Vladimir Zhobov
Vladimirovo 1
1 (VZh) In the old days, when was [the day] of the village celebration in Lyuta?
celebration sg m def | in | in | Lyuta sg f place | when interr | 3sg impf cop | in | time sg n def |
2 (a) [0:04] On the fourteenth …
on | fourteenth sg m adj |
3 (c) [0:06] On the fourteenth.
on | fourteenth sg m adj |
4 (a) [0:07] ... of November, I think it was – I don’t know.
November sg m | interr clt | 3sg impf cop | neg | know 1sg pres I |
5 (b) [0:08] That’s right, November.
thus adv | November sg m |
6 (VZh) Uh huh.
bkch |
7 (a) [0:10] Ah, Nove- November, right?
disc | interr | [...] | November sg m |
8 (VZh) And how did you celebrate it? How was the celebration set up?
and | how interr | how interr | acc refl clt | celebrate 3sg pres I | this sg n adj | […] | how interr | become 3sg impf I | celebration sg m def |
9 (a) [0:15] How was it celebrated?
how interr | acc refl clt | celebrate 3sg pres I | when conj |
10 (VZh) Yes.
disc |
11 (a) [0:17] It starts when – we know there will be a celebration, and we knead up bread,
[...] | begin 3sg pres P | [...] | comp | know 1pl pres I | that conj | 3sg pres cop clt | celebration sg m def | knead 1pl pres I | dat refl clt | knead 1pl pres P | bread sg m |
12 (a) [0:22] and slaughter – if we have something larger, either a lamb –
and | slaughter 1pl pres P | dat refl clt | if conj | have 1pl pres | something sg n | more | big sg n adj | or | lamb sg n |
13 (a) [0:26] something, chickens or geese, whoever if – whoever kept what –
or | something sg n | hen pl f | interr clt | goose pl f | which sg m interr | if conj | dat refl clt | which sg m interr | dat refl clt | 3sg pres aux clt | raise sg m L.part I |
14 (a) [0:30] and we slaughter them. Then guests come, celebration visitors, and we cook –
and | and | acc 3pl clt | slaughter 1pl pres P | and | guest pl m def | come 3pl pres I | celebrant pl m def | 3pl pres cop clt | cook 1pl pres I |
15 (a) [0:36] the visitors come and we greet them. There’s been set up for us a big –
come 3pl pres P | celebrant pl m | greet 1pl pres I | acc 3pl clt | arrange pl L.part P | acc 1pl clt | 3pl pres aux clt | thus adv | big sg f adj | disc |
16 (b) [0:41] Table.
table sg f |
17 (a) [0:42] Something like a table.
like | table sg f |
18 (VZh) So they come from other villages? [If you say] “celebration guests”, that means
come 3pl pres I | and | from | other pl adj | village pl n | disc | celebrant sg m | fut | say 3sg pres P |
19 (VZh) that they are coming from other places.
nom 3pl | 3pl pres cop clt | from | other sg n adj | place sg n | come 3pl pres I |
20 (a) [0:47] Yes, from another [place]. Extended family ...
disc | from | other sg n adj | family pl m def |
21 (VZh) Aha.
bkch |
22 (a) [0:48] ... [or] if they are relatives by marriage.
if conj | pres exist | family pl m | friend pl m |
23 (VZh) And do you go to their village celebrations?
and | nom 2pl | go 2pl pres I | interr clt | to | their pl def adj | celebration pl m |
24 (a) [0:52] Of course we go!
disc | go 1pl pres I |
25 (VZh) [laughter]
26 (a) [0:53] You see, I’m from Lehchevo, but my mother is from Vladimirovo.
disc | nom 1sg | 1sg pres cop clt | from | Lehchevo sg n place | but | mother sg f | dat 1sg clt | 3sg pres cop clt | from | Vladimirovo sg n place |
27 (VZh) Uh huh.
bkch |
28 (a) [0:57] I go from Vladimirovo [to theirs] and they come from Lehchevo [to ours].
nom 1sg | come 1sg pres I | from | Vladimirovo sg n place | and | nom 3pl | then adv | come 3pl pres I | from | Lehchevo sg n place |
29 (VZh) Uh huh.
bkch |
30 (a) [1:01] And the same thing with other villages: we go to them and they [come here].
and | pres exist | interr | by | other def pl adj | village pl n | go 1pl pres I | to | other pl adj | and | nom 3pl | thus adv |
31 (VZh) Did different extended families have something like a family saint,
and | separate pl def adj | family pl m | have 3pl impf I | interr clt | dat refl clt | something sg n | like | saint sg m |
32 (VZh) such that each family group knew which was its [own] saint,
interr | each sg m adj | family sg m | comp | dat refl clt | know 3sg pres I | which sg m interr | dat m 3sg clt | 3sg pres cop clt | saint sg m def |
33 (VZh) and that the gathering would be not the entire village but just one large extended family –
and | comp | acc refl clt | gather 3sg pres I | not | entire sg n def adj | village sg n | but | only adv | one sg m adj | big sg m adj | family sg m |
34 (VZh) was there such a thing [here]?
this sg n adj | impf exist | interr clt | acc n 3sg clt |
35 (a) [1:17] Well yes, there was.
disc | and | impf exist |
36 (VZh) And how – what sort of area was that celebration held in?
and | how interr | in | what sg n interr | place sg n | acc refl clt | do 3sg impf I | this sg n adj |
37 (a) [1:21] Whoever decides he’s going to do it, [that one] decides where it will be,
disc | and | which sg m interr | […] | where interr | dat refl clt | decide 3sg pres P | interr | acc m 3sg clt | do 3sg pres P |
38 (a) [1:25] and we do it.
and | dat refl clt | do 1pl pres P |
39 (VZh) Uh huh.
bkch |
40 (b) [1:26] Uh huh.
41 (a) [1:30] How can I tell you? It’s, well, you say there will be [something],
what sg n interr | comp | dat 2sg clt | say 1sg pres I | when conj | [...] | say 2sg pres P | comp | hes | comp | dat refl clt | 3sg pres cop clt |
42 (a) [1:33] that relatives will come together, that you’ll gather together your children,
comp | acc refl clt | gather 3pl pres P | dat refl clt | family pl m def | interr clt | one's.own pl def adj | child pl n | dat refl clt | gather 2sg pres P |
43 (a) [1:38] you put it together, guests come, and it’s just like a village celebration anyway.
dat refl clt | do 2sg pres P | and | guest pl m | all adv | dat refl clt | 3sg pres cop clt | one sg n adj | like | 3sg pres cop clt | celebration sg m |
44 (VZh) Aha! [laughter]
bkch |
45 (a) [1:42] You see?
disc |
46 (VZh) [laughter] And when – when did people here begin to – uh –
and | when interr | when interr | begin 3pl aor P | here adv | people pl def | comp | dat refl clt | [...] | hes |
47 (VZh) Do people plant grapevines here? Do they have vineyards here?
pres exist | interr clt | vineyard sg f | comp | put 3pl pres I | hes | hes | people pl def | vineyard pl n | have 3pl pres | interr clt | here adv |
48 (a) [1:51] Vineyards?
vineyard pl n | interr clt |
49 (VZh) Yes.
yes |
50 (a) [1:53] There used to be a lot of vineyards!
vineyard pl n | impf exist | many adv |
51 (VZh) Hah!
bkch |
52 (a) [1:55] A lot of them. Everyone had a vineyard here before they began
many adv | impf exist | each sg m adj | dat refl clt | have 3sg impf | vineyard pl n | and | [...] | before | comp | begin 3pl pres P |
53 (a) [2:00] [to put together] those big chunks of land (= collective farms).
this sg n adj | more | hes | hes | big pl def adj | hes | [...] | decare pl m | land sg f |
54 (a) [2:05] People had them. On less space, but people had [their own],
have 3pl impf I | dat refl clt | more | [...] | more | little adv | disc | but | dat refl clt | have 3pl impf I | people pl def |
55 (a) [2:09] albeit less. Then came the big vineyards. But whether there are vineyards now
more | [...] | and | after adv | become 3pl aor P | many adv | vineyard pl n | but | now adv | interr | pres exist | vineyard sg f |
56 (a) [2:12] I no longer know. Everything has gone to pot.
already adv | neg | know 1sg pres I | everything sg n adj | 3pl pres cop clt | exterminate 3sg aor P |
57 (VZh) You know, [it’s surprising] that we rarely ask about this.
nom 1pl | for | this sg n adj | [...] | know 2sg pres I | that conj | rarely adv | ask 1pl pres I | for |
58 (VZh) How is that done? How do you cultivate a vineyard?
how interr | acc refl clt | this sg n adj | how interr | acc refl clt | look 3sg pres I | on | one sg n adj | grapevine sg n |
59 (VZh) What do you need to do for it?
what sg n interr | must pres I imprs | comp | acc n 3sg clt | do 2sg pres I |
60 (a) [2:23] A vineyard?
grapevine sg n def | interr clt |
61 (VZh) Yes.
yes |
62 (a) [2:24] Well, for a vineyard you have to hoe it, and tie it up,
disc |
grapevine sg n def | must pres I imprs | acc n 3sg clt | dig 2sg pres I | comp | acc n 3sg clt | tie 2sg pres I |
63 (a) [2:27] and spray it with copper sulfite, and –
comp | acc n 3sg clt | spray 2sg pres I | with | blue sg m adj | stone sg m | fut |
64 (VZh) Uh huh.
65 (a) [2:30] You spray it, you tie it [to supports] –
spray 2sg pres I | tie 2sg pres I |
66 (VZh) Which is most difficult of all [these tasks]?
which sg n interr adj | 3sg pres cop clt | most | difficult sg n adj | from | everything sg n adj |
67 (a) [2:35] Well, what’s hard is that it requires a lot of hoeing and tying, and pruning –
disc | difficult sg n adj | because | must pres imprs | much adv | hoe vbl.n I | and | tie vbl.n I | and | hes | hes | prune vbl.n I |
68 (VZh) And what do you do with the shoots [you’ve] pruned?
shoot pl m def | what sg n interr | acc 3pl clt | do 2pl pres I |
69 (a) [2:42] Well, these shoots – in the springtime, we – we toss them out.
disc | this pl adj | interr clt | shoot pl m def | spring sg f | [...] | […] | [...] | throw 1pl pres I | nom 1pl |
70 (VZh) Uh huh.
bkch |
71 (a) [2:48] We only leave a few, and we’ll go and tie those onto stakes we’ve put up.
only adv | this sg n adj | dat refl clt | leave 1pl pres P | on | stake pl m def | dat refl clt | put 1pl pres I | stake pl m | fut | go 1pl pres I | tie 1pl pres P |
72 (a) [2:56] That’s the grapevine, and it [yields] grapes and there you are:
[ ... ] | this sg n adj | grapevine sg f def | and | nom f 3sg | dat refl clt | grape sg n | and | disc | thus adv |
73 (a) [2:59] We pick them, then we eat [them], drink wine, and that’s it.
gather 1pl pres I | after adv | eat 1pl pres I | drink 1pl pres I | wine sg n | and | disc | thus adv |
74 (VZh) [laughter]
75 (b) [laughter]
76 (VZh) And did children want to drink it before –
and | and | child pl n def | want 3pl impf I | interr clt | hes | comp | drink 3pl pres I | this sg n adj | before | comp |
77 (VZh) before it ...
before | comp |
78 (a) [3:08] Ah. But we leave [it] –
disc | but | fut | leave 1pl pres P |
79 (VZh) … begins to ferment?
begin 3sg pres P | comp | bubble 3sg pres I | there adv |
80 (b) [3:09] Yes.
yes |
81 (VZh) How did they call that –
how interr | dat n 3sg clt | [...] | how interr | dat n 3sg clt | call 3pl impf I | to | this sg n adj | to |
82 (a) [3:11] We call that “sweet wine” (new wine).
sweet sg n adj | wine sg n | dat n 2sg clt | call 1pl pres I |
83 (VZh) "Sweet wine".
sweet sg n adj | wine sg n |
84 (a) [3:13] Must.
must sg m |
85 (VZh) Uh huh.
bkch |
86 (b) [3:14] Tell about when …
hort | say sg imv P | when inter.rel |
87 (VZh) Hm.
88 (b) [3:15] … someone hurts themselves, when something happens to someone,
someone sg m | acc refl clt | kill 3sg pres P | something sg n | when inter.rel | something sg n | acc refl clt | happen 3sg pres P | with | someone acc sg m |
89 (b) [3:18] how you grab a saint, and what you do to –
how interr | dat refl clt | catch 2pl pres I | saint sg m | and | what sg n interr | do 2pl pres I | for | [...] |
90 (VZh) Hm?
91 (b) [3:21] When someone gets hurt, when something –
when inter.rel | someone sg m | acc refl clt | kill 3sg pres P | something sg n | when inter.rel |
92 (c) [3:23] The day! The day! The day!
day sg m | day sg m | day sg m |
93 (b) [3:23] [Yes,] tell about the grabbing of the day.
catch vbl.n I | of | day sg m | tell sg imv P |
94 (a) [3:26] Well, about the day. And the other, and –
disc | and | of | day sg m def | and | hes | and | other sg n adj | hes |
95 (c) [3:29] There’s more coffee, may I pour you some?
and | pres exist | coffee sg n | comp | dat 2sg clt | pour 1sg pres P | interr clt |
96 (GK) He doesn’t drink coffee.
nom m 3sg | neg | drink 3sg pres I | coffee sg n |
97 (VZh) Yes - yes, yes. We’re listening!
yes | yes | yes | listen 1pl pres I | acc 2sg clt |
98 (b) [3:35] Didn’t you grab the day for…
neg | 2sg pres aux clt | interr clt | catch sg f L.part I | day sg m | for |
99 (VZh) [unintelligible]
100 (b) [3:37] … Pepi, or for Tsani?
Pepi sg m name | or | for | Tsani sg m name |
101 (c) [3:38] [It’s done with] a three-legged stool.
three-legged sg n adj | stool sg n |
102 (a) [3:39] You see, we “caught” a saint’s day for them – either St. George’s day,
hes | hes | catch pl L.part I | 1pl pres aux clt | dat 3pl clt | day sg m | or | on | St. George's.day sg m |
103 (a) [3:45] or the Savior’s day, or St. Elias’s day, or some other days,
or | on | hes | Savior's.day sg m | or | on | saint sg m adj | Elias sg m name | or | on | other pl adj | day pl m |
104 (a) [3:50] however many there are. You have to pick at least three holidays [for candidates].
how.many inter.rel | holiday pl m | pres exist | can pres imprs | acc m 3sg clt | name 2sg pres P | most | little adv | on | three | holiday pl m |
105 (a) [3:56] And people – [the way] we “catch” for them is – there are these stools
and | person pl m def | and | for | and | thus adv | dat 3pl clt | catch 1pl pres P | hes | pres exist | [...] | stool pl n |
106 (a) [4:01] with three legs; if you’re old [enough] …
with | three | leg ct m | if conj | 2pl pres cop clt | old pl adj |
107 (VZh) Aha.
bkch |
108 (a) [4:04] … if you’ve seen them – we turn the stool over [so that] the legs –
if conj | 2pl pres aux clt | see pl L.part P | on | this pl adj | [...] | reverse 1pl pres P | stool sg n def | and | leg pl m def |
109 (a) [4:08] all three legs are pointed upwards, and we put – they put little candles [on each leg]
three def | leg ct m | 3pl pres cop clt | up adv | and | put 1pl pres I | put 3pl pres I | candle pl f |
110 (a) [4:11] and light them. And whichever candle the child grabs for, that’s the one
and | acc 3pl clt | light 1pl pres P | and | child sg n def | which sg n inter.rel adj | catch 3sg pres P | this sg n adj | for | this sg m adj |
111 (a) [4:16] that we name as his saint’s day. Today St. George’s day, tomorrow –
and | acc m 3sg clt | name 1pl pres P | today adv | St. George's.day sg m | tomorrow adv |
112 (b) [4:20] Easter.
Easter sg m |
113 (a) [4:21] Ascension, Easter,
Savior's.day sg m | Easter sg m |
114 (b) [4:23] St. Dimitri’s day.
St.Dimitri's.day sg m |
115 (VZh) Uh huh.
bkch |
116 (a) [4:24] And on that day we make him a round bread, or something, and –
and | thus adv | and | on | this sg m adj | day sg m | dat m 3sg clt | make 1pl pres I | pita sg f | something sg n | and |
117 (VZh) When do you do this “catching of the saint”? When a child
and | when interr | acc refl clt | hes | catch 3sg pres I | thus adv | saint sg m | when interr | child sg n def |
118 (VZh) has been sick or something?
something sg n | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | ill sg n adj | interr clt | hes |
119 (a) [4:36] If things aren’t going well for the child,
if conj | dat n 3sg clt | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | good adv | child sg n def |
120 (a) [4:37] or if it’s doing poorly, if something is [not right]
or | all adv | thus adv | 3sg pres cop clt | weak sg n adj | something sg n |
121 (a) [4:40] and you can’t [do] what’s needed, that’s what they do.
neg | acc 2sg clt | and | must pres I imprs | this sg n adj | thus adv | do 3pl pres I |