ritual of "catching a saint"

Vladimirovo 1

91 (b) kogà nèkoj se ubìe nèšto kogà
When someone gets hurt, when something –

94 (a) àbe i na dène i a i drùgu a
Well, about the day. And the other, and –

101 (c) trikràko stolè
[It’s done with] a three-legged stool.

102 (a) vɤž a a lovìli sme ngi dèn elì na gèrg’ovden
You see, we “caught” a saint’s day for them – either St. George’s day,

103 (a) elì na ə spàsovden elì na svetì ilìja elì na drùgi dène
or the Savior’s day, or St. Elias’s day, or some other days,

104 (a) kòlko pràznici ìma mòo go narečèš nàj màlko na trì pràznici
however many there are. You have to pick at least three holidays [for candidates].

105 (a) i l’ùdete i zə i tekà ngi lòvime ə ìma st stolèta
And people – [the way] we “catch” for them is – there are these stools

106 (a) s trì kràka ako ste stàri
with three legs; if you’re old [enough] …

108 (a) ako ste vidèle na tìja st obṛ̀neme stolèto i krakàta
… if you’ve seen them – we turn the stool over [so that] the legs –

109 (a) trìte kràka sa nagòre i tùrame tùrat sveštìci
all three legs are pointed upwards, and we put – they put little candles [on each leg]

110 (a) i gi zapàlime i detèto kojò fàne tavà na tòo
and light them. And whichever candle the child grabs for, that’s the one

111 (a) i go narečème dnèska gèrg’ovden zaràn
that we name as his saint’s day. Today St. George’s day, tomorrow –

112 (b) velìgden

113 (a) spàsovden velìgden
Ascension, Easter,

114 (b) dimìtrovden
St. Dimitri’s day.

116 (a) ì takà i na tòo dèn mu pràvime pìtka nèšto i
And on that day we make him a round bread, or something, and –

117 (VZh) a kogà se ə lòvi takà svetèc kogà detèto
When do you do this “catching of the saint”? When a child

118 (VZh) nèšto e bilò bòlno li ə
has been sick or something?

119 (a) ako mu nè e dobrè detèto
If things aren’t going well for the child,

120 (a) ili sè takà e slàbičko nèšto
or if it’s doing poorly, if something is [not right]

121 (a) ne tè i trèbva tovà takà pràat
and you can’t [do] what’s needed, that’s what they do.

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut