

Lines where ottùk appears

Skrŭt 1: 16 - ottùk dotàm istùri go tovà sème dòe si
Belica 1: 103 - tòj ottùk jà ottùk i ednò plàdne
Belica 1: 104 - kato a zarèza:me kòlko ottùk do
Oborište 2: 69 - nas’àdame ednì ottùk ednì ottùk nasìpat ni kàša
Oborište 2: 69 - nas’àdame ednì ottùk ednì ottùk nasìpat ni kàša
Arčar 1: 4 - padnàle onìja tṛbì ottùk takà è du onovà
Breste 1: 122 - ama ottùk ìma nazɤ̀benko nazɤ̀benko tɤkà sìtno kato nərèskənku

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

Token | by Dr. Radut