2009: Традиция и наследство в съвремения свят [Traditional Heritage in the Modern World]. Ronelle Alexander. Българска реч / Bŭlgarska reč 15, 3, pp. 5-9. (PDF)
2011: Проект за дигитално представяне на българските диалекти - Компютърни и интерактивни средства за исторически езиковедски изследвания [A Project for the Digital Representation of Bulgarian Dialects: Computerized Interactive Means for Historical Linguistics]. Vladimir Zhobov. Сборник доклади от заключителна конференция / Papers from the Closing Conference (Sofia: np), pp. 28-35.
2011: Bulgarian Dialects and the Balkan Model of the World. Ronelle Alexander. Балканский спектр: от света к цвету ( = Балканские чтения 11, тезисы и материалы) / Balkanskij spektr: ot sveta k cvetu ( = Balkanskie čtenija 11, tezisy i materialy), ed. M. Makarcev et al. (Москва: Институт славяноведения РАН / Moscow: Institut slavjanovedenija RAN), pp. 171-173.
2014: Digital Humanities Development without Developers: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition. Quinn Dombrowski and Ronelle Alexander. DH-CASE ’14 DH-CASE II: Collaborative Annotations on Shared Environments: Metadata, Tools and Techniques in the Digital Humanities (ACM Digital Library, 2014). Available online at
2015: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition: A Digital Resource of Dialectal Speech. Ronelle Alexander. Balkanistica 28: 1-13. (PDF)
2015: Where Dialectology Begins: Village Speech in Context. Ronelle Alexander. Балканский тезаурус: начало ( = Балканские чтения 13, тезисы и материалы) / Balkanskij tezaurus: načalo ( = Balkanskie čtenija 13, tezisy i materialy), ed. M. Makarcev et al. (Москва: Институт славяноведения РАН / Moscow: Institut slavjanovedenija RAN), pp. 77-81. (PDF)
2016: Drupal and Other Content Management Systems. Quinn Dombrowski. Doing Digital Humanities: Practice, Training and Research, ed. C. Crompton, R.J.Lane, and R. Siemens (Routledege).
2017: Bulgarian Dialectology: The View from Within and Without. Ronelle Alexander. Балкански тезаурус: Взгляд на Балканы извне и изнутри ( = Балканские чтения 14, тезисы и материалы) / Balkanski tezaurus: Vzgl’ad na Balkany izvne i vnutri ( = Balkanskie čtenija 14, tezisy i materialy), ed. M. Makarcev et al. (Москва: Институт славяноведения РАН / Moscow: Institut slavjanovedenija RAN), pp. 91-94. (PDF)
2018: Digital Processing of Bulgarian Dialects: New Approaches, Synchronic and Diachronic. Ronelle Alexander. American Contributions to the 16th International Congress of Slavists, vol. 1: Linguistics, ed. C. Bethin. (Slavica), 1-16. (PDF)
2019: Approaches to Dialect Diversity. Ronelle Alexander. Balkanistica 32:17-36. (PDF)
2019: Tracking New Elements in Bulgarian Dialects. Ronelle Alexander. And Thus You Are Everywhere Honored, Studies Dedicated to Brian D. Joseph, ed. J. Pennington et al. (Slavica), 21-28. (PDF)
2019: Diatopy and Frequency as Indicators of Spread. Ronelle Alexander. Perspectives on Language Structure and Language Change (ed. L. Heltoft et al. (John Benjamins), 327-344.
2019: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition: A Labor of Love. Quinn Dombrowski, Ronelle Alexander, and Vladimir Zhobov. PSlavic & East European Information Resources 20, 1-2: 3-22. DOI: 10.1080/15228886.2019.1628492/ (PDF)
2020: Clitics, Particles, and Phrases in Bulgarian and Balkan Slavic Dialects. Ronelle Alexander. Balkanistica 33: 213-219. (PDF)
2021: Bulgarian Dialects in Thrace: A Digital Approach. Ronelle Alexander. Perspectives of Ethno-Linguistic Research on the ‘Historical’ Area of Thrace, ed. Chr. Markou et al. (Thessaloniki), 23-36. (PDF)
2021: New Contributions in Bulgarian Dialectology. Ronelle Alexander. Отговорност пред езика, сборника посветенна 90-годишнината на чл.-кор. проф. д-р Тодор Бояджеив, ed. D. Popov et al. (Šumen), 60-67. (PDF)
2021: Digital Analysis of Balkan Phraseology. Ronelle Alexander. Стратегии межбалканской коммуникации: перевод, пересказ, умолчание ( = Балканские чтения 15, тезисы и материалы) / Strategii mežbalkanskoj kommunikacii: perevod, preskaz, umolčanie ( = Balkanskie čtenija 15, tezisy i materialy), ed.I Sedakova et al. (Москва: Институт славяноведения РАН / Moscow: Institut slavjanovedenija RAN), pp. 43-46.
2022: Bulgarian Dialects: Living Village Speech in the Digital Age. Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Slavica Publishers, 238 pp.
Public Presentations
“Bulgarian Dialects and the Balkan Model of the World” (Ronelle Alexander) Moscow, Russia: Balkanskie Chtenija 11. March 2011
“Bulgarian Dialect Analysis as an Evolving Tradition” (Ronelle Alexander and Eric Prendergast) Bellevue, Washington: American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Annual Meeting. January 2012
“Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition” (Ronelle Alexander) Seattle, Washington: Eighteenth Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics. March 2012
“Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition” (Ronelle Alexander) Sofia, Bulgaria: Invited lecture at Faculty of Slavonic Philology. June 2012
“Digital Publication without the Code: The Sofia-Berkeley Archive of Bulgarian Dialectal Speech” (Ronelle Alexander and Quinn Dombrowski) Lawrence, Kansas: Slavic Linguistic Society Annual Meeting. August 2012
“Bulgarian Dialectology: A Living Tradition in the Digital Age” (Ronelle Alexander) Tokyo, Japan: Invited lecture at Tokyo University. November 2012
“Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition” (Ronelle Alexander) Berkeley, California: Faculty symposium on Digital Humanities. November 2012
“Communicating Culture: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition” (Quinn Dombrowski and Ronelle Alexander) Berkeley, California: PNC National Conference. December 2012
“Polyaccentedness in Bulgarian Dialects” (Ronelle Alexander) Chicago, Illinois: Nineteenth Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics April 2014
“Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition: Digital Humanities Development without Developers” (Quinn Dombrowski and Ronelle Alexander) Fort Collins, Colorado: DocEng 2014. September 2014
Roundtable on "Digital Heritages: Innovations in Online Linguistic and Ethnographic Databases” (Cammeron Girvin and Ronelle Alexander) San Antonio, Texas: Association of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Annual Meeting. November 2014
“Подготовка и анализ на дигитален диалектен корпус (Preparation and Analysis of a Digital Dialect Corpus)” (Ronelle Alexander and Cammeron Girvin) Sofia, Bulgaria: Faculty of Slavonic Philology. June 2015
"Digital Approaches to Balkan Slavic Dialects" (Ronelle Alexander) Chicago, Illinois: Ninth Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies. November 2015
"Digital Approaches to Dialectal Variation in the Balkan Framework" (Ronelle Alexander) Venice, Italy: International Conference on Balkan Linguistics of the Balkan Linguistic Commission affiliated with the International Committee of Slavists. November 2015
"Бьлгарските диалекти: жива реч в дигитална епоха" [Bulgarian Dialects: Living Speech in the Digital Age] (Vladimir Zhobov) Sofia, Bulgaria: Linguistic seminar, Faculty of Slavonic Philology, Sofia University. June 2016
Roundtable on "Coordinating Slavic Terms for the Ethnographic Thesaurus” (Cammeron Girvin and Ronelle Alexander) Washington, D.C.: Association of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Annual Meeting. November 2016
"Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition: An Innovative Dialect Corpus" (Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov) St. Petersburg, Russia: Conference on Corpus-Based Approaches to the Balkan Languages and Dialects. December 2016
“Approaches to Dialect Diversity” (Ronelle Alexander) Columbus, Ohio: Naylor Anniversary celebration. January 2017
“Bulgarian Dialects: The View from Within and Without” (Ronelle Alexander) Moscow, Russia: Balkanskie Chtenija 14. April 2017
"Bulgarian Dialects in Thrace: A Digital Approach" (Ronelle Alexander) Komotini, Greece: Conference on "Thrace through the prism of ethnolinguistic research". October 2017
"Degrees of Balkanness" (Ronelle Alexander) Helsinki, Finland: Workshop on Balkan Linguistics: "Macro- and micro-variables across the Balkans". October 2017
"New Approaches to Bulgarian Dialectal Accentuation" (Ronelle Alexander) St. Petersburg, Russia: Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences. October 2017
"New Approaches to Bulgarian Dialectal Accentuation" (Ronelle Alexander) Moscow, Russia: Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. November 2017
"Demystifying Bulgarian Dialectology" (Ronelle Alexander) Washington DC: American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages annual meeting. February 2018
"Digital Processing of Bulgarian Dialects: New Approaches, Synchronic and Diachronic" (Ronelle Alexander) Belgrade, Serbia: Sixteenth International Congress of Slavists. August 2018 [in absentia]
“Digital Analysis of Balkan Phraseology” (Ronelle Alexander) Moscow, Russia: Balkanskie Chtenija 16. April 2021 [via Zoom].