Stalevo 3

1 (GK)       But when they didn’t have tin cans? What did they keep cheese in?

disc when conj
3sg pres aux clt
exist L.part neg tin.can pl f cheese sg n def
what sg n interr
3pl pres aux clt
acc n 3sg clt
keep pl L.part I

2 (a) [0:03]      Then [they used] skins.

skin.bag sg m then adv skin.bag pl m

3 (GK)       Oh?


4 (a) [0:07]      They made many [containers of] skins. From sheep, they made skins of sheepskin

skin.bag pl m
make 3pl impf I many adv
sheep’s sg n adj
sheep's sg n adj skin.bag pl m make 3pl impf I

5 (a) [0:14]      and when they poured [milk into it], you should see what wonderful cheese emerged.

when conj
acc n 3sg clt
pour 3pl pres P
know 2sg pres I marvelous sg n adj cheese sg n become 3sg impf I

6 (a) [0:20]      They put a bit in – they boil some cow’s milk and when it gets

put 3pl pres P
dat n 3sg clt
little adv boil 3pl pres P
cow sg f def milk sg n when conj become 3sg pres P

7 (a) [0:27]      to be more [like cheese]– they remove it from the skin and grate off [some].

more disc remove 3pl pres I
skin.bag sg m def
this sg n adj grate 3pl pres P

8 (a) [0:32]      Put some of this [with other ingredients]. When you do, it becomes [a dish].

put sg imv P
this sg n adj when rel put 2sg pres P become 3sg pres I

9 (GK)       But– but won’t there – What [do you do] with the hairs [from the animal skin]?

fut neg
interr clt
how interr with
hair pl m def

10 (a) [0:39]      If –

if conj

11 (GK)       How is this skin bag [constructed]? What do they do?

how interr
acc refl clt
this sg m adj skin.bag sg m how interr
acc refl clt
make 3sg pres I

12 (GK)       Isn’t there any of the wool to –

fut neg
interr clt
wool sg f def
do.such 3sg pres I

13 (a) [0:43]      Oh no! It’s all scraped off, and all prepared, the skin bag that –

disc nom m 3sg
3sg pres cop clt
peel sg m P.part P make sg m P.part P skin.bag sg m def rel

14 (GK)       Aha.


15 (a) [0:50]      It –

nom m 3sg

16 (GK)       And they sew it [up] after that, right?

acc m 3sg clt
sew 3pl pres I after this sg n adj
interr clt

17 (a) [0:53]      It’s – [They do it] when it’s still a single [piece].

nom 3sg
dat refl clt
3sg pres cop clt
when conj
dat refl clt
3sg pres cop clt
entire sg m adj

18 (a) [0:57]      And it’s tied at the top. [That’s how they make] this skin bag.

3sg pres cop clt
tie sg m P.part P above adv
this sg m adj skin.bag sg m

19 (IV)       Like the way they make “gajdas” (bagpipes).

bagpipe pl f def rel make 3pl pres I

20 (a) [1:02]      Yes, like the bagpipes.

like bagpipe pl f def

21 (GK)       But that must have required great skill to skin [the animal] so that …

disc big sg m adj skill sg m
3sg pres aux clt
need L.part imprs
acc refl clt
flay 3sg pres P thus adv
that conj

22 (a) [1:06]      Oh, [yes].


23 (GK)       … that – that it didn’t tear.

acc refl clt
tear 3sg pres P

24 (a) [1:08]      No, no, it won’t. You skin it, you skin it [the right way],

fut neg fut neg fut neg nom m 3sg
acc refl clt
flay 3sg pres I nom m 3sg
acc refl clt
flay 3sg pres I

25 (a) [1:12]      and it becomes a wonderful [thing].

become 3sg pres I wonder sg n

26 (GK)       Aha. And after that, the hide gets –

after this sg n adj this sg f adj skin sg f
acc refl clt
do.thus 3sg pres I
acc refl clt

27 (a) [1:16]      And this hide remains [a whole] hide, and [as such, becomes] a skin bag.

this sg f adj skin sg f
dat refl clt
remain 3sg pres P
skin sg f def
skin.bag sg m already adv

28 (GK)       And in it you –

acc n 3sg
acc refl clt

29 (a) [1:23]      [Making sure that] so much space is left at the top, arrange these lumps,

acc m 3sg
mouth sg f def so.much adv remain 3sg pres I remain sg n P.part P arrange sg imv I disc this pl adj lump pl m

30 (a) [1:31]      this cheese. And then later, if you want, you pour milk over it.

disc this sg n adj cheese sg n
later adv
if conj
want 2sg pres I
milk sg n pour 2sg pres P
acc m 3sg clt

31 (a) [1:38]      Or if you want, take out a lump, [one each] of cow’s milk and of sheep’s milk

if conj
want 2sg pres I extract sg imv I some sg m adj lump sg m
cow’s sg n def adj milk sg n
sheep's sg n def adj

32 (a) [1:44]      Sheep’s milk is thicker, better to put –

sheep's sg n def adj
dat refl clt
3sg pres cop clt
more thick sg n adj more [...]
put 2sg pres P

33 (GK)       Uh huh.


34 (a) [1:49]      Overall it’s nicer.

all adv
3sg pres cop clt
more nice sg n adj

35 (GK)       It’s nicer.

more nice sg n adj
3sg pres cop clt

36 (a) [1:51]      That’s right.

thus adv
3sg pres cop clt

37 (GK)       Sheep’s [milk is better] than cow’s [milk].

sheep’s sg n adj
cow's sg n adj

38 (a) [1:54]      Sheep’s [milk] is thicker, with more fat. Cow’s milk is thinner,

sheep’s sg n def
3sg pres cop clt
more thick sg n adj more fatty sg n adj cow’s sg n def adj
3sg pres cop clt
more thin sg n adj

39 (a) [2:02]      and [there’s] less of it. And when you churn, churning [milk] from a cow is one thing,

more little adv
when inter.rel
churn 2sg pres P
cow sg f
churn 2sg pres P other sg n adj
3sg pres cop clt

40 (a) [2:06]      and churning [milk] from a sheep is another.

sheep's sg n adj
when inter.rel
churn 2sg pres P other sg n adj
3sg pres cop clt

41 (GK)       And from a goat?

goat sg f def

42 (a) [2:10]      [Milk from] goats is even thinner. Goat’s [milk] is thin milk.

goat pl f def
3pl pres cop clt
still adv more thin sg n adj goat’s sg n def adj
3pl pres cop clt
thin sg n adj milk sg n

43 (GK)       Is that right? And the thickest [you get is] from – ?

thus adv
interr clt
most thick sg n adj
this sg n adj

44 (a) [2:18]      Sheep’s milk is the thickest. Sheep’s milk –

most thick sg n def adj
3sg pres cop clt
sheep’s sg n def adj
dat refl clt
milk sg n sheep’s sg n def adj
dat refl clt
milk sg n

45 (a) [2:24]      that’s the best [of all].

nom n 3sg
dat refl clt
3sg pres cop clt
most nice sg n adj

         But when they didn’t have tin cans? What did they keep cheese in?

         Then [they used] skins.


         They made many [containers of] skins. From sheep, they made skins of sheepskin

         and when they poured [milk into it], you should see what wonderful cheese emerged.

         They put a bit in – they boil some cow’s milk and when it gets

         to be more [like cheese]– they remove it from the skin and grate off [some].

         Put some of this [with other ingredients]. When you do, it becomes [a dish].

         But– but won’t there – What [do you do] with the hairs [from the animal skin]?

         If –

         How is this skin bag [constructed]? What do they do?

         Isn’t there any of the wool to –

         Oh no! It’s all scraped off, and all prepared, the skin bag that –


         It –

         And they sew it [up] after that, right?

         It’s – [They do it] when it’s still a single [piece].

         And it’s tied at the top. [That’s how they make] this skin bag.

         Like the way they make “gajdas” (bagpipes).

         Yes, like the bagpipes.

         But that must have required great skill to skin [the animal] so that …

         Oh, [yes].

         … that – that it didn’t tear.

         No, no, it won’t. You skin it, you skin it [the right way],

         and it becomes a wonderful [thing].

         Aha. And after that, the hide gets –

         And this hide remains [a whole] hide, and [as such, becomes] a skin bag.

         And in it you –

         [Making sure that] so much space is left at the top, arrange these lumps,

         this cheese. And then later, if you want, you pour milk over it.

         Or if you want, take out a lump, [one each] of cow’s milk and of sheep’s milk

         Sheep’s milk is thicker, better to put –

         Uh huh.

         Overall it’s nicer.

         It’s nicer.

         That’s right.

         Sheep’s [milk is better] than cow’s [milk].

         Sheep’s [milk] is thicker, with more fat. Cow’s milk is thinner,

         and [there’s] less of it. And when you churn, churning [milk] from a cow is one thing,

         and churning [milk] from a sheep is another.

         And from a goat?

         [Milk from] goats is even thinner. Goat’s [milk] is thin milk.

         Is that right? And the thickest [you get is] from – ?

         Sheep’s milk is the thickest. Sheep’s milk –

         that’s the best [of all].

1 (GK)       əми като е н’а̀мало тенекѝи сѝренето в кво̀ са го дəржа̀ли

2 (a) [0:03]       мə̀h туга̀вə м’əhув’ѐ

3 (GK)       a

4 (a) [0:07]       м’еhув ѐ пра̀еhə мло̀гу ут о̀фцет уд о̀фч’ету м’əhувѐ пра̀еhə

5 (a) [0:14]       и кəд гу нəл’е̂̀йəт на̀еш чуд’ѐсну сɨ̀рен’е ста̀нвəше

6 (a) [0:20]       ту̀р’əт му и ма̀лку свəр’ъ̂̀т ут кра̀вəтə мл’а̀ку кəт ста̀не

7 (a) [0:27]       по̀ тəкъ̀ву изва̀д’əт уд м’а̀hə и ут тва̀ нəтрун’ъ̂̀т

8 (a) [0:32]       ту̀ри и ут тва̀ га̀т ту̀риш ста̀нвə

9 (GK)       ами че то̀ не н’а̀ма ли къ̀к сəс ко̀смите

10 (a) [0:39]       ако̀

11 (GK)       къ̀к са то̀о м’ах къ̀к се пра̀и

12 (GK)       н’а̀ма ли к од въ̀лната да тако̀ва

13 (a) [0:43]       а̀ ба ч’е то̀й е уб’е̂̀лен нəпра̀ен м’а̀hə д’ѐт

14 (GK)       əhа

15 (a) [0:50]       то̀й

16 (GK)       и го шѝйəт след това̀ ли

17 (a) [0:53]       то̀й си е къ̀т си е ц’а̀л

18 (a) [0:57]       и е въ̂̀рзəн го̀ре и то̀о м’аh

19 (IV)       кат га̀йдите дѐто пра̀в’ат

20 (a) [1:02]       кəде га̀йдити̭

21 (GK)       əм то̀ гол’а̀м майсторлъ̀к е тр’а̀бвало дə се одерѐ тъ̀й че

22 (a) [1:06]       о

23 (GK)       дə дə сə не скъ̀са

24 (a) [1:08]       н’ѐмə н’ѐмə н’ѐмə то̀й сə д’ерѐ то̀й сə д’ерѐ

25 (a) [1:12]       и ста̀нвə ч’у̀ду

26 (GK)       əhə и слет това та̀йа ко̀жа се тако̀ва се

27 (a) [1:16]       и та̀а ко̀жа си уста̀не ф ко̀жəтə и и м’а̀h ве̇̀ке

28 (GK)       əhə̀ и ф нѐго се нə

29 (a) [1:23]       ф н’ѐгə ду уста̀тə то̀лкувə уста̀вə оста̀ено нəр’а̀дəй тоˀ т’е̂̀ə дръ̂̀не

30 (a) [1:31]       то̀ тва̀ сѝрен’е и с’ѐтне ку ѝскəш с мл’а̀ку нəл’у̀əж гу

31 (a) [1:38]       ку ѝскаш ѝзвəд’ н’а̀кəв дръ̀н и ут кра̀винту мл’а̀ку и уд о̀фч’уту

32 (a) [1:44]       о̀фч’уту си е по̀ ч’ѐсту по̀ бре̂ дə ту̀риш

33 (GK)       əhə

34 (a) [1:49]       с’ѐ е по̀ hу̀бəву

35 (GK)       по̀ hу̀баво е

36 (a) [1:51]       тəка̀ е

37 (GK)       о̀вчето от кра̀ве от тако̀вато

38 (a) [1:54]       о̀фчуту е по̀ ч’ѐсту по̀ ма̀зно кра̀венту е по̀ т’ѐнку и

39 (a) [2:02]       и по̀ ма̀лко и га̀ избъ̂̀ркəш ут кра̀вə дə избъ̂̀ркəж дру̀гу йе

40 (a) [2:06]       уд о̀фчу га̀ избъ̂̀ркəш дру̀гу йе

41 (GK)       а от ко̀зата

42 (a) [2:10]       ко̀зте сə о̀ште по̀ р’а̀тку ко̀зе̭штуту е р’а̀тку мл’а̀ку

43 (GK)       тъ̀й ли на̀й гъ̀сто нə това̀

44 (a) [2:18]       на̀й гъ̂̀стуту е о̀фч’уту̭ си мл’а̀ку о̀фч’уту̭ си мл’а̀ку

45 (a) [2:24]       то̀й си е на̀й hу̀бəву

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut