
Bosnek 3

9 (a) bèše na mòdata rodòpski odejàla čeršàvi sìčko i če prigòtvime
Rhodope blankets were the fashion then. Sheets too, everything. We’ll prepare,

37 (a) bès čeršàf ne sè dàva togàva se brodìraxa čeršàvi
And no gifting without sheets; back then they embroidered sheets,

38 (a) čeršàvite če dàvaš i è tàa dalà čeršàvi
and you’ll gift sheets. This [young woman] gave sheets.

Garvan 1

188 (a) nèjn'it'ȅ əm kɤ̀k às kəkò č'eìs səm dunèsələ ò kəkò čeìs
Her things. Oh what a dowry I brought with me! Oh, what a dowry,

189 (a) kəkò n'èštu wòs'əm jurgàn'ə səm ìmələ i vəzglàvnici i č'erš'èβi
what a thing! I had eight quilts, and pillows, and sheets –

190 (a) kòlku č'erš'eβi ìməm às dàže ìməm òšte id'ìn
how many sheets I had! I even still have one –

191 (a) b'àl vɤ̀l'nen è tɤ̀j b'àlu səz b'àl pəmùk i ə təkòs
it’s of white wool, white [like] this one. And white cotton too, and such.

Nasalevci 1

146 (GK) tɤ̀j i nèšto slàgaha li m i f kakvò go zavìvaxte detèto
So. And did they put something on [the child]? What did you wrap up the child in?

147 (a) sɤs tək čaršàv be
Well, in a sheet!

Srebŭrna 1

106 (a) mumàta kakòt ìma tàm dàr:tu kəkòtu e šìla kòtu e plèli
[to see] the gifts the bride has [made], what she has sewn, what she has knitted,

107 (a) tàm čəršèvi kuvertùri šìti pl’èteni kwòt ìmə slòženu enɤ̀ vɤ̀rva
Sheets, bedding, [all sorts of handwork] sewn and knitted, [all] displayed on a line

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut