cornerstone-laying ritual

Vŭrbina 4

86 (VZh) [Имаше ли някъкъв обичай преди да започне да се строи къщата?]
[Did you practice some sort of custom before starting to build a house?]

87 (d) predì də pòčneš kɤ̀štə də grədìš še pràiš ubičèj
Before you start to build a house, you’ll perform [this] custom:

88 (d) še zəkòl’iš’ ednò š’ìle nə ednɤ̀tə kèš’e i tvà e stàr ubičèj
you’ll slaughter a yearling lamb on a corner. That’s the old custom.

89 (d) i pòčvəž də grədìš màsturit’e̥ š’e gi hràniš tàm še purəznesèš
And then you start building. You feed the builders and distribute

90 (d) màlku po kumšìete i tvà e stàr ubič’èj pu kɤ̀štə grədèn’e
[meat from the sacrifice] among the neighbors. That’s an old custom for building a house.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut