Repljana 2
71 (a) ot čuprèn'u dojdè edɤ̀n àngel bèše kmèt pa uvolnìše ni kmètɤt
This guy Angel came from Chuprenye, he was their mayor. And they fired our mayor
72 (a) ne dàva da pràimo zbòr mì sàkamo da si ìma
and didn't allow us to put on our celebration. We wanted there to be
75 (a) da se ne maìn'a tàa tradìcija dobrè ama onì dojdòše
[and we] don't [want] to abandon this tradition. OK. But these people came –
76 (a) i bèše ni è tùj gòre tàj kɤ̀šta sɤvètɤ onì dojdòše
and there was this house up there, our village council. So they came
77 (a) ot čuprèn'u sɤbràli se tekvìja kmetovè upràvnici da dòjdu
from Chuprenye, this group of mayors and bureaucrats got together to come
78 (a) da prepràe repl'enù da se odlòži zbòrɤt če mì nastojàvamo
and make Replyana different, to put off the celebration. We were insisting
80 (a) nèče da pràe zbòr onì pò ne obìču stòkutu
didn't want to put on a celebration. They don't like animals much,
81 (a) pò ne ubìču da čùvu òvce pò ne obìču gosjà
they don't like really like to keep sheep, and they don't like guests much.
107 (a) i kmètɤt ni tegàj ga uvolnìše uvolnìše ga štò òn sàka
And that's when they fired our mayor. They fired him because he wanted –
108 (a) mì naròdɤt sàka da prài zbòr i òn nastojàva
we the people wanted to have the celebration, and he stood firm [on that],
109 (a) da si pràimo zbòr onì ga tègaj uvolnìše ta turìše
that we should have the celebration. So they sacked him, and put in his place
110 (a) ednù ženù tekvàj s trèti klàs nìšto nè e bilà
this woman with a third-grade education, a real nobody.
112 (a) ama te tekà onà se nàvanu če pa drùk nèče se navàne
But she undertook it because nobody else wanted to do it
113 (a) sàku da si pràimo zbòr nèče se navàne drùk
[Everyone here] wanted us to have the celebration, so nobody else would take it on.
114 (a) a tàj se nàvanu tà da mìne da mànu kmètɤt
But she took it on, to make things go their way, that the mayor would be fired.
115 (a) ta ga manùše kmètɤt uvolnìše ga
So they [the Chuprenye people] got ride of [our] mayor, they fired him.