pre-Lenten ritual

Vasiljovo 1

74 (a) i jɛ spùstim takà nìsko i otkɤ̀ sa najadè̝m s’è̝ki da tìča
Then we let it down low, and after we’ve had our fill of eating, everyone runs

75 (a) i da làpa hàp l’ùškat e takà nasàm natàta nasàm natàta
to take a bit of it. Jump! They make it swing from here to there, here to there,

76 (a) l’ùškat i s’èki ìde làpva [laughter] abè takàva be mi
they make it swing, and everyone runs to take a bite. [laughter] Well, such things –

77 (a) tavà ə nàvika sìčkite tɛ̀j pràvea i gu l’ùškat i
That’s our custom. Everyone did this, they made it sway

78 (a) e pa nìe sm’à adì ednì pàdnat otk’ɛ̀snat
and we [all] laughed. Some would fall down, would [manage] to cut [a piece] off,

79 (a) drùgi ne mòe otk’ɛ̀snat džumbìš pràvejme i tàa ə bùca
others wouldn’t be able to cut it off. We made [it into] a great party. And that lump –

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut