
Mogilica 3

64 (a) tegàvə petmès ud nègə iskàrvəhme zàhərnu nəkvò beše
Then we made molasses from them; it was sugary, you know.

65 (VZh) a petmès kàk se prài petmès
Ah, molasses. How do you make molasses?

66 (a) č'e kuč'ɛ̀nən gu zə iskàrəš' ud nìvətə
You bring the beets in from the field,

67 (a) i ubɛ̀liš' gu hùbəvu i f ədìn kəzàn gu svərìš'
you peel them nicely, and and you boil them up in a cauldron.

68 (a) i tegà s prèsə gu se iscədì i tugàvə gu vər
Then it's strained through a press and then and then you –

69 (a) kətu gu izvər'ɔ̀t f ədnɔ̀ tòvə i stàne petmès
they turn it out into a pan and it becomes molasses.

71 (a) tò seà nə rɛ̀tki kɔ̀šti ìmə
[You find it] only in a very few houses now.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut