Dolna Sekirna 2

1 (VZh)       When they set up the collective farm here, did it happen that they forced people

here adv when inter.rel make 3pl impf I this sg n adj T.K.Z.S sg n L.part exist
interr clt
3sg pres aux clt
chase 3pl pres I people pl def

2 (VZh)       who didn’t want to, to join the T.K.Z.S. (collective farm)?

who pl inter.rel adj
want 3pl pres I
enter 3pl pres P
T.K.Z.S. sg n def

3 (a) [0:08]      Well, there were some that didn't want to join the collective farm –

exist impf
want 3pl aor I
enter 3pl pres P
T.K.Z.S. sg n def

4 (a) [0:11]      they called them “kulaks”. Some of these rich folk signed on,

kulak pl m
acc 3pl clt
say 3pl pres P
this pl adj
landowner pl m def one pl adj
acc refl clt
write 3pl aor I
T.K.Z.S. sg n def

5 (a) [0:18]      but others didn’t want to.

one pl adj not.want 3sg pres I
acc refl clt
write 3pl pres I

6 (VZh)       Uh huh.


7 (a) [0:20]      Аnd [those] were called “kulaks”.

acc refl clt
say 3pl pres P kulak pl m

8 (VZh)       [laughter]

9 (a) [0:23]      Yes, they called them “kulaks”. But my father-in-law also

kulak pl m
acc 3pl clt
say 3pl pres P
nom m 3sg
my sg m def adj sg m

10 (a) [0:25]      didn’t want to sign on right off. Milen’s grandfather.

acc refl clt
not.want 3sg aor P write 3sg pres I immediately adv grandfather sg m
Milen acc sg m name

11 (b) [0:30]      Great – great –

great.grandfather sg m
[ … ]

12 (a) [0:32]      What?


13 (b) [0:33]      Great-grandfather.

great.grandfather sg m

14 (a) [0:33]      OK. Well then, later he signed on. Time went on, and on,

fine adv
after adv
acc refl clt
write 3sg aor I go.on 3sg aor I time sg n go.on 3sg aor I
all adv

15 (a) [0:37]      and he said “It would have been better if I’d signed on immediately.”

say 3sg aor P
nom n 3sg sg n L.part cop more nice adv
1sg pres aux clt
acc refl clt
write sg m L.part I immediately adv

16 (VZh)       Uh huh.


17 (a) [0:40]      “Better [because] you’re not responsible for anything.”

nom n 3sg more nice adv fut neg
answer 2sg pres I
nothing sg n

18 (a) [0:43]      And when they set up the collective farm and [folk] signed on,

when conj
acc refl clt
make 3sg aor P T.K.Z.S. sg n def
acc refl clt
write 3pl aor I

19 (a) [0:47]      they gave white bread to the ones who signed up.

nom 3pl rel 3pl pres aux clt
acc refl clt
write pl L.part I
dat 3pl clt
acc refl clt
give 3sg impf I white sg m adj bread sg m

20 (VZh)       Aha!


21 (a) [0:53]      There was a bakery, an enormous reading room, stores –

oven sg f here adv exist impf
dat refl clt
oven sg f sg n big sg n adj store pl m def

22 (a) [0:58]      You saw it in the village.

nom 2pl
2pl pres aux clt
see pl L.part P
village sg n

23 (VZh)       Yes.


24 (a) [1:00]      But we set up the reading room later. I worked at the reading room

after adv
acc n 3sg clt
make 1pl aor I sg n def
in sg n def 1sg pres aux clt work sg f L.part I

25 (a) [1:05]      twenty days, without pay, because they’d assigned ten days to my husband

twenty day ct m
money pl.t
because conj
husband sg m def
dat 1sg clt
write 3pl pres I ten day ct m

26 (a) [1:10]      and ten days to me. But he couldn’t work them all, since he worked in the mines,

acc 1sg ten nom m 3sg
can 3sg pres I
acc 3pl clt
work 3sg pres P work 3sg aor I
mine sg f def

27 (a) [1:15]      so I had to work them [too]. Closer on they made the bakery.

nom 1sg must pres I imprs
acc 3pl clt
work 1sg pres P more prox adv
acc refl clt
oven sg f make 3sg aor P

28 (a) [1:18]      The bakery was in front of the reading room. We had a bakery in the village!

before sg n def oven sg f 3sg impf cop have 1pl impf I here adv oven acc sg f
village sg n

29 (a) [1:24]      And I worked twenty days there too. But now – who would work

acc f 3sg twenty day ct m work 1sg aor I
now adv who sg m interr adj
dat 2sg clt
work 3sg pres I

30 (a) [1:28]      without pay? You’d have to give someone a day’s wage!

money pl.t
dat m 3sg clt
give 2sg pres I ost day’s.wage sg f def
dat m 3sg clt
3sg pres cop clt

31 (a) [1:34]      But that’s how it is now, and that’s the right way. But back then –

thus adv
3sg pres cop clt
now adv this sg n adj
dat refl clt
3sg pres cop clt
correct sg n adj
then adv

32 (a) [1:39]      we worked without pay. And when the collective farm was formed

thus adv
1pl pres aux clt
work pl L.part I
money pl.t after adv T.K.Z.S. sg n def when conj
acc refl clt
form 3sg aor I

33 (a) [1:43]      I went along, we all went. As “Young Communists”, we went to the mine.

nom 1sg 1sg pres aux clt go sg f L.part P go pl L.part P
1pl pres aux clt
nom 1pl like young.communist pl m
mine sg f def go 1pl aor P

34 (a) [1:49]      We worked in the mine, in Pernik, on this – there –

work 1pl aor I
mine sg f def
Pernik sg m place
this sg n adj
ost there adv

35 (a) [1:55]      in the chutes. I remember now [how it was down] inside

chute pl m one sg n adj now adv
dat refl clt
acc m 3sg clt
recall 1sg pres I inside adv

36 (a) [1:59]      [where] they got the charcoal out of there.

acc refl clt
take.out 3sg pres I charcoal sg m def
there adv

37 (VZh)       [You mined] for charcoal?

charcoal sg m

38 (a) [2:02]      Yes.


39 (VZh)       Aha.


40 (a) [2:03]      We young people went down to work in the charcoal mine, for free.

mine sg f def
charcoal sg m def go 1pl aor P
work 1pl pres I gratis adv youth pl m

41 (a) [2:07]      Now, [I ask] you, who would do [such] work without pay? Nobody!

now adv who sg m interr adj
dat 2sg clt
work 3sg pres I
money pl.t nobody sg m

42 (b) [2:18]      [laughter]

43 (a) [2:11]      That’s right. So during the formation and establishment of the collective farm,

thus adv
3sg pres cop clt
while conj
acc refl clt
form 3sg aor I T.K.Z.S. sg n def while conj
acc refl clt
make 3sg aor P

44 (a) [2:16]      what labor was seen, what struggle was seen, during that time!

while conj what interr acc refl clt
3sg pres aux clt
labor sg m see sg n L.part P what interr acc refl clt
3sg pres aux clt
torment sg f see sg n L.part P

45 (a) [2:21]      And then they tore it down, plundered it. Tore it down. Some types came

later adv
acc n 3sg clt
scatter 3pl aor P steal 3pl aor P
acc n 3sg clt
scatter 3pl aor P T.K.Z.S. sg n def come 3pl aor P some.kind pl adj

46 (a) [2:28]      and destroyed and plundered everything. Some villages retain [some] structures,

hort everything sg n adj scatter 3pl aor P steal 3pl aor P
one pl n adj village pl n
dat refl clt
keep 3pl pres I
structure pl f def

47 (a) [2:34]      but here they wrecked it, they tore everything down. And we had built

here adv
acc 3pl clt
scatter 3pl aor P everything sg n adj scatter 3pl aor P
nom 1pl
1pl pres aux clt
acc n 3sg clt
make pl L.part I

48 (a) [2:38]      an office up there in the collective farm. I had dragged [bags of] sand,

office acc sg f here adv make 1pl aor I above adv
T.K.Z.S. sg n def
drag sg f L.part I 1sg pres aux clt sand sg m

49 (a) [2:43]      we mixed cement by hand, to build nice stuff up there, but

cement sg m beat 1pl pres I
make 1pl pres P one f sg adj prettiness sg f
make 1pl aor P above adv

50 (a) [2:49]      they destroyed it all. So there it is. Such are the times that have come.

scatter 3pl aor P all adv interr thus adv thus adv come pl L.part. time pl n such pl adj time pl n

51 (a) [2:55]      I’ve seen all sorts [of eras]: bourgeoisie, communism, fascism,

nom 1sg 1sg pres aux clt all.kind pl adj see sg f L.part P
bourgeoisie sg f
communism sg m
fascism sg m

52 (a) [3:00]      and now democracy. I’ve seen it all.

now adv democracy sg f see 1sg aor P all adv

53 (VZh)       And did they have the D.Z.S. (state-owned farm) here?

here adv D.Z.S. sg n exist impf
interr clt

54 (a) [3:08]      What?

what sg n interr adj

55 (VZh)       Some places they had something called T.K.Z.S. and some places had D.Z.S.

somewhere adv
3sg pres aux clt
L.part exist
call 3pl pres I
acc n 3sg clt
T.K.Z.S sg n somewhere adv D.Z.S. pl n
3pl pres aux clt
make pl L.part I

56 (VZh)       [Something] state-owned, somewhere or other.

state sg n adj where inter.rel
somewhere adv

57 (a) [3:15]      Ah, no.


58 (b) [3:16]      Not here.

here adv no

59 (a) [3:16]      We were the Sekirna T.K.Z.S., we became a branch of the Košarevo one.

nom 1pl T.K.Z.S sg n 1pl impf cop Sekirna sg f place T.K.Z.S sg n become 1pl aor P branch sg n adj
economy sg n with
Kosharevo sg n place

60 (VZh)       Uh huh.


61 (a) [3:23]      And then later we went to Velkovtsi. They called it a branch collective.

after adv go 1pl aor P
Velkovtsi pl m place branch sg n adj
economy sg n
acc n 3sg clt
say 3pl impf P

62 (b) [3:27]      A.P.K. (agrarian-industrial complex).

A.P.K. sg n

63 (a) [3:29]      And after Velkovci all the collective farms were joined in the Breznik A.P.K.

after adv
Velkovtsi pl m place
acc refl clt
unite 3pl aor P all pl adj T.K.Z.S. pl n
Breznik sg m place A.P.K. sg n

64 (a) [3:26]      The A.P.K. was set up, and later they destroyed it. They learned how to steal

A.P.K. sg n
become 3sg aor P
acc n 3sg clt
after adv scatter 3pl aor P learn 3pl aor P
acc refl clt
steal 3pl pres I

65 (a) [3:46]      in the A.P.K. and the T.K.Z.S. At the beginning they didn’t allow stealing.

A.P.K. sg n def
T.K.Z.S. sg n def
first sg n adj
give 3pl pres I
steal 2sg pres P

66 (a) [3:46]      You couldn’t take [a blade of] grass from the collective farm. But later –

grass acc sg f
can pres imprs
gather 2sg pres P
economy sg n
T.K.Z.S sg n
after adv

67 (VZh)       Whoever didn’t know how – he learned too!

who sg m inter.rel
know 3sg pres I
nom m 3sg
acc refl clt
learn 3sg aor P

68 (a) [3:53]      Ah.


69 (VZh)       [laughter]

70 (b) [3:55]      [unclear]

71 (a) [3:55]      And then they destroyed it, and dragged away every last thing.

after adv
acc n 3sg clt
scatter 3pl aor P
drag 3pl aor P all adv alive sg n adj

72 (a) [3:59]      They plundered and carried off everything.

everything sg n adj steal 3pl aor P drag 3pl aor P

73 (VZh)       Did young – young girls from here go off to Sofia to look after

here adv go pl L.part I
interr clt
3pl pres aux clt
young pl adj
girl pl n
Sofia acc sg f place
look 3pl pres I

74 (VZh)       rich – the kids of rich people? Or did that not happen here?

rich pl adj
rich.person pl m kids pl.t def
here adv
3pl pres aux clt go pl L.part I

75 (a) [4:16]      To go and what?

go 3pl pres P what interr
acc 3pl clt

76 (VZh)       To go to Sofia and look after children!

go 3pl pres P
Sofia acc sg f place
look 3pl pres I child pl n
when conj under

77 (a) [4:20]      Yes, they did. My sister …

go pl L.part P
3pl pres aux clt
sister sg f
dat 1sg clt

78 (b) [4:23]      [laughter]

79 (a) [4:23]      … was a “momkinya” (servant girl) in Sofia …

Sofia acc sg f place
3sg pres aux clt
sg f L.part cop servant sg f

80 (b) [4:24]      Calm down.

calm adv

81 (VZh)       Ah.


82 (a) [4:25]      ... with some –

one pl adj

83 (b) [4:25]      Calm down!

more calm adv

84 (VZh)       Ah, you call that “servant girl”.

nom 2pl servant sg f
acc n 3sg clt
call 2pl pres I

85 (a) [4:27]      “Servant girl”, yes. And he was an officer.

servant sg f
this sg m adj sg m L.part cop officer sg m

86 (VZh)       Ah.


87 (a) [4:31]      She was at a rich man’s [home], he had two children. She’d say, “I get up

landowner acc sg m def rel
3sg pres aux clt
sg f L.part cop have sg m L.part I two n child pl n nom f 3sg arise 1sg pres I say 3sg pres P

88 (a) [4:36]      in the morning in the dark, I polish his boots and leave them

morning sg f
dark sg n adj polish 1sg pres P
dat m 3sg clt
boot pl m def
acc 3pl clt
leave 1sg pres P

89 (a) [4:40]      in front of the door, and he gets up and puts them on.”

there adv before door sg f def nom m 3sg arise 3sg pres P
interr clt
acc refl clt
put.on 3sg pres P

90 (a) [4:43]      But there wasn’t [running] water in the apartments then.

3sg pres aux clt
L.part exist
apartment pl m def water sg f then adv

91 (VZh)       Uh huh.


92 (b) [4:46]      She was there a long time ago, she was born in 1922.

nom f 3sg long.ago adv
3sg pres aux clt
sg f L.part cop nom f 3sg
3sg pres cop clt
second sg f adj year f sg bear sg f P.part P

93 (a) [4:51]      She was in Sofia for seven or eight years. And the water

seven eight year pl f sg f L.part cop when conj
3sg pres aux clt
sg f L.part cop
Sofia sg f place
water f def sg

94 (a) [4:55]      was down in the cellar. “I’m doing all this laundry down there and my feet

cellar sg n def below adv
nom 1sg say 3sg pres P wash 1sg pres I wash 1sg pres I below adv foot pl m def
dat 1sg clt

95 (a) [5:00]      are freezing. My feet are freezing!” And she got sick after that,

freeze 3sg pres P freeze 3sg pres P
dat 1sg clt
foot pl m def
acc refl clt
fall.ill 3sg aor P nom f 3sg after adv

96 (a) [5:07]      and barely came through alive; it’s why she didn’t have children.

barely adv alive sg f adj remain 3sg aor P
therefore adv
child pl n not.have 3sg aor I

97 (a) [5:11]      And this rich guy had two kids. “I polish his boots,” she said,

this sg m adj two n child pl n have sg m L.part I landowner sg m def polish 3sg pres P
dat m 3sg clt
say 3sg pres P boot pl m def

98 (a) [5:18]      “then I take the kids to school, then I come back, and do the laundry,

lead.away 1sg pres P child pl n def
school sg n
acc refl clt
return 1sg pres P
wash 1sg pres P

99 (a) [5:20]      then the cooking.” All day she worked, for little money, and fell ill

prepare 1sg pres P entire sg m adj day sg m work sg f
how.much interr money pl.t
acc refl clt
fall.ill 3sg aor P

100 (a) [5:24]      with tuberculosis. There was a hospital for tubercular cases in Trŭn,

tuberculosis sg f
Trŭn sg m place exist impf hospital sg f
such pl adj
tubercular pl adj

101 (a) [5:31]      but this rich guy took her to Kosharevo and left her there.

3sg pres aux clt
acc f 3sg clt
bring sg m L.part P this sg m adj landowner sg m def
Kosharevo sg n place
acc f 3sg clt
leave sg m L.part P

102 (a) [5:35]      But some good people in Kosharevo saw she was ill but she –

Kosharevo sg n place one pl adj good pl adj people pl see pl L.part P
that conj
3sg pres cop clt
sick sg f adj
nom f 3sg

103 (a) [5:41]      I don’t know why, but she didn’t trust [them]. They had called a doctor

know 1sg pres I what sg n interr adj
believe 3sg pres I
3pl impf aux doctor sg m
interr clt
call pl L.part P

104 (a) [5:47]      and sent her to Trŭn.

acc f 3sg clt
send pl L.part P
Trŭn sg m place

105 (VZh)       Hm.


106 (a) [5:49]      There was the tubercular hospital there; she went there, they treated her,

there adv L.part exist
3sg pres aux clt
tubercular sg f adj hospital sg f
there adv go 3sg aor P
acc 3pl clt
cure 3pl aor P

107 (a) [5:54]      and she got well. That’s how it was. Servants? Who’ll care for you?

recover 3sg aor P after adv thus adv
3sg pres aux clt
sg n L.part cop servant pl m who sg m interr adj
acc 2sg clt
look 3sg pres I

108 (a) [ 5:59]      Servants, we call them. Who’ll care about you?

servant sg m
acc m 3sg clt
say 1pl pres P who sg m interr adj
acc 2sg clt
look 3sg pres I

109 (a) [6:02]      But I lived with good people, and worked [for them] in Padine.

nom 1sg
one pl adj good pl adj people pl live 1sg aor I work 1sg aor I
Padine sg n place

110 (VZh)       Hm.


111 (a) [6:07]      And after that I went to [others] in Eremiya, [working] up St. Elias’s day,

one pl adj after adv go 1sg aor P
Eremiya acc sg f place
St.Elias’ sg m
3sg pres cop clt

112 (a) [6:13]      half the summer. Six months to St. Dimitri’s day

half sg f
such sg n adj summer sg n def
St.Dimitri’ sg m
six month ct m

113 (a) [6:19]      and three to St. Elias’s day. I stayed three months with these [folk],

St.Elias’ sg m three
sit 1sg aor I there adv
three month ct m
this pl adj

114 (a) [6:23]      I pastured their sheep, cows, cattle; and this rich woman made a “zelnik” (pie).

pasture 1sg aor I
dat 3pl clt
sheep pl f cow pl f cattle pl n
this sg f adj landowner sg f def knead 3sg aor P pastry.with.greens sg m

115 (a) [6:31]      And oh, I wanted so much to eat it, you know –

acc 1sg
dat 1sg clt
acc refl clt
eat 3sg pres I eat 3sg pres I eat 3sg pres I
know 3sg pres I
interr clt
acc refl clt

116 (a) [6:34]      Do you know what “zelnik” is?

pastry.with.greens sg m know 2pl pres I
interr clt
what interr
3sg pres cop clt

117 (VZh)       Hm.


118 (a) [6:36]      Greens in the middle [of it]. So we sit down, she has two sons.

cabbage sg n
nom f 3sg sit 1pl pres P two m an.num son ct m have 3sg pres I

119 (b) [6:41]      Show [him].

show sg imv P

120 (a) [6:42]      And we sit, she and her husband, and she breaks off some bread

husband sg m def
dat f 3sg clt
nom f 3sg sit 1pl pres P
nom f 3sg break 3sg pres P bread sg m

121 (a) [6:45]      (and says), “Dip it in the ‘zele’ (cabbage)”, but I don’t like that

ost dip sg imv P
dat refl clt
cabbage sg n def
nom 1sg then adv
like 1sg pres I

122 (a) [6:48]      I don’t like to see that. But I’ll eat it.

want 1sg pres I
acc n 3sg clt
see 1sg pres P
will 1sg pres
eat 1sg pres I

123 (a) [6:50]      But for her sons she slices up the pie [and says]

son pl m def
pastry.with.greens sg m def 3sg pres P

124 (a) [6:54]      “Here’s for you” to the one son and “here’s for you” to the other son.

dat 2sg clt
one sg m def adj son sg m ost
dat 2sg clt
other sg m def adj son sg m

125 (a) [6:57]      She cuts slices for them, but gives me bread to dip in the “zele”.

dat 3pl
dat refl clt 3sg pres P
acc 1sg bread sg m
dat 1sg clt
put 3sg pres P with
cabbage sg n def
dip 1sg pres P

126 (a) [7:01]      But I’m a servant, so that –

nom 1sg 1sg pres cop clt servant sg m thus adv
that conj

127 (VZh)       Hm.


128 (b) [7:03]      But tell them what “zele” means here, it’s not real “zele” (= cabbage).

cabbage sg n def say sg imv P what sg n interr mean 3sg pres I this sg n adj neg
3sg pres cop clt
cabbage sg n true sg n adj

129 (a) [7:08]      What?


130 (VZh)       It’s something sour.

sour sg n L.part P such sg n adj

131 (b) [7:11]      “Lapad” (sorrel).

sorrel sg m

132 (VZh)       Ah, uh, “shtavel” (sorrel)

sorrel sg m

133 (a) [7:16]      "Shtavel".

sorrel sg m

134 (b) [7:16]      "Shtavel".

sorrel sg m

135 (VZh)       Aha,


136 (a) [717]      Yes, yes, yes, yes – "shtavel". That’s right. They gather it and make [pie from it].

yes yes yes yes sorrel sg m
gather 3sg pres P
make 3sg pres P

137 (a) [7:20]      And so it was, and I stayed –

thus adv
3sg pres aux clt
sg n L.part cop
sit 3sg aor I

138 (c) [7:21]      Oof, who struck you?

who sg m interr adj
acc 2sg clt
3sg pres aux clt
beat sg m L.part I

139 (a) [7:24]      What’s he saying? I’ll make you –

what interr say 3sg pres P drive 1sg pres I
acc 2sg clt

140 (a) [7:25]      I stayed till St. Elias’s day and they didn’t give me a penny.

sit 1sg aor I
St.Elias’ sg m
dat 1sg clt
give 3pl aor P one f sg adj stotinka sg f

141 (VZh)       Uh huh.


