
Leštak 3

317 (e) e segà tùkə nə vʌ̀rhə ìmə želèzu
Now on the top here there’s [a piece of] iron.

319 (e) se kàzvə pàlešnik
[It’s] called a ploughshare.

320 (GK) tò e takà li e
That’s – like this?

321 (e) dà dòlu.gòre təkà e pò màlək
Yes, more or less like that. A bit smaller.

322 (GK) dà dà
Yes, yes.

323 (e) dà nèmə značè’nie
Yes. That doesn’t matter.

324 (e) pàlešnik sə vìkə
It’s called a ploughshare.

397 (GK) dobrè tùka kato orèš ako e pò vlàžno se zbìra prɤ̀st nalì
O.K. then. So if it is more moist when you plow, the earth will clump up here, right?

398 (GK) na pàlešnika
On the ploughshare?

Mogilica 6

52 (d) uràlu səs dɤ̀rvenu i tugà pàlešnik mu uvr'ɔ̀t nə uràlunu
With a wooden plow. And they fix a plowshare into the plow,

Vŭrbina 3

88 (a) mu klədɤ̀t pàl’ešnik nə jəgùptene iskuvàtu i uràlunu izd’èlənu esèj
They put a plowshare on it, forged by Gypsies, and the plow is shaped like this.

94 (a) ìmə sìčku i wùš’i nə uràlunu ìmə i ž’è̝lezu ìmə i pàlešnik i
It’s got everything. There’s moldboards on the plow, and iron, and the plowshare, and –

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut