
Brŭšljan 1

89 (a) ku e màlək snegɤ̀t òdene òdene tə gi kàrəne ufc'ète də
If there’s not much snow we kept walking, and made the sheep

90 (a) də ròv'ət zəštòtu ìnəč'e n'èməš'e gu tuvà zəjrè
root [for food], because otherwise – there wasn’t any grain

91 (a) kàktu segà prigòtv'ət zə ž'ivòtnite səlàž'i məl'àž'i tàm ràzni ràbuti
like they make now for animals – fodder modder and various such things –

92 (a) mi tugàvə sə nə nə izdrɤ̀škə ž'ivòtnite səfs'èm màlku pràim ednì lìšnici
back then animals had to subsist on very little. We make piles of leaves;

Gela 3

41 (c) dàvame hmi furàš tàm zòp mòže da e ečemìk də e čenìca
We give them forage, feed, maybe also barley, wheat.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut