
Vŭrbina 2

49 (a) vè̝č’er pu ədnà kupàn’ə gul’èmə nə upštinɤ̀sə səm pè̝klə hl’èp
Every evening, I baked bread for the municipality, a large kneading trough [full].

50 (a) nem’èhme ni fùrnə ni nìkina ɤjtùvə im’ɛ̀ u mè̝ne ədnɤ̀ fìrnə
We didn’t have an outdoor oven or anything. There was one oven here near me,

51 (a) u ejt’ùvə càltu s’è̝lu [unintelligible] ʌd’ɨ̀n p’eš im’è tə
[the only one] in the the whole village [unintelligible] Just [the] one oven and

52 (a) tə pu p’ɤ̀t pʌ̀ti zə den’è ispìč’ehme ədnɤ̀nə ədnɤ̀nə kupàn’ə ispeč’è̝me
so we had to bake five times a day. We would bake from one kneading trough,

53 (a) i drùgə iskìsne i nə upštinɤ̀nə də i nòs’ət
with dough rising in another, and then take it to them at the municipality.

54 (a) jɛ̀ im səm p’èklə hl’èbən nem’èš’e fùrnə d’è e kəsu eseà
I did [all] the baking of bread for them. There wasn’t a large oven like there is now.

60 (a) vɤ̀rštəm sə nòs’əm ə č’e kvàs ta pàk drùgi zàmes’əm òti ne sʌ̀m
I would come back bringing starter, and mix up another batch because I couldn’t do

61 (a) zə ədìn p’è̝š’ i dvà pu p’èt p’è̝šti sme p’è̝kli nədòlu
just one or two. We did five bakings per day [for them] down there,

62 (a) nə d’ènu upštinɤ̀nə də ni nòs’ət ejtàm l’èbə
for them at the municipality to bring bread to [all of] us.


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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut