dairy product storage

Belica 3

78 (a) da nèma vòda pòsoli si go tùri si go f
... until there’s no water [in it]. You salt it, and put it into –

79 (a) nèkoga ìmaše dèlvi kàaləeni takà takòva k'ùpče mìničko tùram tàm nàpḷna gu
there used to be earthenware jars – I put it into a little one of those, fill it up.

80 (a) kàk sɤm si go izmìla sɤm si go posòlila sɤm go
After I’ve washed it and salted it –

81 (a) dnèska ùtre napḷ̀nila sɤm tovà k'ùpče odgòre mu sìpa vòda
today, tomorrow – [after] I’ve filled this little jar, then I pour water on top,

93 (a) a sìrenèto go narèžeš na filìjčeta natùraž go f kačèto
As for the white cheese, you cut it into slices and put it in a keg.

94 (a) napḷ̀ni se kačèto tùriš kàmika odgòre tò si pùšti vòda
You fill up the keg, put a stone on the top, and [some] water comes out.

95 (a) tò ə m vòda štò a pùšti se kàzva sulumùr
The water that comes out is called brine.

97 (a) trèbva
You must ...

99 (a) da ə sì go čìstiš odgòre ako ne bàrneš desetìna dèna
… clean the top of it. If you don’t touch it for ten days or so

100 (a) tò fàne odgòre kajmàk tòa kajmàk trèbe a go fṛ̀liš
it gets this rancid film on top. You have to throw this part out.

101 (a) ako gò razbṛ̀kaš sɤs ə sulumùra sìreneto še zème da ti merìše
If you mix it with the brine then your white cheese will smell.

103 (a) a tòo kajmàk odgòre lèko šte si go fàneš
But as for the rancid film on top, you can easily scoop it off.

104 (a) šte si go fṛ̀liš šte si go očìstiš šte si go otrìeš
You’ll throw it out, and you’ll clean up, you’ll wipe off

105 (a) kačènceto naòkolo dodèka e bilò mòkro
the little keg all around where it got wet.

109 (a) takà se čùva i sìreneto ot sìrene do sìrene
... that’s how you keep the white cheese from one cheese-making to the next.

111 (a) i maslòto takà se čùva
And the butter is kept that way ...

Stalevo 3

1 (GK) əmi kato e n’àmalo tenekìi sìreneto v kvò sa go dəržàli
But when they didn’t have tin cans? What did they keep cheese in?

2 (a) mə̀h tugàvə m’əhuv’è
Then [they used] skins.

4 (a) m’ehuvè e pràehə mlògu ut òfcet ud òfč’etu m’əhuvè pràehə
They made many [containers of] skins. From sheep, they made skins of sheepskin

5 (a) i kəd gu nəl’ɛ̀jət ə nàeš čud’èsnu sɨ̀ren’e stànvəše
and when they poured [milk into it], you should see what wonderful cheese emerged.

6 (a) tùr’ət mu i màlku svər’ʌ̀t ut kràvətə ml’àku kət stàne
They put a bit in – they boil some cow’s milk and when it gets

7 (a) pò təkɤ̀vu izvàd’ət ud m’àhə i ut tvà nətrun’ʌ̀t
to be more [like cheese]– they remove it from the skin and grate off [some].

8 (a) tùri i ut tvà gàt tùriš stànvə
Put some of this [with other ingredients]. When you do, it becomes [a dish].

9 (GK) ami če tò ne n’àma li kɤ̀k səs kòsmite
But– but won’t there – What [do you do] with the hairs [from the animal skin]?

11 (GK) kɤ̀k sa tòo m’ax kɤ̀k se prài
How is this skin bag [constructed]? What do they do?

12 (GK) n’àma li k od vɤ̀lnata da takòva
Isn’t there any of the wool to –

13 (a) à ba č’e tòj e ub’ɛ̀len nəpràen m’àhə d’èt
Oh no! It’s all scraped off, and all prepared, the skin bag that –

16 (GK) i go šìjət sled tovà li
And they sew it [up] after that, right?

17 (a) tòj si e kɤ̀t si e c’àl
It’s – [They do it] when it’s still a single [piece].

18 (a) i e vʌ̀rzən gòre i tòo m’ah
And it’s tied at the top. [That’s how they make] this skin bag.

19 (IV) kat gàjdite dèto pràv’at
Like the way they make “gajdas” (bagpipes).

20 (a) kəde gàjditi̥
Yes, like the bagpipes.

21 (GK) əm tò gol’àm majstorlɤ̀k e tr’àbvalo də se oderè tɤ̀j če
But that must have required great skill to skin [the animal] so that …

23 (GK) də də sə ne skɤ̀sa
… that – that it didn’t tear.

24 (a) n’èmə n’èmə n’èmə tòj sə d’erè tòj sə d’erè
No, no, it won’t. You skin it, you skin it [the right way],

25 (a) i stànvə č’ùdu
and it becomes a wonderful [thing].

26 (GK) əhə i slet tova tàja kòža se takòva se
Aha. And after that, the hide gets –

27 (a) i tàa kòža si ustàne f kòžətə i i m’àh vè̝ke
And this hide remains [a whole] hide, and [as such, becomes] a skin bag.

29 (a) f n’ègə du ustàtə tòlkuvə ustàvə ostàeno nər’àdəj toˀ t’ɛ̀ə drʌ̀ne
[Making sure that] so much space is left at the top, arrange these lumps,

30 (a) tò tvà sìren’e i s’ètne ku ìskəš s ml’àku nəl’ùəž gu
this cheese. And then later, if you want, you pour milk over it.

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut