
Stikŭl 1

82 (a) tugàvə gu kàrəha è bəštà mɤ i nèguvijə bəštà səs kò̝n
They took them then – my father and his father, they’d [take] the horse

83 (a) že tuvàr’ət tə də ìdət nəh pulènu də gu smen’ɔ̀t səs càrevicə
and load [it up] and go [down] to the plains to trade it for corn.

85 (a) i prəz zimɔ̀nə žə hrànim ufcènə žə hrànim dubìtək tò si ìməme
And in the winter we’ll feed the sheep, we’ll feed the livestock. We have

86 (a) i ut rəštɔ̀n əme càrevicə si nemɛ̀hme tugàvə gu menɛ̀hə krətò̝hən
rye as well, but we didn’t have corn. So they traded potatoes [for the rye],

87 (a) kilò̝ zə kilò̝ i nəkvò beše pulužènietu̥ sìn i pərì imɛ̀hme i sᶤìčku
a kilo for a kilo, and that’s how things were. We had money and everything,

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut