Project Director

Ronelle Alexander (Berkeley)

Bulgarian Project Director

Vladimir Zhobov (Sofia)

Site Architect

Quinn Dombrowski (Stanford)

Project Design Consultant

Cammeron Girvin (Washington DC)


Research team members [active]


Paula Milenkova (Los Angeles)

Research team members [alumni]

(name and affiliation at time of participation)

Senior Associate

Georgi Kolev (Sofia)


Roslyn Burns (Berkeley),
Snejana Iovtcheva (Cambridge)
Kea Johnston (Berkeley)
Yassin Oulad Daoud (Berkeley)
Eric Prendergast (Berkeley)
Vesela Simeonova (Ottawa)
Traci Speed (Berkeley)
John Sylak (Berkeley)


Jessica Adams (Berkeley)
Richa Bhandal (Berkeley)
Zuhra Bholat (Berkeley)
Gabrielle Bozmarova (Berkeley)
Nina Chang (Berkeley)
Jessica Chapman (Berkeley)
Slava Chemerinski (Berkeley)
Lana Cosic (Berkeley)
Katie Crowe (Berkeley)
Stephanie DeLeon (Berkeley - Washington D.C.)
Naomi Francisco (Berkeley)
Austin Frenes (Berkeley)
Dimiana Georgieva (Berkeley)
Emmanuella Hristova (Berkeley)
Siyana Hristova (Berkeley)
Bryan Isaac (Berkeley)
Nickolena Kolev (New York)
Andrew Kuznetsov (Berkeley)
Kathleen Lamont (Berkeley)
Isabella Lazarov (Burlingame)
Chenlu Ma (Berkeley)
McKayla Major (Berkeley)
Andrew McGuire (Berkeley)
Kristie Moore (Berkeley)
Kelsey Mota (Berkeley)
Grace Newsom (Berkeley)
Jerry Nikolaev (Berkeley)
Nadia Nizetich (Berkeley)
Siyao [Logan] Peng (Berkeley)
Stella Petkova (Berkeley)
Ashika Raghavan (Berkeley)
Charles Rosencrans (Berkeley)
Elizabeth Sawyer (Berkeley)
John Sockolov (Berkeley)
Jeffrey Stock (Berkeley)
Aleksandrina Stoyanova (Berkeley)
Vanessa Taylor (Berkeley)
Milena Tintcheva (Berkeley)
Xingyue Tu (Berkeley)
Noah Usman (Berkeley)
Jessica Wang (Berkeley)
Emma Wilcox (Berkeley)
Kristina Zlatinova (Berkeley)



Core field team

Georgi Kolev (Sofia)
Vladimir Zhobov (Sofia)
Ronelle Alexander (Berkeley)
Maksim Mladenov (Sofia)


(affiliation at time of participation)

Robert Greenberg (Chapel Hill)
Krasimira Koleva (Shumen)
Alexander Krasovitsky (Oxford)
Georgi Mitrinov (Sofia)​
Elena Uzeneva (Moscow)


Emil Dichev (Sofia)
Neda & Isabella Lazarov (Burlingame)
Krasimir Mirchev (Sofia)
Radko Shopov (Sofia)
Ivan Vankov (Sofia)

Student Apprentices

(name and affiliation at time of participation)

Cammeron Girvin (Berkeley)
Marieta Nikolova (Sofia)
Traci Speed Lindsey (Berkeley)
Matthew Baerman (Berkeley)
Jonathan Barnes (Berkeley)
Tanya Delcheva (Sofia)
Elisabeth Elliott (Toronto)
Kamen Petrov (Sofia)
Petŭr Shishkov (Sofia)

All speakers on the audio tapes gave permission for their voices to be recorded. All audio recordings are the property of Sofia University.

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

Page | by Dr. Radut