Vladimir Zhobov
Dolna Sekirna 2
1 (VZh) When they set up the collective farm here, did it happen that they forced people
here adv | when inter.rel | make 3pl impf I | this sg n adj | T.K.Z.S sg n | L.part exist | interr clt | 3sg pres aux clt | comp | chase 3pl pres I | people pl def |
2 (VZh) who didn’t want to, to join the T.K.Z.S. (collective farm)?
who pl inter.rel adj | neg | want 3pl pres I | comp | comp | enter 3pl pres P | ah | in | T.K.Z.S. sg n def |
3 (a) [0:08] Well, there were some that didn't want to join the collective farm –
disc | disc | exist impf | neg | want 3pl aor I | comp | enter 3pl pres P | in | in | T.K.Z.S. sg n def |
4 (a) [0:11] they called them “kulaks”. Some of these rich folk signed on,
kulak pl m | acc 3pl clt | say 3pl pres P | and | this pl adj | from | landowner pl m def | one pl adj | acc refl clt | write 3pl aor I | in | T.K.Z.S. sg n def |
5 (a) [0:18] but others didn’t want to.
but | one pl adj | not.want 3sg pres I | comp | acc refl clt | write 3pl pres I |
6 (VZh) Uh huh.
7 (a) [0:20] Аnd [those] were called “kulaks”.
and | acc refl clt | say 3pl pres P | kulak pl m |
8 (VZh) [laughter]
9 (a) [0:23] Yes, they called them “kulaks”. But my father-in-law also
disc | kulak pl m | acc 3pl clt | say 3pl pres P | but | nom m 3sg | and | my sg m def adj | father.in.law sg m |
10 (a) [0:25] didn’t want to sign on right off. Milen’s grandfather.
acc refl clt | not.want 3sg aor P | write 3sg pres I | immediately adv | grandfather sg m | of | Milen acc sg m name |
11 (b) [0:30] Great – great –
[...] | great.grandfather sg m | [ … ] |
12 (a) [0:32] What?
disc |
13 (b) [0:33] Great-grandfather.
great.grandfather sg m |
14 (a) [0:33] OK. Well then, later he signed on. Time went on, and on,
and | fine adv | but | after adv | acc refl clt | write 3sg aor I | go.on 3sg aor I | time sg n | go.on 3sg aor I | and | all adv |
15 (a) [0:37] and he said “It would have been better if I’d signed on immediately.”
and | say 3sg aor P | and | nom n 3sg | sg n L.part cop | more | nice adv | comp | 1sg pres aux clt | acc refl clt | write sg m L.part I | immediately adv |
16 (VZh) Uh huh.
17 (a) [0:40] “Better [because] you’re not responsible for anything.”
nom n 3sg | more | nice adv | fut neg | comp | answer 2sg pres I | for | nothing sg n |
18 (a) [0:43] And when they set up the collective farm and [folk] signed on,
and | when conj | acc refl clt | make 3sg aor P | T.K.Z.S. sg n def | and | acc refl clt | write 3pl aor I |
19 (a) [0:47] they gave white bread to the ones who signed up.
nom 3pl | rel | 3pl pres aux clt | acc refl clt | write pl L.part I | dat 3pl clt | acc refl clt | give 3sg impf I | white sg m adj | bread sg m |
20 (VZh) Aha!
disc |
21 (a) [0:53] There was a bakery, an enormous reading room, stores –
oven sg f | here adv | exist impf | dat refl clt | oven sg f | reading.room sg n | big sg n adj | store pl m def |
22 (a) [0:58] You saw it in the village.
nom 2pl | 2pl pres aux clt | see pl L.part P | in | village sg n |
23 (VZh) Yes.
yes |
24 (a) [1:00] But we set up the reading room later. I worked at the reading room
but | after adv | acc n 3sg clt | make 1pl aor I | reading.room sg n def | in | reading.room sg n def | 1sg pres aux clt | work sg f L.part I |
25 (a) [1:05] twenty days, without pay, because they’d assigned ten days to my husband
twenty | day ct m | without | money pl.t | and | because conj | and | to | husband sg m def | dat 1sg clt | write 3pl pres I | ten | day ct m |
26 (a) [1:10] and ten days to me. But he couldn’t work them all, since he worked in the mines,
acc 1sg | ten | nom m 3sg | neg | can 3sg pres I | acc 3pl clt | work 3sg pres P | work 3sg aor I | in | mine sg f def |
27 (a) [1:15] so I had to work them [too]. Closer on they made the bakery.
and | nom 1sg | must pres I imprs | acc 3pl clt | work 1sg pres P | more | to.here prox adv | acc refl clt | oven sg f | make 3sg aor P |
28 (a) [1:18] The bakery was in front of the reading room. We had a bakery in the village!
before | reading.room sg n def | oven sg f | 3sg impf cop | have 1pl impf I | here adv | oven acc sg f | in | village sg n |
29 (a) [1:24] And I worked twenty days there too. But now – who would work
and | in | acc f 3sg | twenty | day ct m | work 1sg aor I | and | now adv | who sg m interr adj | fut | dat 2sg clt | work 3sg pres I |
30 (a) [1:28] without pay? You’d have to give someone a day’s wage!
without | money pl.t | and | comp | dat m 3sg clt | give 2sg pres I | ost | day’s.wage sg f def | comp | dat m 3sg clt | 3sg pres cop clt |
31 (a) [1:34] But that’s how it is now, and that’s the right way. But back then –
but | thus adv | 3sg pres cop clt | now adv | this sg n adj | dat refl clt | 3sg pres cop clt | correct sg n adj | and | [...] | then adv |
32 (a) [1:39] we worked without pay. And when the collective farm was formed
thus adv | 1pl pres aux clt | work pl L.part I | without | money pl.t | after adv | T.K.Z.S. sg n def | when conj | acc refl clt | form 3sg aor I |
33 (a) [1:43] I went along, we all went. As “Young Communists”, we went to the mine.
nom 1sg | 1sg pres aux clt | go sg f L.part P | go pl L.part P | 1pl pres aux clt | nom 1pl | like | young.communist pl m | in | mine sg f def | go 1pl aor P |
34 (a) [1:49] We worked in the mine, in Pernik, on this – there –
and | work 1pl aor I | in | mine sg f def | in | Pernik sg m place | at | this sg n adj | and | ost | there adv |
35 (a) [1:55] in the chutes. I remember now [how it was down] inside
in | chute pl m | one sg n adj | now adv | dat refl clt | acc m 3sg clt | recall 1sg pres I | inside adv |
36 (a) [1:59] [where] they got the charcoal out of there.
acc refl clt | take.out 3sg pres I | charcoal sg m def | at | there adv |
37 (VZh) [You mined] for charcoal?
to | charcoal sg m |
38 (a) [2:02] Yes.
yes |
39 (VZh) Aha.
disc |
40 (a) [2:03] We young people went down to work in the charcoal mine, for free.
in | mine sg f def | in | charcoal sg m def | go 1pl aor P | comp | work 1pl pres I | gratis adv | youth pl m |
41 (a) [2:07] Now, [I ask] you, who would do [such] work without pay? Nobody!
now adv | who sg m interr adj | fut | dat 2sg clt | work 3sg pres I | without | money pl.t | nobody sg m |
42 (b) [2:18] [laughter]
43 (a) [2:11] That’s right. So during the formation and establishment of the collective farm,
disc | thus adv | 3sg pres cop clt | and | [...] | while conj | acc refl clt | form 3sg aor I | T.K.Z.S. sg n def | while conj | acc refl clt | make 3sg aor P |
44 (a) [2:16] what labor was seen, what struggle was seen, during that time!
while conj | what interr | acc refl clt | 3sg pres aux clt | labor sg m | see sg n L.part P | what interr | acc refl clt | 3sg pres aux clt | torment sg f | see sg n L.part P |
45 (a) [2:21] And then they tore it down, plundered it. Tore it down. Some types came
later adv | acc n 3sg clt | scatter 3pl aor P | steal 3pl aor P | acc n 3sg clt | disc | scatter 3pl aor P | T.K.Z.S. sg n def | come 3pl aor P | some.kind pl adj |
46 (a) [2:28] and destroyed and plundered everything. Some villages retain [some] structures,
hort | everything sg n adj | scatter 3pl aor P | steal 3pl aor P | in | one pl n adj | village pl n | dat refl clt | keep 3pl pres I | hes | structure pl f def |
47 (a) [2:34] but here they wrecked it, they tore everything down. And we had built
but | here adv | acc 3pl clt | scatter 3pl aor P | everything sg n adj | scatter 3pl aor P | and | nom 1pl | 1pl pres aux clt | acc n 3sg clt | make pl L.part I |
48 (a) [2:38] an office up there in the collective farm. I had dragged [bags of] sand,
and | office acc sg f | here adv | make 1pl aor I | above adv | in | T.K.Z.S. sg n def | hes | drag sg f L.part I | 1sg pres aux clt | sand sg m |
49 (a) [2:43] we mixed cement by hand, to build nice stuff up there, but
hes | cement sg m | beat 1pl pres I | comp | make 1pl pres P | one f sg adj |
make 1pl aor P | above adv | and |
50 (a) [2:49] they destroyed it all. So there it is. Such are the times that have come.