142 (a) [7:31]      Not a single penny did they pay me. And then –

one f sg adj stotinka sg f
3pl pres aux clt
dat 1sg clt
pay pl L.part P nom 3pl thus adv
after adv

143 (b) [7:36]      Later.

more late adv

144 (a) [7:37]      They died, but –

die 3pl aor P

145 (b) [7:38]      [laughter]

146 (VZh)       Ah.


147 (a) [7:39]      The Lord renders back what [is due].

nom n 3sg lord sg m deliver 3sg pres I

148 (VZh)       That’s right.

thus adv

149 (a) [7:41]      Ah.


150 (VZh)       That’s how it should be. That’s how it should be.

thus adv must pres I imprs thus adv must pres I imprs

151 (a) [7:42]      The Lord knows that all my life I honor the Lord.

lord sg m know 3sg pres I
nom 1sg during my sg m def adj life sg m lord acc sg m respect 1sg pres I

152 (a) [7:48]      And the Lord has given me everything I’ve desired.

everything sg n adj
dat 1sg clt
3sg pres aux clt
lord sg m fill sg m L.part P rel 1sg pres aux clt desire sg f L.part P

         When they set up the collective farm here, did it happen that they forced people

         who didn’t want to, to join the T.K.Z.S. (collective farm)?

         Well, there were some that didn't want to join the collective farm –

         they called them “kulaks”. Some of these rich folk signed on,

         but others didn’t want to.

         Uh huh.

         Аnd [those] were called “kulaks”.


         Yes, they called them “kulaks”. But my father-in-law also

         didn’t want to sign on right off. Milen’s grandfather.

         Great – great –



         OK. Well then, later he signed on. Time went on, and on,

         and he said “It would have been better if I’d signed on immediately.”

         Uh huh.

         “Better [because] you’re not responsible for anything.”

         And when they set up the collective farm and [folk] signed on,

         they gave white bread to the ones who signed up.


         There was a bakery, an enormous reading room, stores –

         You saw it in the village.


         But we set up the reading room later. I worked at the reading room

         twenty days, without pay, because they’d assigned ten days to my husband

         and ten days to me. But he couldn’t work them all, since he worked in the mines,

         so I had to work them [too]. Closer on they made the bakery.

         The bakery was in front of the reading room. We had a bakery in the village!

         And I worked twenty days there too. But now – who would work

         without pay? You’d have to give someone a day’s wage!

         But that’s how it is now, and that’s the right way. But back then –

         we worked without pay. And when the collective farm was formed

         I went along, we all went. As “Young Communists”, we went to the mine.

         We worked in the mine, in Pernik, on this – there –

         in the chutes. I remember now [how it was down] inside

         [where] they got the charcoal out of there.

         [You mined] for charcoal?



         We young people went down to work in the charcoal mine, for free.

         Now, [I ask] you, who would do [such] work without pay? Nobody!


         That’s right. So during the formation and establishment of the collective farm,

         what labor was seen, what struggle was seen, during that time!

         And then they tore it down, plundered it. Tore it down. Some types came

         and destroyed and plundered everything. Some villages retain [some] structures,

         but here they wrecked it, they tore everything down. And we had built

         an office up there in the collective farm. I had dragged [bags of] sand,

         we mixed cement by hand, to build nice stuff up there, but

         they destroyed it all. So there it is. Such are the times that have come.

         I’ve seen all sorts [of eras]: bourgeoisie, communism, fascism,

         and now democracy. I’ve seen it all.

         And did they have the D.Z.S. (state-owned farm) here?


         Some places they had something called T.K.Z.S. and some places had D.Z.S.

         [Something] state-owned, somewhere or other.

         Ah, no.

         Not here.

         We were the Sekirna T.K.Z.S., we became a branch of the Košarevo one.

         Uh huh.

         And then later we went to Velkovtsi. They called it a branch collective.

         A.P.K. (agrarian-industrial complex).

         And after Velkovci all the collective farms were joined in the Breznik A.P.K.

         The A.P.K. was set up, and later they destroyed it. They learned how to steal

         in the A.P.K. and the T.K.Z.S. At the beginning they didn’t allow stealing.

         You couldn’t take [a blade of] grass from the collective farm. But later –

         Whoever didn’t know how – he learned too!




         And then they destroyed it, and dragged away every last thing.

         They plundered and carried off everything.

         Did young – young girls from here go off to Sofia to look after

         rich – the kids of rich people? Or did that not happen here?

         To go and what?

         To go to Sofia and look after children!

         Yes, they did. My sister …


         … was a “momkinya” (servant girl) in Sofia …

         Calm down.


         ... with some –

         Calm down!

         Ah, you call that “servant girl”.

         “Servant girl”, yes. And he was an officer.


         She was at a rich man’s [home], he had two children. She’d say, “I get up

         in the morning in the dark, I polish his boots and leave them

         in front of the door, and he gets up and puts them on.”

         But there wasn’t [running] water in the apartments then.

         Uh huh.

         She was there a long time ago, she was born in 1922.

         She was in Sofia for seven or eight years. And the water

         was down in the cellar. “I’m doing all this laundry down there and my feet

         are freezing. My feet are freezing!” And she got sick after that,

         and barely came through alive; it’s why she didn’t have children.

         And this rich guy had two kids. “I polish his boots,” she said,

         “then I take the kids to school, then I come back, and do the laundry,

         then the cooking.” All day she worked, for little money, and fell ill

         with tuberculosis. There was a hospital for tubercular cases in Trŭn,

         but this rich guy took her to Kosharevo and left her there.

         But some good people in Kosharevo saw she was ill but she –

         I don’t know why, but she didn’t trust [them]. They had called a doctor

         and sent her to Trŭn.


         There was the tubercular hospital there; she went there, they treated her,

         and she got well. That’s how it was. Servants? Who’ll care for you?

         Servants, we call them. Who’ll care about you?

         But I lived with good people, and worked [for them] in Padine.


         And after that I went to [others] in Eremiya, [working] up St. Elias’s day,

         half the summer. Six months to St. Dimitri’s day

         and three to St. Elias’s day. I stayed three months with these [folk],

         I pastured their sheep, cows, cattle; and this rich woman made a “zelnik” (pie).

         And oh, I wanted so much to eat it, you know –

         Do you know what “zelnik” is?


         Greens in the middle [of it]. So we sit down, she has two sons.

         Show [him].

         And we sit, she and her husband, and she breaks off some bread

         (and says), “Dip it in the ‘zele’ (cabbage)”, but I don’t like that

         I don’t like to see that. But I’ll eat it.

         But for her sons she slices up the pie [and says]

         “Here’s for you” to the one son and “here’s for you” to the other son.

         She cuts slices for them, but gives me bread to dip in the “zele”.

         But I’m a servant, so that –


         But tell them what “zele” means here, it’s not real “zele” (= cabbage).


         It’s something sour.

         “Lapad” (sorrel).

         Ah, uh, “shtavel” (sorrel)




         Yes, yes, yes, yes – "shtavel". That’s right. They gather it and make [pie from it].

         And so it was, and I stayed –

         Oof, who struck you?

         What’s he saying? I’ll make you –

         I stayed till St. Elias’s day and they didn’t give me a penny.

         Uh huh.

         Not a single penny did they pay me. And then –


         They died, but –



         The Lord renders back what [is due].

         That’s right.


         That’s how it should be. That’s how it should be.

         The Lord knows that all my life I honor the Lord.

         And the Lord has given me everything I’ve desired.

1 (VZh)       ту̀ка кога̀ праѝа това̀ тѐкезесѐ има̀ло ли е да го̀нат о̀рата

2 (VZh)       коѝ не штъ̀д да да улѐзнат а у тѐкезесѐто

3 (a) [0:08]       е па ѝмаше не исто̀ше да улѐзну [кашляне] у у тѐкезесѐто

4 (a) [0:11]       кула̀ци ги ка̀жу и тѝйа от чорбаџѝете еднѝ се писа̀ше у тѐкезесѐто

5 (a) [0:18]       ама еднѝ нѐче да се пѝшу

6 (VZh)       əмhəм

7 (a) [0:20]       и се ка̀жу кула̀ци

8 (VZh)       [смях]

9 (a) [0:23]       аhа кула̀ци ги ка̀жу ама о̀н и мо̀йът свѐкър

10 (a) [0:25]       се нейтѐ пѝше веднъ̀га [смях] дѐда на милѐну

11 (b) [0:30]       пре прѐдѐдо пра

12 (a) [0:32]       а̀

13 (b) [0:33]       пра̀д’а̀до

14 (a) [0:33]       а добрѐ ама по̀сле се писа̀ кара̀ врѐме кара̀ и све

15 (a) [0:37]       а̀ рѐче па оно̀ било̀ по̀ а̀рно да съм се писа̀л веднъ̀га

16 (VZh)       əмhəм

17 (a) [0:40]       но̀ по̀ а̀рно нѐма да одгова̀раж за нѝшто

18 (a) [0:43]       а като се на̀прави текезѐто и се писа̀ше

19 (a) [0:47]       тѝйа што су̀ се писа̀ли им се да̀ваше бѐл хлѐп

20 (VZh)       аhа̀

21 (a) [0:53]       ву̀рн’а ту̀ка ѝмаше си фу̀рн’а чита̀лиште големо̀ магазѝните

22 (a) [0:58]       вѝе сте видѐли у село̀

23 (VZh)       да̀

24 (a) [1:00]       ама по̀сле га правѝмо чита̀лиштето на чита̀лиштето съм работѝла

25 (a) [1:05]       два̀есе дъ̀на бес парѝ и зашто̀то и на мъжъ̀т ми пѝшу дѐсед дъ̀на

26 (a) [1:10]       и мѐне дѐсет о̀н не мо̀ж ги одрабо̀ти работѝ у мѝната

27 (a) [1:15]       и йа̀ трѐбе ги одрабо̀тим по̀ нава̀м се ву̀рн’а правѝ

28 (a) [1:18]       прѐт чита̀лиштето фу̀рн’а бѐше ѝмаемо ту̀ка ву̀рн’у у село̀

29 (a) [1:24]       и на н’у̀ два̀есе дъ̀на работѝ а сига̀ ко̀й че ти рабо̀ти

30 (a) [1:28]       бес па̀ре та да му да̀ваш ѐй на̀дницата да му е [смях]

31 (a) [1:34]       ама тика̀ е са̀ тава̀ си е пра̀вилно и тега тега̀й

32 (a) [1:39]       тика̀ смо работѝли бес па̀ре по̀сле текезѐто ка̀ се образова̀

33 (a) [1:43]       йа̀ съм ишла̀ ишлѝ смо нѝе като комсомо̀лци у мѝната идо̀мо

34 (a) [1:49]       та работѝмо у мѝната у пѐрник на това̀ и тѐ та̀мо

35 (a) [1:55]       на у̀леи едно̀ сига̀ си га спо̀мн’ам въ̀тре

36 (a) [1:59]       се иска̀руйе к’уму̀рът на ната̀м

37 (VZh)       на к’уму̀р

38 (a) [2:02]       аhа

39 (VZh)       аhа

40 (a) [2:03]       у мѝната у к’уму̀рът идо̀мо да рабо̀тимо беспла̀тно младѐжи

41 (a) [2:07]       а̀ ко̀й че ти рабо̀ти бес па̀ре нѝкой

42 (b) [2:18]       [смях]

43 (a) [2:11]       ə тика̀ е и додəк докато̀ се образова̀ тѐкезѐто додѐка се напра̀ви

44 (a) [2:16]       додѐка што сѐ е тру̀т видѐло што сѐ е му̀ка видѐло

45 (a) [2:21]       а по̀сле га растурѝше искра̀доше га hм растуr̀ише тѐкезѐто дойдо̀ше нѐкекви

46 (a) [2:28]       а̀йде сѝчко растурѝше откра̀оше у една̀ села̀ си чу̀вайу ə

47 (a) [2:34]       а ту̀ка ги растурѝше сѝчко растурѝше а нѝе смо га правѝли

48 (a) [2:38]       и канцела̀рийу ту̀ка правѝмо го̀ре у тѐкезѐто hм влачѝла съм пѐсък

49 (a) [2:43]       əм цимѐнт бѝемо да напра̀вимо една̀ убавин’а̀ направѝмо го̀ре пе

50 (a) [2:49]       растурѝше свѐ налѝ тика̀ тика̀ дошлѝ времена̀ теквѝйа времена̀

51 (a) [2:55]       йа̀ съм сѐкакви видѐла и буржуа̀зийа и кумунѝзъм и фашѝзъм

52 (a) [3:00]       и сига̀ демокра̀цийа видо̀ свѐ

53 (VZh)       а ту̀ка дѐзесѐ ѝмаше ли

54 (a) [3:08]       кико̀

55 (VZh)       нѐгде е има̀ло и вѝкад го тѐкезесѐ нѐгде дѐзесѐта са праѝли

56 (VZh)       държа̀вно къдѐ е нѐкъде

57 (a) [3:15]       а̀ нѐ

58 (b) [3:16]       а̀ ту̀ка нѐ

59 (a) [3:16]       нѝе тѐкезесѐ бѐомо секѝрна тѐкезесѐ ста̀домо кло̀ново стопа̀нство със ə ə кошарѐво

60 (VZh)       əmhəm

61 (a) [3:23]       те по̀сле отидо̀мо у вѐлковци кло̀ново стопа̀нство га ка̀жейу

62 (b) [3:27]       а̀пека̀

63 (a) [3:29]       и по̀сле от вѐлковци о се обединѝше сѝчки текезѐта у брѐзник а̀пека̀

64 (a) [3:26]       а̀пека̀ ста̀де и га по̀сле растурѝше научѝше се да кра̀дну у

65 (a) [3:46]       у а̀пека̀то у текезѐто от пр̥̀во не да̀вайу да укра̀днеш

66 (a) [3:46]       тра̀ву не мо̀ж да набѐреш у стопа̀нство у у тѐкезесѐ а по̀сле

67 (VZh)       и ко̀й не зна̀е и о̀н се научѝ

68 (a) [3:53]       а̀

69 (VZh)       [смях]

70 (b) [3:55]       [неясно]

71 (a) [3:55]       по̀сле га растурѝше и одвлѐкоше свѐ жѝво

72 (a) [3:59]       сѝчко искра̀доше одвлѐкоше

73 (VZh)       а ту̀ка одѝли ли са мла̀ди ə девойчетѝйа у со̀вийу да глѐдайу

74 (VZh)       на на бога̀ти те на богаташѐ дечурлѝгата или от ту̀ка не съ̀ одѝли

75 (a) [4:16]       да ѝду што̀ да ги

76 (VZh)       да ѝду у со̀вийу кад да глѐдад деца̀ да като поди

77 (a) [4:20]       ама ишлѝ су ма сестра̀ ми

78 (b) [4:23]       [смях]

79 (a) [4:23]       у со̀вийу е била̀ мо̀мкин’а

80 (b) [4:24]       споко̀йно

81 (VZh)       а̀

82 (a) [4:25]       у еднѝ

83 (b) [4:25]       по̀ споко̀йно

84 (VZh)       вѝе мо̀мкин’а го вѝкате

85 (a) [4:27]       мо̀мкин’а а̀ ə тѝйа бѝл офиcѐрᵊ

86 (VZh)       а

87 (a) [4:31]       у чорбаџѝйуту што̀ е била̀ има̀л двѐ деца̀ она̀ ста̀вам ка̀же

88 (a) [4:36]       су̀трин у тъ̀мно лъ̀снем му боту̀шите и ги оста̀имᵊ

89 (a) [4:40]       та̀м пред врата̀та о̀н ста̀не ли да се обу̀е

90 (a) [4:43]       ама нѐ е има̀ло у апартамѐнтите во̀да тега̀й

91 (VZh)       əhə

92 (b) [4:46]       она̀ ода̀вна е била̀ она̀ е два̀есе и фто̀ра годѝна ро̀дена

93 (a) [4:51]       седем о̀сем године била̀ ка̀ е била̀ по со̀фийа и вода̀та

94 (a) [4:55]       у мазѐто до̀ле и йа̀ ка̀же пѐрем пѐрем до̀ле крака̀та ми

95 (a) [5:00]       замр̥̀зну замр̥̀зну ми крака̀та и се разболѐ она̀ по̀сле

96 (a) [5:07]       ə едва̀м жѝва оста̀де и затова̀ и деца̀ нема̀ а

97 (a) [5:11]       а тѝйа двѐ деца̀ има̀л чорбаџѝйата лъ̀сне му ка̀же боту̀шите

98 (a) [5:18]       па одведѐм деца̀та на учѝлиште пе се вр̥̀нем та да испѐрем

99 (a) [5:20]       да приго̀твим цѐл дъ̀н ра̀бота а за ко̀лко парѝ и се разболѐ

100 (a) [5:24]       от туберколо̀за та у тр̥̀н ѝмаше бо̀лница за теквѝе за туберколо̀зни

101 (a) [5:31]       та е йу довѐл тѝйа чорбаџѝйата до кошарѐво и йу оставѝл

102 (a) [5:35]       ама у кошарѐво еднѝ добрѝ хо̀ра видѐли че е бо̀лна ама она̀

103 (a) [5:41]       не зна̀м кико̀ не не вѐруйе та бѐоше лѐкар ли извика̀ли

104 (a) [5:47]       та йу испратѝли у тр̥̀н

105 (VZh)       həм

106 (a) [5:49]       та̀мо има̀ло е туберколо̀зна бо̀лница та та̀мо идѐ та ги излекува̀ше

107 (a) [5:54]       и оздравѐ по̀сле тика̀ е било̀ мо̀мци ко̀й те глѐда

108 (a) [ 5:59]       момъ̀г га ка̀жемо ко̀й те глѐда

109 (a) [6:02]       а йа̀ у едни добрѝ хо̀ра живейа̀ работѝ у па̀дин’е

110 (VZh)       əм

111 (a) [6:07]       а у еднѝ по̀сле отидо̀ от еремѝйу а до илѝндън йе

112 (a) [6:13]       половѝн ə тико̀во лето̀то а до мѝтровдън за шѐс мѐсеца

113 (a) [6:19]       до илѝндън трѝ и седѐ та̀мо до трѝ мѐсеца у тѝйа

114 (a) [6:23]       па̀со им о̀вце кра̀ве говѐда и ə та̀йа чорбаџѝйката умѐси зѐлник

115 (a) [6:31]       а мѐне ми се едѐ едѐ едѐ та зна̀е ли се

116 (a) [6:34]       а зѐлник зна̀ети ли што ѐ

117 (VZh)       əм

118 (a) [6:36]       насрѐт ə зѐл’е и она̀ сѐднемо два̀ма сѝна ѝма

119 (b) [6:41]       по̀кажи

120 (a) [6:42]       и мужъ̀т вой и она̀ сѐднемо и она̀ одло̀ми лѐп

121 (a) [6:45]       тѐ то̀пи си од зел’ѐто а йа̀ тега̀й не обѝчам

122 (a) [6:48]       не са̀кам да га вѝдим ама чу едѐм

123 (a) [6:50]       а на синовѐте од зѐлникът одрѐже

124 (a) [6:54]       тѐ ти на едѝнийът сѝн тѐ ти на дру̀гийът сѝн

125 (a) [6:57]       и н’ѝм си одрѐже а мѐне лѐп ми ту̀ри съз зѐл’ето да то̀пим

126 (a) [7:01]       ама йа̀ съм момъ̀к тика̀ че

127 (VZh)       hм

128 (b) [7:03]       ама зѐл’ето кажѝ какво̀ зна̀чи това̀ нѐ е зѐле ѝстинско

129 (a) [7:08]       а̀

130 (VZh)       а фтаса̀ло тако̀ва

131 (b) [7:11]       а ла̀пат

132 (VZh)       а̀ от лап шта шта̀фел’

133 (a) [7:16]       шта̀фел’

134 (b) [7:16]       шта̀фел’

135 (VZh)       аhа̀

136 (a) [717]       да̀ да̀ да̀ да̀ шта̀фел’ аhа набѐре и напра̀ви

137 (a) [7:20]       и тика̀ е било̀ и седѝ

138 (c) [7:21]       а у̀х а ко̀й те е бѝл

139 (a) [7:24]       што̀ ка̀же ка̀рам те

140 (a) [7:25]       ə седѐ до илѝндън и ми не да̀доше една̀ стотѝнка

141 (VZh)       əмhəм

142 (a) [7:31]       една̀ стотѝнка не су̀ ми платѝли онѝ тика̀ и по̀сле

143 (b) [7:36]       по̀ къ̀сно

144 (a) [7:37]       измрѐше ама

145 (b) [7:38]       [смях]

146 (VZh)       ə:

147 (a) [7:39]       но̀ го̀спот вр̥̀ча

148 (VZh)       а тека̀

149 (a) [7:41]       а̀

150 (VZh)       те тека̀ трѐбе тека̀ трѐбе

151 (a) [7:42]       го̀спод зна̀е и йа̀ прес мо̀йъд живо̀т го̀спода зачѝтам

152 (a) [7:48]       и сѝчко ми е го̀спот изпл̥нѝл што съ̀м пожела̀ла

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut