Babjak 3
21 (b) dədème sì gu pà tìjə pɛ̀ejɛ ìgra:
and we give it (= the flowerpot) back [to them], and then they sing and dance,
22 (b) zàednu pɛ̀eme i nìe s nìh nə òru ìgrəme pɛ̀eme
and we sing together with them. We dance the horo together, and sing.
29 (b) i təkà se rəzvàlijə təka prəznùvaja gerg'èvden
And that's how they took it apart, how they celebrated St. George's Day in
30 (b) nə vrɛ̀metu trì čètiri pèt dènə ìgra: pɛ̀aja vesèleja sе̥
the old days. They'd dance, sing, and make merry for three, four, five days.