
Malevo/Asg 1

19 (a) nədrubìm i lùk kurmìt tùrim i òlivo i sə vərì vərì
We chop up onions and add them, also oil; and it boils and boils.

Šumnatica 2

13 (a) òlioto bèše usemnàese l’èvə nəprài gu trìese i pèt l’èvə
[that] cooking oil used to be eighteen levs, and they raised it to thirty-five levs.

15 (a) f kɤ̀rdžəlì fčèrə zimàli òliu n’àkəde trìes i pèt l’èvə
Yesterday in Kurdzhali [some people] paid thirty-five levs somewhere for oil.

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut