Bosnek 1
72 (a) edìn kotèl vodà i cvet’à u kotèlo tùreja i nevèstata
a cauldron of water, and they’ve put flowers in the cauldron. And the bride
73 (a) da rìtne tovà kotèlo i da fɤ̀rli cvetjàta pres ə pres kɤ̀štata
kicks the cauldron and throws the flowers over the house.
74 (a) ta da ìma kolko sa cvet’àta tòlko decà da ìma
And however many flowers [she throws], that’s how many children she’ll have.
Nasalevci 1
60 (a) i uvedè vɤ̀tre i pòsle ju pràti dòle na klàdenɤc
and leads her inside. After that she sends her down to the well
61 (a) na vòdu də donesè vòdu nevèsta
to [get] water, for the bride to bring water [from the well].
Repljana 4
19 (c) tòj bèše u bunàrɤt odnèlo dà
It was by the well that it [his cap] slipped off.