Vasiljovo 1

1 (a) [0:00]      Shall I talk first of all, first of all, [about] when we were

most before adv
say 1sg pres P
interr clt
most before adv
when rel 1pl impf cop

2 (a) [0:04]      still young girls – because I wasn’t married yet when the war –

girl pl n still adv because nom 1sg
1sg impf cop marry sg f P.part I when rel
war sg f def

3 (a) [0:08]      When the war – when the war began. That was in [19]12.

when rel become 3sg aor P war sg f def disc 3sg impf cop twelfth sg f def adj year f sg

4 (a) [0:13]      The Bulgarians and the Serbs and the Greeks fought – they defeated the Turks.

beat 3pl aor I
acc refl clt
Bulgarian pl m def
Serb pl m def
Greek pl m def beat 3pl aor I Turk m def pl

5 (a) [0:18]      On the Turkish border, that’s where they beat them. Eh – that was the war.

Turkish sg f def adj border sg f there adv
acc 3pl clt
beat 3pl aor I
acc refl clt
lead 3sg aor I war sg f def

6 (a) [0:24]      It didn’t last long. And they, since they are – I don’t know.

lead 3sg aor I
acc refl clt
much adv
nom 3pl already adv when conj
3pl pres cop clt
know 1sg pres I

7 (a) [0:27]      [But] there was [this] song that they were singing. [It was] because of the war.

disc impf exist song sg f
acc f 3sg clt
sing 3pl impf I because.of war sg f def

8 (a) [0:32]      I don’t remember who their commander was,

remember 1sg pres I how interr 3sg impf cop there adv
commander sg m
dat 3pl clt

9 (a) [0:36]      the one who said to them [in the song]

dat 3pl clt
call sg m L.part I

10 (a) [0:38]      “Stand up, brothers, stand up, and open fire!

stand pl imv I brother pl m stand pl imv I
open pl imv I fire sg m

11 (a) [0:40]      If God has ordained it, we shall soon take Edirne,

if conj
3sg pres aux clt
God sg m say sg m L.part P soon adv Edirne sg m place
take 1pl pres P

12 (a) [0:44]      and we shall enter Istanbul.

Istanbul sg m place
enter 1pl pres P

13 (a) [0:47]      We shall catch Osman Pasha,

Osman sg m name pasha sg m
catch 1pl pres P

14 (a) [0:49]      We shall take him to Sofia,

Sofia sg f place
acc m 3sg clt
drive 1pl pres P

15 (a) [0:51]      [and] we will make coffee for him.”

coffee sg n
dat m 3sg clt
make 1pl pres P

16 (a) [0:52]      That was the song – [the one] they’d sung because of the war.

this sg n adj 3sg impf cop hes
song sg f def 3pl impf aux sing pl L.part P because.of war sg f def

17 (a) [0:57]      And then – didn’t they fight again?

after adv again adv
acc refl clt
beat 3pl aor I again adv

18 (a) [1:02]      Shall I tell you about how we carried on,

dat 2sg clt
say 1sg pres P
how interr
1pl pres aux clt
manage pl L.part I

19 (a) [1:05]      or – or about the other war?

other sg f def adj war sg f

20 (VZh)       [About the other war.]

21 (a) [1:09]      Well, at that time we weren’t – we weren’t grown [yet].

nom 1pl 1pl impf cop then adv
1pl impf cop big pl adj

22 (a) [1:11]      We had a brother, his name was Gacho. He perished in Dobruja,

have 1pl impf I brother sg m nom m 3sg
acc refl clt
say 3sg impf I Gacho sg m name nom m 3sg perish 3sg aor P
Dobruja sg f place

23 (a) [1:14]      in the war when they were fighting to drive out the Soviet Union.

war sg f def when rel
acc refl clt
beat 3pl aor I again adv
chase 3pl pres I
Soviet sg m def adj union sg m

24 (a) [1:18]      Weren’t they chasing – those Germans were – and the Bulgarians,

interr chase 3pl aor I
disc German pl m def 3pl impf cop
Bulgarian pl m def

25 (a) [1:22]      weren’t they in alliance?

interr 3pl impf cop union sg m

26 (VZh)       [What did you do when you were girls?]

27 (a) [1:23]      [Ah, should I talk] about young girls now? Ah, girls. We were girls

now adv
girl pl n def
interr clt
girl pl n def nom 1pl 1pl impf cop girl pl n

28 (a) [1:29]      and we’d get together for a work bee. We’d get together at the work bee,

acc refl clt
gather 1pl impf I
work.bee sg f disc
acc refl clt
gather 1pl pres I
work.bee sg f

29 (a) [1:32]      boys and girls would get together, we sit and do our work.

gather 1pl pres I
acc refl clt
boy pl n girl pl n sit 1pl pres I
work 1pl pres I
dat refl clt

30 (a) [1:37]      The girls and the boys sit, and then they get up when the bagpipe starts playing.

girl pl n def boy pl n def sit 3pl pres I again adv arise 3pl pres P when conj play 3pl pres P
bagpipe sg f

31 (a) [1:41]      The bagpipe plays, we get up and we dance. And then the work bee breaks up,

play 3sg pres I
bagpipe sg f arise 1pl pres P dance 1pl pres I
acc refl clt
break.apart 3sg pres P work.bee sg f def

32 (a) [1:48]      they all get up and everyone goes home. Even if

nom 3pl
dat refl clt
arise 3sg pres P each sg m
dat refl clt
go 3sg pres P
acc 3pl even adv

33 (a) [1:50]      we sit and sit – when we get hungry, that was how we were.

sit 1pl pres I sit 1pl pres I again adv when conj get.hungry 1pl pres P thus adv 3sg impf cop
dat 1pl clt
character sg m def

34 (a) [1:53]      And my mother – and then we start – Everyone [at the work bee] is hungry. We get up,

my sg f def adj mother f sg
take 1pl pres P
nom 3pl get.hungry pl L.part P arise 1pl pres P

35 (a) [1:58]      and make polenta. They called it “mamaliga”, the Germ-

boil 1pl pres I polenta sg m nom 3pl
dat m 3sg clt
call 3pl impf I polenta sg f […]
this sg n adj

36 (a) [2:01]      Those guys called that “mamaliga”.

that pl adj
dat m 3sg clt
call 3pl impf I polenta sg f this sg n adj

37 (VZh)       [Weren’t they Romanians?]

38 (a) [2:04]      We pour out milk, white cheese – we’ve got livestock, we raise livestock –

pour 1pl pres P milk sg n cheese sg n
have 1pl pres livestock sg m keep 1pl pres I look 1pl pres I livestock sg m

39 (a) [2:08]      We eat our fill, [then] they get up and go home. And when Christmas came,

eat.up 1pl pres P
acc refl clt
arise 3pl pres P
dat refl clt
go 3pl pres P
when conj come 3sg impf P Christmas sg f

40 (a) [2:13]      we make “kravay” (ring-shaped buns). They kneaded bread dough

knead 1pl pres I
kravay pl m knead 3pl pres I kravay sg m bread sg m dough sg n knead pl L.part P

41 (a) [2:20]      and we make “kravay” and they take it to [their] mothers and fathers.

knead 1pl pres I kravay sg
acc m 3sg clt
carry 3pl pres I
father sg m def
mother sg f def

42 (a) [2:24]      Whatever anyone [makes] they give to [their] mother and father.

who sg m rel adj already adv what sg n rel give 3sg pres P mother f sg
dat 1sg clt
father sg m
dat 1sg clt

43 (a) [2:29]      They give it along with the “kravay”, to their mother and their father.

dat 3pl clt
give 3sg pres P
kravay sg m
mother sg f def
father sg m def

44 (a) [2:31]      Then comes St Basil’s day, and when that comes – when St. Basil’s day comes

come 3sg pres P Basil sg m name
when inter.rel
come 3sg pres P when conj come 3sg pres P Basil sg m name

45 (a) [2:35]      there was [the custom] that children go out as “survakar” (New Year’s well-wisher).

impf exist
child pl n go 3pl pres I
and 3pl pres I

46 (a) [2:38]      And we girls would get together and sing [songs of enchantment] over our rings.

nom 1pl girl pl n
acc refl clt
gather 1pl impf I and
sing 1pl pres I ring pl m def

47 (a) [2:44]      We came to “sing” over the rings here at the river, [which]

here adv
river sg f def
1pl pres aux clt
acc refl clt
take pl L.part P
acc 3pl clt
sing 1pl pres I

48 (a) [2:47]      is [at this point] ice. So the boys and girls got together,

ice sg m disc
gather pl L.part P
3pl pres aux clt
acc refl clt
girl pl n
boy pl n

49 (a) [2:51]      and we – they take a tin-plated kettle [that] they’ve poured water into,

nom 1pl take 3pl pres P white sg n adj cauldron sg n
pour pl L.part P inside adv water sg f

50 (a) [2:55]      and put it on the ice, and under the kettle – there’s oats under the kettle.

put 3pl pres P
ice sg m def
cauldron sg n def
oats sg m
cauldron sg n def

51 (a) [3:01]      And, you know, we all have little rings on our hands. Rings.

interr have 1pl pres I all adv ring pl n def
hand pl f def ring pl m

52 (a) [3:04]      So each one drops her rings into the water, and we sing over them.

each sg m adj
dat refl clt
drop 3sg pres P ring sg m def inside adv
water sg f def
sing 1pl pres I
acc 3pl clt

53 (a) [3:10]      We finish the songs and they take – on the night before St. Basil’s Day –

sing 1pl pres P song pl f def
collect 3pl pres I this sg n adj against Basil sg m name

54 (a) [3:15]      they take the kettle. [So,] early in the morning on St. Basils’ day we'll come

pick.up 3pl pres P cauldron sg n def
Basil sg m name morning sg f def
dat refl clt
come 1pl pres P

55 (a) [3:17]      early again to sing. We come to sing here at the river

again adv early adv
sing 1pl pres I come 1pl pres P
sing 1pl pres I here adv
river sg f def

56 (a) [3:21]      and take out the rings to identify the rings [so as to learn]

extract 3pl pres I
ring pl m def
acc 3pl clt
foretell 3pl pres I ring pl m def

57 (a) [3:25]      what fortune will come to whoever [owns each ring]. Some will have a healthy year,

who dat m interr what sg n interr
acc refl clt
fall 3sg pres P
one pl adj
acc refl clt
fall 3sg pres P […]
healthy sg f adj year sg f

58 (a) [3:30]      others will have – if it’s bent like a “kravay” [it means] guests are coming.

other pl adj fall 3sg pres P
acc refl clt
bend sg m P.part P kravay sg m guest sg m acc 2sg clt wait 3sg pres I
this sg n adj

59 (a) [3:36]      That is, guests, and maybe even matchmakers, are coming. Another [fortune]

guest sg m
guest sg m acc 2sg clt wait 3sg pres I matchmaker pl m wait 3pl pres I
second sg m def adj again adv

60 (a) [3:41]      was – there was a haystack by the road and someone goes by [and]

3sg impf cop impf exist stack sg f hay sg n
road sg m def who sg m rel adj pass 3sg pres P

61 (a) [3:46]      pulls some out [to read her fortune]. And another and another. And again they tell fortunes

pluck 3sg pres P
dat refl clt
nom f 3sg again adv other sg f def adj again adv
again adv
acc n 3sg clt
foretell 3pl pres I

62 (a) [3:50]      from that one, but I don’t remember anymore how they interpreted that one. Damn it,

again adv that sg n adj already adv
remember 1sg pres I how interr
acc n 3sg clt
call 3pl impf I damned sg n adj

63 (a) [3:52]      I’ve forgotten how they used to interpret that one. I’ve forgotten it, I don’t remember.

forget sg f L.part P
1sg pres aux clt
how interr
acc n 3sg clt
call 3pl impf I forget sg f L.part P
1sg pres aux clt
acc n 3sg clt
remember 1sg pres I

64 (a) [3:58]      I’m not able to tell you how they interpreted that one.

can 1sg pres
dat 2sg clt
acc n 3sg clt
say 1sg pres P that sg n adj how interr
acc n 3sg clt
call 3pl impf I

65 (a) [3:59]      You see, we repeat them, [unintelligible], and repeat them again.

see sg imv P again adv
acc 3pl clt
repeat 1pl pres P
acc 3pl clt
again adv repeat 1pl pres P

66 (a) [4:01]      That’s how we observed St. Basil’s day. And then will come St John’s day. The boys

thus adv meet 1pl pres I Basil sg m name
come 3sg pres P
St.John's Day sg m boy pl n

67 (a) [4:09]      who are here ride horseback. They run them at a gallop on St. John’s day.

who pl m rel
3pl pres cop clt
here adv boy pl n def ride 3pl pres I horse pl m def race 3pl pres I
acc 3pl clt
St.John's Day sg m

68 (a) [4:16]      They ride horse at full gallop. Then comes Shrovetide, and we start to fast.

ride 3pl pres I horse pl m
race 3pl pres I
acc 3pl clt
come 3sg pres P Shrovetide pl.t
fast 1pl pres P already adv

69 (a) [4:23]      for the “great fast” (Lent). We make banitsa and get together.

great sg m def adj fast sg m make 1pl pres P
dat refl clt
banitsa pl f gather 1pl pres P
acc refl clt

70 (a) [4:28]      Every two houses get together in one place to observe the fast [together].

two f house pl f
acc refl clt
gather 1pl pres P
one sg n adj place sg n
dat refl clt
fast 1pl pres P

71 (a) [4:32]      They bought – some buy white halva. So we make [different kinds of] banitsa.

buy pl L.part P
3pl pres aux clt
one pl adj buy 3pl pres P halva sg f
white sg f def adj halva sg f hes
make 1pl pres P banitsa pl f

72 (a) [4:39]      We’ve cooked up everything. And we hang up a big lump of white cheese –

cook pl L.part P
1pl pres aux clt
dat refl clt
everything sg n adj
suspend 1pl pres P
cheese sg n lump sg f cheese sg n big sg f adj

73 (a) [4:45]      we tie it on a string and hang it on the beams.

tie 1pl pres P
acc f 3sg clt
string sg m
acc f 3sg clt
suspend 1pl pres P
beam pl f def

74 (a) [4:50]      Then we let it down low, and after we’ve had our fill of eating, everyone runs

acc f 3sg clt
drop 1pl pres P thus adv low adv
acc refl clt
eat.up 1pl pres P each m 3sg adj
run 3sg pres I

75 (a) [4:53]      to take a bit of it. Jump! They make it swing from here to there, here to there,

bite 3sg pres I excl swing 3pl pres I
thus adv adv to.there adv adv to.there adv

76 (a) [4:57]      they make it swing, and everyone runs to take a bite. [laughter] Well, such things –

swing 3pl pres I
each sg m adj go 3sg pres P bite 3sg pres I disc such sg f adj
3sg impf cop
dat 1sg clt

77 (a) [5:01]      That’s our custom. Everyone did this, they made it sway

this sg n adj
custom sg m def all pl def adj thus adv do 3pl impf I
acc m 3sg clt
swing 3pl pres I

78 (a) [5:08]      and we [all] laughed. Some would fall down, would [manage] to cut [a piece] off,

nom 1pl laughter sg m […]
one pl adj fall 3pl pres P 3pl pres P

79 (a) [5:11]      others wouldn’t be able to cut it off. We made [it into] a great party. And that lump –

other pl adj
can pres imprs 3pl pres P party sg m make 1pl impf I
this sg f adj
lump sg f

80 (a) [5:17]      they’ll leave it there. They had (= used) it as a sort of medicine.

acc f 3sg clt
leave 3pl pres I already adv this pl adj have 3pl impf I as
remedy sg m
interr clt
have 3pl impf I

81 (a) [5:21]      They left it [for] when – We have livestock, and when some young person has diarrhea,

leave 3pl impf P when inter.rel […]
have 1pl pres I livestock sg m
some sg n adj youth sg n
have.diarrhea 3sg pres P

82 (a) [5:26]      we cut off a piece of that cheese and bind it on him in order to –

tear 1pl pres I
cheese sg n def
acc n 3sg clt
wrap 1pl pres P

83 (a) [5:29]      to stop whatever it is that drives the young person outside [to the outhouse].

dat m 3sg clt
acc refl clt
stop 3sg pres P this sg n adj rel
acc m 3sg clt
chase 3sg pres I
outside adv youth sg n def

84 (a) [5:33]      That’s how we observed [Lent]. For Easter, we’d make eggs, and they make “kravay” again.

thus adv
acc m 3sg clt
experience 1pl pres I
Easter sg m
make 1pl impf I
egg pl n again adv kravay pl m knead 3pl impf I

85 (a) [5:38]      Then comes St. Peter’s day. We have here a cross [dedicated to] St. Peter.

come 3sg pres P St.Peter's.Day sg m nom 1pl have 1pl pres I here adv cross sg m
saint sg m adj Peter sg m name

86 (a) [5:44]      We’ll slaughter a lamb. The priest will come and consecrate the water for –

slaughter 1pl pres P lamb sg n
come 3sg pres P priest sg m def
consecrate 3sg pres P water sg f

87 (a) [5:50]      [It’s in a] tin-plated kettle. He blesses the water, reads [a prayer there, and then we all go off.

white sg m adj cauldron sg m consecrate 3sg pres P water sg f read 3sg pres I there adv
each sg m adj
embark 1pl pres P

88 (a) [5:57]      After the prayer, everyone goes up to the priest and he sprinkles them

when conj read 3sg pres P each sg m adj go 3sg pres I
priest sg m def nom m 3sg
acc m 3sg clt
sprinkle 3sg pres I

89 (a) [6:00]      with a bouquet. He’s made a bouquet of wild geranium and basil, shaped in a cross.

bouquet sg f def make sg m L.part P bouquet sg f
wild.geranium sg m
basil sg m cross-like sg m adj basil sg m

90 (a) [6:03]      He puts it there, taps it so that it sprinkles.

put 3sg pres P
acc m 3sg clt
here adv knock 3sg pres P
acc m 3sg clt
thus adv
acc m 3sg clt
sprinkle 3sg pres P

91 (a) [6:07]      You give him some money and kiss his hand, and he goes off.

dat refl clt
drop 2sg pres P money pl.t def
dat m 3sg clt
kiss 2sg pres I hand sg f
dat refl clt
depart 3sg pres P

92 (a) [6:09]      And that’s what we did. For St. Elias day it was the same thing all over again.

thus adv do 1pl impf I
saint sg m adj Elias sg m name again adv same sg n def adj 3sg impf cop

93 (a) [6:12]      And that’s how it was in the old days.

thus adv
1pl pres aux clt
experience pl L.part I formerly adv

94 (VZh)       [Did you have a lot of corn here?]

95 (a) [6:14]      Well, you know, people don’t have enough to give [for the government’s quota].

interr pres neg exist pres neg exist what sg n interr
give 3pl pres P people pl def

96 (a) [6:18]      They went to get corn from others [for that].

but embark pl L.part P
3pl impf aux
take 3pl pres P
other def pl adj corn sg m def

97 (a) [6:22]      We here had [enough] but in the cities they didn’t.

nom 1pl
dat refl clt
here adv
1pl pres aux clt
dat refl clt
have pl L.part I
city pl m def
3pl pres aux clt have pl L.part I

98 (a) [6:25]      And the [state] committee set out to take [quotas], to take our corn.

embark 3pl aor P like committee sg f
take 3pl pres P
dat 1pl clt
take 3pl pres P corn sg f def

99 (a) [6:31]      We plant it here, we have a big field, [so] we have a lot of corn,

nom 1pl sow 1pl pres I here adv have 1pl pres I field sg f big sg f adj have 1pl pres I corn sg m much adv

100 (a) [6:36]      so that when they [come to] find [the quota] they leave you a bit and

and when conj find 3pl pres P
dat 2sg clt
leave 3pl pres P little adv

101 (a) [6:39]      they take it from you, so as to carry it off to give it

dat 2sg clt
acc 3pl clt
that sg n adj
acc n 3sg clt
take 3pl pres P
acc n 3sg clt
take.away 3pl pres P
acc n 3sg clt
transfer 3pl pres P

102 (a) [6:42]      to those who don’t have enough to give them (the commission) [as quota],

this pl adj who pl rel adj not.have 3pl pres I
dat 3pl clt
acc n 3sg clt
give 3pl pres P

103 (a) [6:45]      so they won’t go hungry. They take our corn,

nom 3pl
starve 3pl pres I take 3pl pres P
dat 1pl clt
corn sg f def

104 (a) [6:48]      so we hid it and took it into the bushes so as to keep the corn for ourselves.

1pl pres aux clt
acc m 3sg clt
hide pl L.part I
carry pl L.part I
thicket pl m def
dat refl clt
hide 1pl pres I corn sg f def

         Shall I talk first of all, first of all, [about] when we were

         still young girls – because I wasn’t married yet when the war –

         When the war – when the war began. That was in [19]12.

         The Bulgarians and the Serbs and the Greeks fought – they defeated the Turks.

         On the Turkish border, that’s where they beat them. Eh – that was the war.

         It didn’t last long. And they, since they are – I don’t know.

         [But] there was [this] song that they were singing. [It was] because of the war.

         I don’t remember who their commander was,

         the one who said to them [in the song]

         “Stand up, brothers, stand up, and open fire!

         If God has ordained it, we shall soon take Edirne,

         and we shall enter Istanbul.

         We shall catch Osman Pasha,

         We shall take him to Sofia,

         [and] we will make coffee for him.”

         That was the song – [the one] they’d sung because of the war.

         And then – didn’t they fight again?

         Shall I tell you about how we carried on,

         or – or about the other war?

         [About the other war.]

         Well, at that time we weren’t – we weren’t grown [yet].

         We had a brother, his name was Gacho. He perished in Dobruja,

         in the war when they were fighting to drive out the Soviet Union.

         Weren’t they chasing – those Germans were – and the Bulgarians,

         weren’t they in alliance?

         [Ah, should I talk] about young girls now? Ah, girls. We were girls

         and we’d get together for a work bee. We’d get together at the work bee,

         boys and girls would get together, we sit and do our work.

         The girls and the boys sit, and then they get up when the bagpipe starts playing.

         The bagpipe plays, we get up and we dance. And then the work bee breaks up,

         they all get up and everyone goes home. Even if

         we sit and sit – when we get hungry, that was how we were.

         And my mother – and then we start – Everyone [at the work bee] is hungry. We get up,

         and make polenta. They called it “mamaliga”, the Germ-

         Those guys called that “mamaliga”.

         [Weren’t they Romanians?]

         We pour out milk, white cheese – we’ve got livestock, we raise livestock –

         We eat our fill, [then] they get up and go home. And when Christmas came,

         we make “kravay” (ring-shaped buns). They kneaded bread dough

         and we make “kravay” and they take it to [their] mothers and fathers.

         Whatever anyone [makes] they give to [their] mother and father.

         They give it along with the “kravay”, to their mother and their father.

         Then comes St Basil’s day, and when that comes – when St. Basil’s day comes

         there was [the custom] that children go out as “survakar” (New Year’s well-wisher).

         And we girls would get together and sing [songs of enchantment] over our rings.

         We came to “sing” over the rings here at the river, [which]

         is [at this point] ice. So the boys and girls got together,

         and we – they take a tin-plated kettle [that] they’ve poured water into,

         and put it on the ice, and under the kettle – there’s oats under the kettle.

         And, you know, we all have little rings on our hands. Rings.

         So each one drops her rings into the water, and we sing over them.

         We finish the songs and they take – on the night before St. Basil’s Day –

         they take the kettle. [So,] early in the morning on St. Basils’ day we'll come

         early again to sing. We come to sing here at the river

         and take out the rings to identify the rings [so as to learn]

         what fortune will come to whoever [owns each ring]. Some will have a healthy year,

         others will have – if it’s bent like a “kravay” [it means] guests are coming.

         That is, guests, and maybe even matchmakers, are coming. Another [fortune]

         was – there was a haystack by the road and someone goes by [and]

         pulls some out [to read her fortune]. And another and another. And again they tell fortunes

         from that one, but I don’t remember anymore how they interpreted that one. Damn it,

         I’ve forgotten how they used to interpret that one. I’ve forgotten it, I don’t remember.

         I’m not able to tell you how they interpreted that one.

         You see, we repeat them, [unintelligible], and repeat them again.

         That’s how we observed St. Basil’s day. And then will come St John’s day. The boys

         who are here ride horseback. They run them at a gallop on St. John’s day.

         They ride horse at full gallop. Then comes Shrovetide, and we start to fast.

         for the “great fast” (Lent). We make banitsa and get together.

         Every two houses get together in one place to observe the fast [together].

         They bought – some buy white halva. So we make [different kinds of] banitsa.

         We’ve cooked up everything. And we hang up a big lump of white cheese –

         we tie it on a string and hang it on the beams.

         Then we let it down low, and after we’ve had our fill of eating, everyone runs

         to take a bit of it. Jump! They make it swing from here to there, here to there,

         they make it swing, and everyone runs to take a bite. [laughter] Well, such things –

         That’s our custom. Everyone did this, they made it sway

         and we [all] laughed. Some would fall down, would [manage] to cut [a piece] off,

         others wouldn’t be able to cut it off. We made [it into] a great party. And that lump –

         they’ll leave it there. They had (= used) it as a sort of medicine.

         They left it [for] when – We have livestock, and when some young person has diarrhea,

         we cut off a piece of that cheese and bind it on him in order to –

         to stop whatever it is that drives the young person outside [to the outhouse].

         That’s how we observed [Lent]. For Easter, we’d make eggs, and they make “kravay” again.

         Then comes St. Peter’s day. We have here a cross [dedicated to] St. Peter.

         We’ll slaughter a lamb. The priest will come and consecrate the water for –

         [It’s in a] tin-plated kettle. He blesses the water, reads [a prayer there, and then we all go off.

         After the prayer, everyone goes up to the priest and he sprinkles them

         with a bouquet. He’s made a bouquet of wild geranium and basil, shaped in a cross.

         He puts it there, taps it so that it sprinkles.

         You give him some money and kiss his hand, and he goes off.

         And that’s what we did. For St. Elias day it was the same thing all over again.

         And that’s how it was in the old days.

         [Did you have a lot of corn here?]

         Well, you know, people don’t have enough to give [for the government’s quota].

         They went to get corn from others [for that].

         We here had [enough] but in the cities they didn’t.

         And the [state] committee set out to take [quotas], to take our corn.

         We plant it here, we have a big field, [so] we have a lot of corn,

         so that when they [come to] find [the quota] they leave you a bit and

         they take it from you, so as to carry it off to give it

         to those who don’t have enough to give them (the commission) [as quota],

         so they won’t go hungry. They take our corn,

         so we hid it and took it into the bushes so as to keep the corn for ourselves.

1 (a) [0:00]       на̀й напр’ѐт ə да ка̀жа ли на̀й напр’ѐт ə куга̀то беме

2 (a) [0:04]       мумѝчета о̀ште што̀то а̀с не б'ѐх же̇̀нена куга̀то за войне̂̀та

3 (a) [0:08]       ѐ кога̀то стане̂̀ войне̂̀та то̀ беше двана̀есета годѝна

4 (a) [0:13]       бѝа са бъ̀лгарете и ср̥̀бете и гр̥̀ците бѝа ту̀рците

5 (a) [0:18]       на ту̀рската гра̀ница та̀м ги бѝа ѐ тə сə вудѝ войне̂̀та

6 (a) [0:24]       не водѝ са мло̀го и т’ѐ в’ѐки кото са не зна̀м

7 (a) [0:27]       то̀ ѝмаше п’ѐсен та йа пейа̀а зəрəт войне̂̀та

8 (a) [0:32]       што̀то ама не по̀мна ка̀ беше та̀м ə нача̀лник им

9 (a) [0:36]       дѐт им вѝкал

10 (a) [0:38]       ста̀ейте бра̀т’а ста̀ейте и уткрѝвəйте о̀ган

11 (a) [0:40]       ако ə бо̀к р’ѐкъл ско̀ро о̀дрин ше презе̇̀мем

12 (a) [0:44]       и ф ца̀ригра̀т ше вл’е̇̀зем

13 (a) [0:47]       осма̀н паша̀ ше фа̀нем

14 (a) [0:49]       ф Со̀фийа ше го зака̀раме

15 (a) [0:51]       каф’ѐ да му напра̀вим

16 (a) [0:52]       това̀ беше е̂̀ песенте̂̀ ба̀а испѐл’е зəрəт войне̂̀та

17 (a) [0:57]       и по̀сле пък ə е̂̀ нал’ѝ са бѝа пък

18 (a) [1:02]       да ти ка̀жа за с ə ка̀ сме попрекарва̀ли

19 (a) [1:05]       или или за дру̀гата войне̂̀

20 (VZh)       [За другата война.]

21 (a) [1:09]       е ә пә нѝе бѐме тогѝва не б’ѐме гол’ѐми

22 (a) [1:11]       ѝма:ме бра̀т то̀й се ка̀зваше га̀чо то̀й загѝна в до̀бруџа

23 (a) [1:14]       във войне̂̀та кога̀то са бѝа пәк ə да го̀нат ə съвѐцкийа сайу̀с

24 (a) [1:18]       нəли гонѝа е тəва̀ герма̀нците ба̀а и бъ̀лгарите

25 (a) [1:22]       нəли ба̀а сəйу̀с

26 (VZh)       [Какво правехте когато бяхте момичета?]

27 (a) [1:23]       сеа̀ за момѝчеата ли за момѝчеата нѝе беме момѝчета

28 (a) [1:29]       и се збѝра:ме на сед’а̀нка то̀ са са збѝраме на сед’а̀нка

29 (a) [1:32]       збѝраме се момче̇̀та момѝчета седѝм ə ра̀ботим си

30 (a) [1:37]       момѝчеата момче̇̀ата седе̂̀т па̀к ста̀нат като засвѝрат саз га̀йда

31 (a) [1:41]       свѝр’а саз га̀йда ста̀неме игрѐем и се развалѝ сед’а̀нката

32 (a) [1:48]       и тѐ си ста̀не сѐки та си ѝде у т’а̀х дорѝ и

33 (a) [1:50]       да седѝм седѝм па̀ като огладне̇̀ем така бѐ ни ара̀ктера

34 (a) [1:53]       ѐ та мо̀йта ма̀йка та зѐмем ə т’ѐ огладн’ѐли ста̀нем

35 (a) [1:58]       ва̀рим кəчəма̀к тѐ му вѝкаа мамал’ѝга герма̀н тава̀

36 (a) [2:01]       оне̇̀с му вѝкаа мамал’ѝга тава̀

37 (VZh)       [Не бяха ли Румънци?]

38 (a) [2:04]       и сѝпем мл’а̀ку с’ѝрене че ѝмаме добѝтак даржѝме гл’ѐдаме добѝтак

39 (a) [2:08]       найад’е̇̀м са ста̀нат та си ѝдат ѐ па кото до̀деше ко̀л’еда

40 (a) [2:13]       м’ѐсваме па крəва̀йе м’ѐсват крəва̀й л’а̀п т’а̀сто замѐсиле

41 (a) [2:20]       м’ѐсим крəва̀и и го но̀сат на башта̀та и на ма̀йката

42 (a) [2:24]       ко̀йто вѐке какво̀то даде̇̀ ма̀йка ми башта̀ ми

43 (a) [2:29]       ше им дада̀ сас крəва̀и на ма̀йкатə и на башта̀тə

44 (a) [2:31]       ѐ ше до̀де васѝл и га до̀де кото до̀де васѝл

45 (a) [2:35]       ѝмаше əм ѐ деца̀ о̀дат та сурува̀кат

46 (a) [2:38]       а па нѝе момѝчета сə збѝра:ме пък та пейе̇̀м пр̥̀стенете

47 (a) [2:44]       ту̀ка ваф реке̂̀та сме са зе̇̀ле та ги пейе̇̀м

48 (a) [2:47]       и то̀ ə л’е̇̀т е̂̀ збра̀ли са са момѝчета и момче̇̀та

49 (a) [2:51]       и нѝе з’е̇̀мат бело̀ котл’ѐ и сипа̀ле ве̂̀тре во̀да

50 (a) [2:55]       и ту̀рнат на леде̂̀ пут кутл’ѐто ə ув’ѐс пут кутл’ѐто

51 (a) [3:01]       и нал’ѝ ѝмаме с’е̇̀ пр̥̀стенчета пу рац’е̇̀те пр̥̀стене

52 (a) [3:04]       е̂̀ с’е̇̀ки си спу̀сти пр̥̀стен’е ве̂̀тре вав воде̂̀та и пейе̇̀м ги

53 (a) [3:10]       та испейе̇̀м песенте̂̀ и приб’е̇̀рат това̀ спроти васѝл

54 (a) [3:15]       и приб’е̇̀рат кутл’ѐто на васѝл заранте̂̀ ше си до̀дем

55 (a) [3:17]       па̀ ра̀но да пейе̇̀м до̀дем та пейе̇̀м ту̀ка на реке̂̀та

56 (a) [3:21]       и ва̀дат ə пр̥̀стенете и да ги нарѝчат пр̥̀стенете

57 (a) [3:25]       куму̀ какво̀ ше са па̀дне на еднѝ са па̀дне здра̀в здра̀ва годѝнчица

58 (a) [3:30]       дру̀ги па̀дне са превѝт крəва̀й го̀с т’е ча̀ка ѐ това̀

59 (a) [3:36]       го̀с а го̀с т’е ча̀ка годежа̀ре ча̀кат ѐ фто̀рийа па̀к

60 (a) [3:41]       ə бѐше ѝмаше купе̂̀ с’а̀но на пе̂̀т’а ко̀йто мѝне

61 (a) [3:46]       оску̀бне си т’а̀ па̀к дру̀гата па̀к а и па̀ гу нарѝчат

62 (a) [3:50]       па̀к унува̀ вѐк’ не по̀мна ка̀г гу нарѝчаа пу̀сто

63 (a) [3:52]       забра̀ила сам ка̀г гу нарѝчаа забра̀вила сам го не по̀мна

64 (a) [3:58]       не мо̀а ти гу ка̀жа унува̀ ка̀г гу нарѝчаа

65 (a) [3:59]       йе вѝш па̀ ги пофто̀рим [неразбрано] ги па̀к пофто̀рим

66 (a) [4:01]       така̀ поср’ѐштаме васѝл а̀ ше до̀де па ива̀новд’е̇̀н’ момче̇̀ата

67 (a) [4:09]       ко̀ито са ту̀ка момче̇̀ата йѐздат кун’е̇̀те̭ препу̀скад ги на ива̀новд’е̇̀н’

68 (a) [4:16]       è̝здат кун’е̇̀ и препу̀скад ги ше до̀де за̀говенки да загов’е̇̀ем ве̇̀че

69 (a) [4:23]       па за велѝкийа по̀с напра̀им си ба̀ници зб’е̇̀рем са

70 (a) [4:28]       ə пу дв’ѐ къ̀шти са зб’è̝рем на едно̀ м’а̀сто да си загов’е̇̀ем

71 (a) [4:32]       купѝле са еднѝ ку̀пат алве̂̀ уд б’а̀лата алве̂̀ е̂̀ напра̀им ба̀ници

72 (a) [4:39]       наго̀твили сме си сѝчко и ока̀чим па с’ѝрене бу̀ца сѝрене гол’а̀мə

73 (a) [4:45]       вр̥̀зем йа сас кун’е̇̀ц и йа ока̀чим на гредѝте

74 (a) [4:50]       и йе̂ спу̀стим така̀ нѝско и откъ̀ са найаде̇̀м с’е̇̀ки да тѝча

75 (a) [4:53]       и да ла̀па hа̀п л’у̀шкат е така̀ наса̀м ната̀та наса̀м ната̀та

76 (a) [4:57]       л’у̀шкат и с’ѐки ѝде ла̀пва [смях] абѐ така̀ва бе ми

77 (a) [5:01]       тава̀ ə на̀вика сѝчките те̂̀й пра̀веа и гу л’у̀шкат и

78 (a) [5:08]       е па нѝе см’а̀ адѝ еднѝ па̀днат отк’е̂̀снат

79 (a) [5:11]       дру̀ги не мо̀е отк’е̂̀снат џумбѝш пра̀вейме и та̀а ə бу̀ца

80 (a) [5:17]       ше йа уста̀ват в’е̇̀ке т’ѐа ѝмаа кото за ц’а̀р ли ѝмаа

81 (a) [5:21]       оста̀веа кога̀ имам ѝмаме добѝтак та н’а̀ко младѝште да прудрѝште

82 (a) [5:26]       да скъ̀саме ут ə сѝренето да гу завѝйеме та да

83 (a) [5:29]       да му сə спр’е̇̀ тава̀ д’е̇̀то го го̀ни по ве̂̀нка младѝштето

84 (a) [5:33]       така̀ го прека̀рваме за велѝгд’ен’ па пра̀ве:ме па йѐйца па̀ крəва̀йе м’ѐсваа

85 (a) [5:38]       до̀де петəро̀вд’ѐн’ нѝе ѝмаме ту̀ка кр̥̀с на свет’ѝ п’ѐт’ер

86 (a) [5:44]       ше зако̀лим а̀гне ше до̀де по̀па ше светѝ во̀да за

87 (a) [5:50]       б’а̀л кот’ѐл св’етѝ во̀да чет’е̇̀ та̀м и с’ѐки и ше тр̥̀гнем

88 (a) [5:57]       ə като исчет’е̇̀ с’ѐки отѝва при по̀па то̀й го пр̥̀ска

89 (a) [6:00]       сас кѝтката напра̀ил кѝтка уд здра̀вец и босѝл’ек кр̥ста̀д босѝл’ек

90 (a) [6:03]       и ту̀ри гу ту̀к чу̀кне го така̀ та го пр̥̀сне

91 (a) [6:07]       и си испу̀стиш парѝте и му целу̀ваш ре̂̀ка и си замѝне

92 (a) [6:09]       така пра̀вейме на светѝ илѝйа па̀ съ̀штото беше

93 (a) [6:12]       и така̀ сме прекарва̀ле н’а̀коги

94 (VZh)       [Имахте ли тука много царевица?]

95 (a) [6:14]       налѝ н’ѐма н’ѐма какво̀ да да даде̂̀т о̀рата

96 (a) [6:18]       әми тр̥гна̀ле баа да з’е̇̀мат на дру̀гите кукуру̀за

97 (a) [6:22]       нѝе си ту̀к сме си има̀ле ама по градѝшəтə не се̂̀ има̀ле

98 (a) [6:25]       ами тр̥гне̂̀а кото комѝсийа да з’е̇̀мат да ни з’е̇̀мат ца̀ревицата

99 (a) [6:31]       нѝе сѐеме ту̀ка ѝмаме нѝва гол’а̀ма ѝмаме кукуру̀с мно̀гу

100 (a) [6:36]       та̀ кото нам’ѐрат и ти оста̀ват ма̀лко и

101 (a) [6:39]       ти ги онова̀ го з’е̇̀мат да го однесе̂̀т да го предаде̂̀т

102 (a) [6:42]       па на тѝйа коѝто н’ѐмат да им го даде̂̀т

103 (a) [6:45]       па т’ѐ да не гладу̀ват з’е̇̀мат ни ца̀ревицата

104 (a) [6:48]       та сме го крѝле и носѝле по гъста̀ците да да си крѝем ца̀ревицəтə̭

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut