kicha (special tunic)

Kozičino 2

12 (b) kìčətə tr’àvə də sə nòsi nəwòpəki də sə uprust’ì kitɛ̀
the “kicha” (special tunic) must be worn inside out so [each] tassel will get smoothed out.

13 (b) kət sɛ̀ uprust’ì kitɛ̀ tugɑ̀s jə ispir’èm upir’èm jə
When [each] tassel gets all smooth, then we wash it – we wash it well,

14 (b) i kət jɛ̀ upir’èm ə tugɑ̀s vèči jə dìgəm’ə zə huròtu
and after we wash it, [we put it away] and then take it out for the round dance.

15 (b) səs nèjə hòd’im nə huròtu hòd’im nə vəl’ɛ̀nki hòd’im nə səd’ɛ̀nki
We [wear] it [when] we go dancing, when we go to fulling bees or to work bees.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut