6:21] What can you do?
what sg n interr | comp | do 2sg pres I |
220 (KP) Uh huh.
bkch |
221 (b) [6:22] A lot has burnt, there [was] a big drought this year, and everything has died off early.
burn.up 3sg aor P | much adv | drought sg f def | big sg f adj | this sg f adj | year sg f | and | early adv | everything sg n adj | pass 3sg aor P |
222 (KP) Uh huh.
bkch |
223 (a) [6:26] By the time some [plant] starts to mature, by the time you [can] see it, it’s already died.
until conj | something sg n | take 3sg pres I | comp | ripen 3sg pres I | until conj | acc n 3sg clt | see 2sg pres P | pass sg n L.part P |
224 (KP) Uh huh.
bkch |
225 (b) [6:30] The lime trees flowered, and then in two or three days, they were all done.
lime.tree pl f def | until conj | blossom 3pl pres P | after | two m | three | day ct m | and | acc refl clt | finish 3pl aor P |
226 (b) [6:34] And then the next time (= flowering), all week long, and now, because of the heat,
and | other sg m adj | time sg m | around | entire sg f adj | week sg f | and | now adv | from | heat sg f def |
227 (b) [6:37] everything’s all burnt up.
and | everything sg n def adj | burn.up 3sg aor P |
228 (KP) They say it’s going to start raining.
fut | precipitate 3sg pres P | say 3pl pres I |
229 (b) [6:41] Did they say that?
say 3pl aor P | interr clt | acc n 3sg clt | excl |
230 (KP) They say that it’ll start raining, but who knows?
say 3pl pres I | that conj | fut | precipitate 3sg pres P | but | who sg m interr adj | know 3sg pres I |
231 (b) [6:44] Well, it did rain a bit last night.
disc | last.night adv | interr | precipitate 3sg aor P | little adv |
232 (KP) Hm.
233 (b) [6:47] But it’s O.K. the way it is, what can you do?
disc | adrs | still adv | 3sg pres cop clt | good adv | what sg n interr | comp | do 2sg pres I |
234 (KP) Hm.
235 (b) [6:49] Everything burned up. Nothing this year, there won’t even be potatoes,
everything sg n def adj | burn 3sg aor P | neg exist | this sg f adj | year sg f | neither | potato sg m | fut | pres exist |
236 (b) [6:52] nor will there be beans. Nothing. Other years we get cucumbers and tomatoes –
neither | beans sg m |