Vŭrbovo 2
3 (a) bèmo gòre kòpašemo li kvò li a nò se pòkaza oddòle
we were up there digging, or something, and from down below there appeared
4 (a) nèkvo nò ìmaše ukràse kvò li nè jà dùmaše
something, it had [some sort of] decoration. What sort of thing is this, I thought,
21 (VZh) pa tì kvò pomìsli če e tì dùmaše če če madžìja takà li
So what did you think this was? You thought [it was] magic, right?
23 (VZh) a kəkvò e tòj magìja
And what is this magic?
24 (a) no sìne ìde [laughter]
my child, it comes as [laughter] –
25 (VZh) e pa kòj če go napràj tòj
And who performs this [sort of thing]?
26 (a) [cough] no tekà odàvna bèše madžìje e decàta bèu kazùjem g’im za
[cough] But there was magic a long time ago. The children were – I tell them –
31 (VZh) ta da vìdim znàči kvò e kogà e nišàn kvò e
So let’s see then what [it’s about]. What is it when it’s a sign of treasure,
32 (VZh) kogà e madžìja kvò e tovà e li što sa dvè razlìčni
and what is it when it’s magic? Why are the two different [from one another]?
35 (a) a kogà e nišàn
Ah, when is it a sign of treasure?
36 (VZh) əxə
37 (a) magìje nàjdeš
Well. magic is – you find [it] –
39 (a) odàvna bàbičke pa bàju pa plàšu naròd
A long time ago old women would cast spells and frighten people.
40 (a) bàbičke splàšu mladìčite pa zbèru edno drùgo
Old women would frighten young people, they’d collect this and that
41 (a) pa ìdu na čovèka na vràtḁ pa pràju màgije
and go to someone’s door and cast spells.
42 (a) uvìvaju kadà kṛpl’àk kadà cvèk’e tùru kadà svèče tùra
They’d wind rugs [on the door], or leave a flower, or leave candles.
43 (a) nalì znaèš i tòj kàe pràeno madžìje na èdi si na kogà
You know, don’t you, that means magic spells are cast on somebody or another.
46 (b) strìgani sa decà
Children’s hair would be shorn [in an effort to bewitch them].
47 (a) n è na mòja sìn n è
Well, [in the case of] my son –
48 (VZh) a decà če strìžu e štò
Ah, they would shear children’s hair? But why?
49 (a) bòže no mòjə sìn je napràeno mu detìnstvo
Well, my God, it was done to my son when he was a little child.
50 (a) dojdè tùja a nò mu kosìcata tùj na tèmeto ostrìženo
He came up and [I saw] that his hair was shorn, here around the crown of his head.
51 (a) è tòlko parčènce ostrìženo mu ot kosùtu i ga izèdou
Here, just a part of his hair shorn away. They ( = magic forces) did him in,
52 (a) na drùgo devòjče tàj štò gi praìla šturotìe
and also the other girl. That one who was doing stupid things to them –
53 (b) na trìma e napràeno
[Spells] were cast on [all] three of them!
55 (b) na edìnijə za bòlest na edìnijə za pijànstvo
One was bewitched into illness, another into drunkenness,
56 (b) na drùgata za mrek’è
and the other one into dying.