water sources

Breste 2

76 (a) i sìpvame vòda nòsime vòda ut češmɤ̀ta od lòkva kɤdè namèrime
We pour water. We bring it from the well, from a puddle, wherever we find it,

Brŭšljan 2

2 (b) bìul':ètu ìskəhə ə g'òl i hòd'ehme tə ə zìməhme vudà
the water buffaloes wanted [to find] a puddle. So we would go and get water

3 (b) ud r'àkətə səz bəkɤ̀ri də pɤ̀l'nime vəv g'òlət vudà
from the river with copper [cauldrons] so as to fill the puddle with water.

Drabišna 1

78 (GK) r'àkata tùka presɤ̀xvaše li
Has the river here [always] dried up?

79 (a) predìš' ne presɤ̀hnuvəši sàə gudìnə mnògu prisɤ̀hnə tàə r'àkə
It didn’t use to dry up earlier, [but] this year it dried up a lot. This river [is]

80 (a) gul'àmə r'àkə duòdəš'e è čɤ̀k e tàm do mòjte plòči
a big river, it came all the way up to my steps.

81 (RA) takà li

82 (a) è tùkə təkà
Yes, [to] here, [to] here.

83 (RA) tòlkova gol'àma
[It was] that big!

84 (a) fùrnətə səjvànetu uttàm pruvəlìhme dùpkə tə teč'àš'e udɤ̀tə nədòlu
We bored a hole [by the] outdoor oven, the shed, and the water flowed down.

85 (a) təkɤ̀vi gul'àmi r'àki duhòdəhə sià n'àmə
Rivers as big as that would come up [to our house]. Now they don’t.

Eremija 1

108 (a) cèloto lèto e pùsnana tàa vòda od rezervàr trì pati
All summer long, they’ve let water out of the reservoir [just] three times:

109 (a) dvàes i pèti dvàes i pèti è i segà če stàne
on the twenty-fifth, on the twenty-fifth, and now it’ll happen

110 (a) dvàes i pèti ako a pùsnat i da se mòlim na tòja
on the twenty-fifth if they let it out. So [all] we [can do] is ask someone

111 (a) da ti dadè ednà tùbička vodìčka za pìen'e
to give you a plastic canister of water for drinking.

112 (a) e sà idòx u drùgijo komšìja donèsox u ednà tùbička za pìen'e
I just went to another neighbor, and got a canister of drinking [water],

114 (a) dòjdat le decàta donesàt u kòfi u takòva
If the children come, they bring [water] in buckets or whatever, [and]

115 (a) prigòtvat tùka ama se svṛ̀ši kato postojàno rəcètu da si umìeš
set things up. But it runs out when you are constantly washing your hands,

116 (a) panìcata da umìeš è ot sutrintà nèšto da naprài čovèk
[or] washing the pot. From morning on, a person needs to make things.

119 (a) nèče bez vòda bunarjè ispresaxnàa
It won't [happen] without water. The wells are all dried up –

121 (a) òo tè tùka komšìite nìkogaš ne bèše presənàl bunàro
Oh and the neighbors here! Never [before] has the well dried up.

122 (a) segà kato na le lègne kòfata kòku zacṛ̀pe tòku
Now when the bucket [descends] it lies flat, there’s only what it scoops up.

123 (a) ako ja rasklàmaš màtna stàne i tò tovà e
And if you shake it [at all] it gets all cloudy, and that’s [all] there is.

Kolju Marinovo 5

16 (GK) a predì ìmalo li e v sèlo sèlo sèloto vudà mnogo
Earlier on was there much water in the village?

17 (a) ìməši̥ ìməši̥
There was, there was.

19 (a) nìe zèjmi tùka e reservoàra du nàs udgòri
We got [it from] – there’s a reservoir here near us. Up above,

21 (a) à nè li gu zabel’àzə tuvà e rezervuàra è tùka du nàs
Didn’t you notice it? That’s the reservoir, right over here – near us.

22 (a) nìj ut tùka z’èmami vodɤ̀ i prɤ̀snətə i čàk u udvɤ̀dnətə majalɤ̀
We get water from here. Water is scattered, even one in the other neighborhood.

23 (a) ə idìn innɤ̀ vudɤ̀ pək ìəmi tùka priz vrɤ̀ju pək čak uttàtəkə
But we have another water source here across the summit, over there on the other side,

24 (a) tò i mnògu dəl’èč nə unàzi vudɤ̀ pək də vər’ɤ̀ tàm
It’s very far, to walk [all the way] to that water

26 (a) ne mužàa də ja fànət sìčkətə tə bəjà zəkɤ̀cvəmi zə vudɤ̀
They couldn’t get it all, so we have a lot of trouble [to get] water.

27 (a) i segà tòo ə kòjtu i ɤ pu vudɤ̀tə
And now the one who’s [responsible] for the water

28 (a) s’àkə sùtrin gi utvàr’ə v’èčir gi zətvàr’ə
opens [the sources] every morning and closes them in the evening.

30 (a) i tòj dvà čàsə gi e dərdžàl dərdžàl vèči dvà čàsə
And for two hours he kept it [open], kept it [open] two hours,

31 (a) li idìn mi ìməmi si upridilèn čuv’èk zə č’ušmìti̥
or maybe [only] one. We have a specific person for the wells,

33 (a) də gi pùštə də gi spìrə
to release the water flow and shut it off.

34 (GK) a ednò vrème ìmalu li ìmalu li e takòva po kɤ̀štite
So in the old days did houses used to have

35 (GK) vodà češmì ili
water – wells, or –

36 (a) n’e

37 (GK) à

38 (a) n’e

39 (GK) kɤ̀k e bilò
[So] what was it like?

40 (a) tàm dir’èto ìəmi nìe ìməmi čušmɤ̀ ə tùkə du nàs uddòlu
We have a well in the dry riverbed, down below here near us

41 (a) vèči j dir’è i inɤ̀ grədìnə səd’è i dir’ètu
is the riverbed. There’s only one garden [between us] and the riverbed.

42 (a) a tàm ìmə ìməjme̝ če i tùkə dòlo čàk ìməši
And there we had – down here there was –

43 (a) ud nàs màlku pò nədòlu ìməše i ču̥šmɤ̀ s ùbavə vudɤ̀
a little further down from us, there was a well with good water.

44 (a) i às si znàix bəkɤ̀rte nə ràmutu dzàrən vèčir na plànne nòs’ə
and I knew [my job] – to carry pails on my shoulder, morning, evening and midday.

45 (a) ə zə ùbəvə vudɤ̀ tàm mi e pò blìzu
But for good water [that one] there was closer to me

46 (a) štòtu nìj sme è tùkə priz dv’è trì kɤ̀šti e
because we’re right here: two or three houses over is

49 (a) à tàm i pò blìzu tàm s’ə nòsim ìmə č’u̥šmɤ̀ əmə
That one is closer, and we get water from there. There is a well, but

50 (a) pò ni e fkùsnə təkà za mìine zə rəzlìvəni zə prən’è
[the water] isn’t as tasty. It’s OK for washing, for watering, for doing laundry,

51 (a) zə fsìčku əmə nə grɤ̀p sìčku sa nòsi̥še̥
for everything – but it all had to be carried on the back.

62 (a) i l’èsnu li e rikɤ̀ ìməjmi tùkə blìzu
And you think that’s easy? We had a river here nearby

63 (a) nìj štòtu tàm b’àjmi pò blìzu du rikɤ̀tə i
because we were there closer to the river, and –

64 (GK) mə štò vìkaš ìmaxme da nè e presɤ̀xnala segà
Why do you say “we had”? It hasn’t gone and dried up, has it?

65 (a) əmi mòži sə kàe či vudɤ̀tə i rikɤ̀tə i prisɤ̀jnələ
Well, one could say that both the water and the river have dried up.

Petrov Dol 2

19 (a) pr’àsnə vudà ut ču̥šmàta um’ès’et p’ìt’i xl’àp
fresh water from the well. They knead up loaves of bread –

Repljana 4

29 (b) tòj u bunàra kàputu
It was in the well that he [lost] his cap.

31 (c) nè nè gòre imàlo odàvna bunàr
No, no. [It was] long ago that there was a well up there.

36 (b) è na ravnìšte gòre na ravnìšte na ravnìšte gòre imàlo bunàr
It’s on Ravnishte up there, Ravnishte – that’s where the well was.

46 (b) a òn u bunàrɤt slazìl
So it was the well that he (Georgi) went down into.

Srebŭrna 2

53 (c) sridžèš jə tɤ̀s ufcɤ̀ vərìš udɤ̀ i zəlìvəš ut’ɤ̀vəš
You shear this sheep, you boil water and pour it [into pots], you go

54 (c) nə ču̥šmɤ̀tə də jə pirèš sə wrɤ̀štəš pək jə č’èpkəš
to the well to wash the wool, then you go back, then you card it –

Stikŭl 3

13 (a) e tùvə ìməme si vudìcə tàm e blᶤìsku vudᶤìcata
Ah, we have a washing pool here. The washing pool is close by here.

15 (a) i etàm sr’ɔ̀štu dènu tuvàr’ət sɛ̀nu tàm ìmə gulɛ̀mə vòda è udgòrə
And there’s a lot of water across from where they’re loading up the hay. Up there

16 (a) ud derètu ìməmè si i drùgətə sìn ni vudìcə duvèg’enkə
[is] the river; we’ve got our [own], other washing place with water piped in [from it].

18 (a) duvèg’enkə ìməme vudìcə si tə ni e mnògu hùbəvə ni j vudìcəsə
We’ve got the water piped in, and this water of ours is really nice,

19 (a) e tùkə dètu ìmə otvòd nə češmìcətə ədnə studènkə vudìcə
here where there’s an outlet from the fountain. It’s [nice] cold water.

20 (a) studènkə òtɨ tɤčè
Cold because [[it’s water] that’s flowing.

143 (a) sòo paraklìsč’ek esòja èj gu tùva zgà č’ešmìcasa
this chapel. This one. Here it is now, this little fountain

144 (a) dèsu ə tùka napràv’enka na mahalɔ̀ta tùka tuvà stàrutu
that was built in the village quarter here, the old one.

145 (KP) tovà tàa češmà tùka li e
And this fountain, is it here?

146 (a) etùka etùka etùka češmìcata uttàtak
It’s here, it’s here. The fountain is just over there,

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut