Dolna Sekirna 2
114 (a) pàso im òvce kràve govèda i ə tàja čorbadžìjkata umèsi zèlnik
I pastured their sheep, cows, cattle, and this rich woman made a “zelnik” (pie).
116 (a) a zèlnik znàeti li što è
Do you know what “zelnik” is?
118 (a) nasrèt ə zèl’e i onà sèdnemo dvàma sìna ìma
Greens in the middle [of it]. So we sit down, she has two sons
123 (a) a na sinovète od zèlnikɤt odrèže
But for her sons she slices up the pie [and says]
Nasalevci 2
92 (a) i nà i zel’ànik se omèsi kolačèta takà se omèsu
And you make banitsa with greens, and they make up little buns
Tihomir 2
66 (GK) a zèlnik
And “zelnik” (pastry with greens as filling)?
67 (a) i z’èlnikɤ peč’ème
We baked “zelnik” also.
68 (GK) kàk tòj sɤs kakvò e
And what goes inside that?
69 (a) ta tòj z’èlnikət peč’ème al’è s nèkvi žàl’kᵊi kaprìvi kàk gi zav’ème
We baked “zelnik” only with these – nettles. Nettles, how did we call them?
71 (a) i hi ber’ème na ə na amᵊìjeme gɤ nadrabìme gɤ
We pick them, then wash them and chop them,
72 (a) azàm mu slò klad’ème arìšk’e klad’ème mu kòrᵊi mu isùč’eme
and then add some rice, and put them into the pastry sheets, roll it out,
73 (a) ispìč’ame z’èlnikat’e
and bake the “zelnik”.