scatter 3pl aor P | all adv | interr | thus adv | thus adv | come pl L.part. | time pl n | such pl adj | time pl n |
51 (a) [2:55] I’ve seen all sorts [of eras]: bourgeoisie, communism, fascism,
nom 1sg | 1sg pres aux clt | all.kind pl adj | see sg f L.part P | and | bourgeoisie sg f | and | communism sg m | and | fascism sg m |
52 (a) [3:00] and now democracy. I’ve seen it all.
and | now adv | democracy sg f | see 1sg aor P | all adv |
53 (VZh) And did they have the D.Z.S. (state-owned farm) here?
and | here adv | D.Z.S. sg n | exist impf | interr clt |
54 (a) [3:08] What?
what sg n interr adj |
55 (VZh) Some places they had something called T.K.Z.S. and some places had D.Z.S.
somewhere adv | 3sg pres aux clt | L.part exist | and | call 3pl pres I | acc n 3sg clt | T.K.Z.S sg n | somewhere adv | D.Z.S. pl n | 3pl pres aux clt | make pl L.part I |
56 (VZh) [Something] state-owned, somewhere or other.
state sg n adj | where inter.rel | disc | somewhere adv |
57 (a) [3:15] Ah, no.
disc | no |
58 (b) [3:16] Not here.
disc | here adv | no |
59 (a) [3:16] We were the Sekirna T.K.Z.S., we became a branch of the Košarevo one.
nom 1pl | T.K.Z.S sg n | 1pl impf cop | Sekirna sg f place | T.K.Z.S sg n | become 1pl aor P |
economy sg n | with | hes | hes | Kosharevo sg n place |
60 (VZh) Uh huh.
61 (a) [3:23] And then later we went to Velkovtsi. They called it a branch collective.
and | after adv | go 1pl aor P | in | Velkovtsi pl m place |
economy sg n | acc n 3sg clt | say 3pl impf P |
62 (b) [3:27] A.P.K. (agrarian-industrial complex).
63 (a) [3:29] And after Velkovci all the collective farms were joined in the Breznik A.P.K.
and | after adv | from | Velkovtsi pl m place | [...] | acc refl clt | unite 3pl aor P | all pl adj | T.K.Z.S. pl n | in | Breznik sg m place |
64 (a) [3:26] The A.P.K. was set up, and later they destroyed it. They learned how to steal
become 3sg aor P | and | acc n 3sg clt | after adv | scatter 3pl aor P | learn 3pl aor P | acc refl clt | comp | steal 3pl pres I | in |
65 (a) [3:46] in the A.P.K. and the T.K.Z.S. At the beginning they didn’t allow stealing.
in |
in | T.K.Z.S. sg n def | from | first sg n adj | neg | give 3pl pres I | comp |
66 (a) [3:46] You couldn’t take [a blade of] grass from the collective farm. But later –
grass acc sg f | neg | can pres imprs | comp | gather 2sg pres P | in | economy sg n | in | in | T.K.Z.S sg n | but | after adv |
67 (VZh) Whoever didn’t know how – he learned too!
and | who sg m inter.rel | neg | know 3sg pres I | and | nom m 3sg | acc refl clt | learn 3sg aor P |
68 (a) [3:53] Ah.
disc |
69 (VZh) [laughter]
70 (b) [3:55] [unclear]
71 (a) [3:55] And then they destroyed it, and dragged away every last thing.
after adv | acc n 3sg clt | scatter 3pl aor P | and | drag 3pl aor P | all adv | alive sg n adj |
72 (a) [3:59] They plundered and carried off everything.
everything sg n adj | steal 3pl aor P | drag 3pl aor P |
73 (VZh) Did young – young girls from here go off to Sofia to look after
and | here adv | go pl L.part I | interr clt | 3pl pres aux clt | young pl adj | hes | girl pl n | to | Sofia acc sg f place | comp | look 3pl pres I |
74 (VZh) rich – the kids of rich people? Or did that not happen here?
of | of | rich pl adj | and | of | rich.person pl m | kids pl.t def | or | from | here adv | neg | 3pl pres aux clt | go pl L.part I |
75 (a) [4:16] To go and what?
comp | go 3pl pres P | what interr | comp | acc 3pl clt |
76 (VZh) To go to Sofia and look after children!
comp | go 3pl pres P | to | Sofia acc sg f place | [...] | comp | look 3pl pres I | child pl n | comp | when conj | under |
77 (a) [4:20] Yes, they did. My sister …
disc | go pl L.part P | 3pl pres aux clt | disc | sister sg f | dat 1sg clt |
78 (b) [4:23] [laughter]
79 (a) [4:23] … was a “momkinya” (servant girl) in Sofia …
in | Sofia acc sg f place | 3sg pres aux clt | sg f L.part cop |
80 (b) [4:24] Calm down.
calm adv |
81 (VZh) Ah.
disc |
82 (a) [4:25] ... with some –
in | one pl adj |
83 (b) [4:25] Calm down!
more | calm adv |
84 (VZh) Ah, you call that “servant girl”.
nom 2pl |
acc n 3sg clt | call 2pl pres I |
85 (a) [4:27] “Servant girl”, yes. And he was an officer.
disc | hes | this sg m adj | sg m L.part cop | officer sg m |
86 (VZh) Ah.
bkch |
87 (a) [4:31] She was at a rich man’s [home], he had two children. She’d say, “I get up
at | landowner acc sg m def | rel | 3sg pres aux clt | sg f L.part cop | have sg m L.part I | two n | child pl n | nom f 3sg | arise 1sg pres I | say 3sg pres P |
88 (a) [4:36] in the morning in the dark, I polish his boots and leave them
morning sg f | in | dark sg n adj | polish 1sg pres P | dat m 3sg clt | boot pl m def | and | acc 3pl clt | leave 1sg pres P |
89 (a) [4:40] in front of the door, and he gets up and puts them on.”
there adv | before | door sg f def | nom m 3sg | arise 3sg pres P | interr clt | comp | acc refl clt | put.on 3sg pres P |
90 (a) [4:43] But there wasn’t [running] water in the apartments then.
but | neg | 3sg pres aux clt | L.part exist | in | apartment pl m def | water sg f | then adv |
91 (VZh) Uh huh.
bkch |
92 (b) [4:46] She was there a long time ago, she was born in 1922.
nom f 3sg | long.ago adv | 3sg pres aux clt | sg f L.part cop | nom f 3sg | 3sg pres cop clt | twenty | and | second sg f adj | year f sg | bear sg f P.part P |
93 (a) [4:51] She was in Sofia for seven or eight years. And the water
seven | eight | year pl f | sg f L.part cop | when conj | 3sg pres aux clt | sg f L.part cop | by | Sofia sg f place | and | water f def sg |
94 (a) [4:55] was down in the cellar. “I’m doing all this laundry down there and my feet
in | cellar sg n def | below adv | and | nom 1sg | say 3sg pres P | wash 1sg pres I | wash 1sg pres I | below adv | foot pl m def | dat 1sg clt |
95 (a) [5:00] are freezing. My feet are freezing!” And she got sick after that,
freeze 3sg pres P | freeze 3sg pres P | dat 1sg clt | foot pl m def | and | acc refl clt | fall.ill 3sg aor P | nom f 3sg | after adv |
96 (a) [5:07] and barely came through alive; it’s why she didn’t have children.
hes | barely adv | alive sg f adj | remain 3sg aor P | and | therefore adv | and | child pl n | not.have 3sg aor I | disc |
97 (a) [5:11] And this rich guy had two kids. “I polish his boots,” she said,
and | this sg m adj | two n | child pl n | have sg m L.part I | landowner sg m def | polish 3sg pres P | dat m 3sg clt | say 3sg pres P | boot pl m def |
98 (a) [5:18] “then I take the kids to school, then I come back, and do the laundry,
and | lead.away 1sg pres P | child pl n def | to | school sg n | and | acc refl clt | return 1sg pres P | and | comp | wash 1sg pres P |
99 (a) [5:20] then the cooking.” All day she worked, for little money, and fell ill
comp | prepare 1sg pres P | entire sg m adj | day sg m | work sg f | and | for | how.much interr | money pl.t | and | acc refl clt | fall.ill 3sg aor P |
100 (a) [5:24] with tuberculosis. There was a hospital for tubercular cases in Trŭn,
from | tuberculosis sg f | and | in | Trŭn sg m place | exist impf | hospital sg f | for | such pl adj | for | tubercular pl adj |
101 (a) [5:31] but this rich guy took her to Kosharevo and left her there.
and | 3sg pres aux clt | acc f 3sg clt | bring sg m L.part P | this sg m adj | landowner sg m def | to | Kosharevo sg n place | and | acc f 3sg clt | leave sg m L.part P |
102 (a) [5:35] But some good people in Kosharevo saw she was ill but she –
but | in | Kosharevo sg n place | one pl adj | good pl adj | people pl | see pl L.part P | that conj | 3sg pres cop clt | sick sg f adj | but | nom f 3sg |
103 (a) [5:41] I don’t know why, but she didn’t trust [them]. They had called a doctor
neg | know 1sg pres I | what sg n interr adj | neg | neg | believe 3sg pres I | and | 3pl impf aux | doctor sg m | interr clt | call pl L.part P |
104 (a) [5:47] and sent her to Trŭn.
and | acc f 3sg clt | send pl L.part P | to | Trŭn sg m place |
105 (VZh) Hm.
bkch |
106 (a) [5:49] There was the tubercular hospital there; she went there, they treated her,
there adv | L.part exist | 3sg pres aux clt | tubercular sg f adj | hospital sg f | and | there adv | go 3sg aor P | and | acc 3pl clt | cure 3pl aor P |
107 (a) [5:54] and she got well. That’s how it was. Servants? Who’ll care for you?
and | recover 3sg aor P | after adv | thus adv | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | servant pl m | who sg m interr adj | acc 2sg clt | look 3sg pres I |
108 (a) [ 5:59] Servants, we call them. Who’ll care about you?
servant sg m | acc m 3sg clt | say 1pl pres P | who sg m interr adj | acc 2sg clt | look 3sg pres I |
109 (a) [6:02] But I lived with good people, and worked [for them] in Padine.
and | nom 1sg | at | one pl adj | good pl adj | people pl | live 1sg aor I | work 1sg aor I | in | Padine sg n place |
110 (VZh) Hm.
111 (a) [6:07] And after that I went to [others] in Eremiya, [working] up St. Elias’s day,
and | to | one pl adj | after adv | go 1sg aor P | from | Eremiya acc sg f place | and | to | St.Elias’s.day sg m | 3sg pres cop clt |
112 (a) [6:13] half the summer. Six months to St. Dimitri’s day
half sg f | hes | such sg n adj | summer sg n def | and | to | St.Dimitri’s.day sg m | for | six | month ct m |
113 (a) [6:19] and three to St. Elias’s day. I stayed three months with these [folk],
to | St.Elias’s.day sg m | three | and | sit 1sg aor I | there adv | to | three | month ct m | at | this pl adj |
114 (a) [6:23] I pastured their sheep, cows, cattle; and this rich woman made a “zelnik” (pie).
pasture 1sg aor I | dat 3pl clt | sheep pl f | cow pl f | cattle pl n | and | hes | this sg f adj | landowner sg f def | knead 3sg aor P | pastry.with.greens sg m |
115 (a) [6:31] And oh, I wanted so much to eat it, you know –
and | acc 1sg | dat 1sg clt | acc refl clt | eat 3sg pres I | eat 3sg pres I | eat 3sg pres I | and | know 3sg pres I | interr clt | acc refl clt |
116 (a) [6:34] Do you know what “zelnik” is?
and | pastry.with.greens sg m | know 2pl pres I | interr clt | what interr | 3sg pres cop clt |
117 (VZh) Hm.
118 (a) [6:36] Greens in the middle [of it]. So we sit down, she has two sons.
amid | hes | cabbage sg n | and | nom f 3sg | sit 1pl pres P | two m an.num | son ct m | have 3sg pres I |
119 (b) [6:41] Show [him].
show sg imv P |
120 (a) [6:42] And we sit, she and her husband, and she breaks off some bread
and | husband sg m def | dat f 3sg clt | and | nom f 3sg | sit 1pl pres P | and | nom f 3sg | break 3sg pres P | bread sg m |
121 (a) [6:45] (and says), “Dip it in the ‘zele’ (cabbage)”, but I don’t like that
ost | dip sg imv P | dat refl clt | from | cabbage sg n def | and | nom 1sg | then adv | neg | like 1sg pres I |
122 (a) [6:48] I don’t like to see that. But I’ll eat it.
neg | want 1sg pres I | comp | acc n 3sg clt | see 1sg pres P | but | will 1sg pres | eat 1sg pres I |
123 (a) [6:50] But for her sons she slices up the pie [and says]
and | to | son pl m def | from | pastry.with.greens sg m def | cut.off 3sg pres P |
124 (a) [6:54] “Here’s for you” to the one son and “here’s for you” to the other son.
ost | dat 2sg clt | to | one sg m def adj | son sg m | ost | dat 2sg clt | to | other sg m def adj | son sg m |
125 (a) [6:57] She cuts slices for them, but gives me bread to dip in the “zele”.
and | dat 3pl | dat refl clt | cut.off 3sg pres P | and | acc 1sg | bread sg m | dat 1sg clt | put 3sg pres P | with | cabbage sg n def | comp | dip 1sg pres P |
126 (a) [7:01] But I’m a servant, so that –
but | nom 1sg | 1sg pres cop clt | servant sg m | thus adv | that conj |
127 (VZh) Hm.
bkch |
128 (b) [7:03] But tell them what “zele” means here, it’s not real “zele” (= cabbage).
but | cabbage sg n def | say sg imv P | what sg n interr | mean 3sg pres I | this sg n adj | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | cabbage sg n | true sg n adj |
129 (a) [7:08] What?
disc |
130 (VZh) It’s something sour.
but | sour sg n L.part P | such sg n adj |
131 (b) [7:11] “Lapad” (sorrel).
and | sorrel sg m |
132 (VZh) Ah, uh, “shtavel” (sorrel)
disc | from | [...] | [...] | sorrel sg m |
133 (a) [7:16] "Shtavel".
sorrel sg m |
134 (b) [7:16] "Shtavel".
sorrel sg m |
135 (VZh) Aha,
bkch |
136 (a) [717] Yes, yes, yes, yes – "shtavel". That’s right. They gather it and make [pie from it].
yes | yes | yes | yes | sorrel sg m | disc | gather 3sg pres P | and | make 3sg pres P |
137 (a) [7:20] And so it was, and I stayed –
and | thus adv | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | and | sit 3sg aor I |
138 (c) [7:21] Oof, who struck you?
disc | excl | disc | who sg m interr adj | acc 2sg clt | 3sg pres aux clt | beat sg m L.part I |
139 (a) [7:24] What’s he saying? I’ll make you –
what interr | say 3sg pres P | drive 1sg pres I | acc 2sg clt |
140 (a) [7:25] I stayed till St. Elias’s day and they didn’t give me a penny.
hes | sit 1sg aor I | to | St.Elias’s.day sg m | and | dat 1sg clt | neg | give 3pl aor P | one f sg adj | stotinka sg f |
141 (VZh) Uh huh.
142 (a) [7:31] Not a single penny did they pay me. And then –
one f sg adj | stotinka sg f | neg | 3pl pres aux clt | dat 1sg clt | pay pl L.part P | nom 3pl | thus adv | and | after adv |
143 (b) [7:36] Later.
more | late adv |
144 (a) [7:37] They died, but –
die 3pl aor P | but |
145 (b) [7:38] [laughter]
146 (VZh) Ah.
147 (a) [7:39] The Lord renders back what [is due].
nom n 3sg | lord sg m |
148 (VZh) That’s right.
and | thus adv |
149 (a) [7:41] Ah.
disc |
150 (VZh) That’s how it should be. That’s how it should be.
ost | thus adv | must pres I imprs | thus adv | must pres I imprs |
151 (a) [7:42] The Lord knows that all my life I honor the Lord.
lord sg m | know 3sg pres I | and | nom 1sg | during | my sg m def adj | life sg m | lord acc sg m | respect 1sg pres I |
152 (a) [7:48] And the Lord has given me everything I’ve desired.
and | everything sg n adj | dat 1sg clt | 3sg pres aux clt | lord sg m | fill sg m L.part P | rel | 1sg pres aux clt | desire sg f L.part P |