Stalevo 3
1 (GK) əmi kato e n’àmalo tenekìi sìreneto v kvò sa go dəržàli
But when they didn’t have tin cans? What did they keep cheese in?
2 (a) mə̀h tugàvə m’əhuv’è
Then [they used] skins.
4 (a) m’ehuvè e pràehə mlògu ut òfcet ud òfč’etu m’əhuvè pràehə
They made many [containers of] skins. From sheep, they made skins of sheepskin
7 (a) pò təkɤ̀vu izvàd’ət ud m’àhə i ut tvà nətrun’ʌ̀t
to be more [like cheese]– they remove it from the skin and grate off [some].
9 (GK) ami če tò ne n’àma li kɤ̀k səs kòsmite
But– but won’t there – What [do you do] with the hairs [from the animal skin]?
11 (GK) kɤ̀k sa tòo m’ax kɤ̀k se prài
How is this skin bag [constructed]? What do they do?
12 (GK) n’àma li k od vɤ̀lnata da takòva
Isn’t there any of the wool to –
13 (a) à ba č’e tòj e ub’ɛ̀len nəpràen m’àhə d’èt
Oh no! It’s all scraped off, and all prepared, the skin bag that –
16 (GK) i go šìjət sled tovà li
And they sew it [up] after that, right?
17 (a) tòj si e kɤ̀t si e c’àl
It’s – [They do it] when it’s still a single [piece].
18 (a) i e vʌ̀rzən gòre i tòo m’ah
And it’s tied at the top. [That’s how they make] this skin bag.
21 (GK) əm tò gol’àm majstorlɤ̀k e tr’àbvalo də se oderè tɤ̀j če
But that must have required great skill to skin [the animal] so that …
23 (GK) də də sə ne skɤ̀sa
… that – that it didn’t tear.
24 (a) n’èmə n’èmə n’èmə tòj sə d’erè tòj sə d’erè
No, no, it won’t. You skin it, you skin it [the right way],
25 (a) i stànvə č’ùdu
and it becomes a wonderful [thing].
26 (GK) əhə i slet tova tàja kòža se takòva se
Aha. And after that, the hide gets –
27 (a) i tàa kòža si ustàne f kòžətə i i m’àh vè̝ke
And this hide remains [a whole] hide, and [as such, becomes] a skin bag.
Vladimirovo 2
31 (a) i kòžata stàrite òra a issùšɤt i onà stàne sùxa
And the old people put the skin out to dry, and [when] it dries
32 (a) i narèžət upìnki takòvo i si napràime opìnki i
they cut out the [shape] of the “opinki”, and we made “opinki”, and