
Vŭrbovo 3

13 (c) e tekà e kalùger sɤ̀k i otišlì tùrci da sàkaju devòk’u
That’s right, it’s Kaluger now. So these Turks went off to ask a girl’s hand [in marriage].

14 (c) dobrè ama baštàta ne dàva da ìde za tùrčina
Fine, but her father wasn’t going to let [that happen] – that she could marry a Turk.

15 (c) kvò če pràju vṛtèli praìli kutàli se ne mòže
What could they do? They messed about, did this and that, hid a bit, but to no avail.

16 (c) vèče tùrcitȉ nablègaju da g'u ùznu i òn [laughter] òn tegàj
The Turks were very insistent on having her. And he [laughter] he – Well,

17 (c) kvò če napràju ugotvìli kako sɤ̀k štò vrèvimo
what were they going to do? They prepared – like we’ve just been talking about –

18 (c) ugotvìli jèden’e pìen’e i turcìtȉ če dòjdu na zgòvor
they prepared food and drink, since the Turks were coming for the agreement.

19 (c) došlì turcìtȉ na zgòvor dogdè onì jèli i pìli turcìtȉ u sòbu
The Turks came [to conclude] the agreement. And while the Turks ate and drank inside,

20 (c) onì si nàdvor sìčko prigotvìli da izbègaju i kato
outside they ( = her people) were preparing everything so as to escape. And when –

21 (b) napìli se turcìtȉ kàču nevèstutu i màjka baštà u karùcutu
The Turks, [by now quite] drunk, hoisted the bride and her parents into the carriage.

23 (c) dogdè onì tùj da se opet a drùgi ostàli
And by the time they got – The others stayed

24 (c) ta obnodèli kɤ̀štutu səs tekvòj i zapalìli
and messed around with the house, and then set it on fire.

25 (c) dogdè onì da se opòvnu ednò izgorèlo ednò utèklo
By the time they came to their senses, some were burnt and some escaped.

26 (c) minùli kùla tàm prez grànicu i utèkli
They’d gotten past Kula, and escaped across the border there.

30 (c) kn’ige e napisàl ne znàm kvò kadà če dòjdeš
books, he’s written books, [but] I don’t know what [about]. “When will you come,”

31 (c) da ti ga četìm mòre àj manì mi se òdglav
[he says] “so I can read them to you?” “Get out,” [I answer], “leave me alone.

32 (c) kvò če mi četìš
What [do you have] that you could read to me?”

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut