Cammeron Girvin
Vladimirovo 2
1 (CG) Tell us about holidays. What was your favorite holiday?
say sg imv P | for | holiday pl m def | which sg m interr adj |
which sg m interr adj | which sg m interr adj | 3sg impf cop | most | favorite sg m def adj | dat 2sg clt | holiday sg m |
2 (CG) When you were a girl – your favorite holiday.
as | girl sg n | most | favorite sg m def adj | dat 2sg clt | holiday sg m |
3 (a) [0:07] Well, [when we went] to the village celebration.
disc | at | celebration sg m |
4 (CG) Ah, the village celebration.
disc | celebration sg m def |
5 (a) [0:09] At the village celebration.
at | celebration sg m def |
6 (CG) Yes.
yes |
7 (a) [0:10] They made [that].
make 3pl impf I |
8 (CG) Tell [me about it].
say sg imv P |
9 (a) [0:11] There was a fair. In Lehchevo, there was a fair for three days.
disc | pres exist | fair sg m | in | Lehchevo sg n place | impf exist | fair sg m | three | day ct m |
10 (a) [0:15] And they put up food booths, and there was eating and drinking
and | there adv | put pl L.part I | shack pl m | and | pres exist | food sg n | and | drink vbl.n I |
11 (a) [0:19] and everything – and music.
and | everything sg n adj | there adv | music sg f |
12 (VZh) In - in - in-
in | in | in |
13 (a) [0:22] Music. They played music, and we went with roses [in our hair],
and | music sg f | and | dat refl clt | play 3sg pres I | and | nom 1pl | go 1pl pres I | dat refl clt | with | rose pl m |
14 (a) [0:25] and we had a great time.
and | dat 1pl clt | joyful adv | 3sg impf cop |
15 (CG) Yes. And did you dance?
yes | dance 2pl impf I | interr clt |
16 (a) [0:28] Oh [yes], we danced.
disc | dance pl L.part I | 1pl pres aux clt |
17 (CG) Yes?
yes |
18 (a) [0:30] We danced, like when – like we would dance a lot when someone got married.
dance 1pl pres I | and | when conj | […] | and | […] | dance 1pl pres I | much adv | when inter.rel | acc refl clt | marry 3pl pres I |
19 (a) [0:33] At weddings, when the music starts playing at dawn and [goes] till night,
and | wedding pl f | and | when conj | play 3sg pres P | music sg f def | from | dawn sg f | to | evening sg f |
20 (a) [0:37] we run out to dance. We would go a lot – winter, summer –
run 1pl pres I | comp | dance 1pl pres I | when conj | much adv | go 1pl impf I | disc | in.winter adv | in.summer adv | interr clt | 3sg pres cop clt |
21 (a) [0:42] [though] in winter we didn’t have shoes, “opinki” (leather sandals).
in.winter adv | in.winter adv | pres neg exist | [...] | hes | [...] | hes | shoes pl.t | hes | [...] | leather.sandal pl m |
22 (a) [0:48] If you know what that is, “tsŭrvuli” (leather sandals).
if conj | know 2pl pres I | what sg n interr | 3sg pres cop clt | leather.sandals pl m |
23 (CG) No. What is that?
no | [...] | what sg n interr | 3sg pres cop clt | this sg n adj |
24 (b) [0:50] “Tsŭrvuli”.
leather.sandals pl m |
25 (CG) Ah, “tsŭrvuli”.
leather.sandals pl m | disc |
26 (b) [0:52] “Tsŭrvuli”, made from pigskin.
leather.sandals pl m | from | pig sg f adj | skin sg f |
27 (CG) Fine, yes.
good adv | yes |
28 (a) [0:53] I’ll tell you about them, these – The “opinki” are from the pigs
fut | dat 2sg clt | say 1sg pres I | this pl adj | [...] | leather.sandal pl m | 3pl pres cop clt | from | pig sg n def |
29 (a) [0:56] that we[’d have] slaughtered at – at Christmastime.
rel | 1pl pres aux clt | acc n 3sg clt | slaughter pl L.part I | at | at | Christmas sg f |
30 (CG) Uh huh.
disc |
31 (a) [0:58] And the old people put the skin out to dry, and [when] it dries
and | skin sg f def | old def pl adj | people pl | acc f 3sg clt | dry 3pl pres P | and | nom f 3sg | become 3sg pres P | dry sg f adj |
32 (a) [1:04] they cut out the [shape] of the “opinki”, and we made “opinki”, and
and | cut 3pl pres P | leather.sandal pl f | thus adv | and | dat refl clt | make 1pl aor P | leather.sandal pl m | and |
33 (a) [1:08] with socks. There wasn’t any –
with | sock pl m | pres neg exist | hes | hes | disc |
34 (b) [1:11] Woolen.
woolen pl adj |
35 (a) [1:12] but not –
not | [...] |
36 (CG) Shoes.
shoes pl m |
37 (a) [1:13] But it’s woolen –
but | 3sg pres cop clt | woolen pl adj |
38 (CG) Socks.
sock pl m |
39 (a) [1:14] because we wrap up – what we call leg wrappings, like rags
because conj | wrap 1pl pres I | and | leg.wrapping pl.t | rel | acc n 3sg clt | call 1pl pres I | disc | like | rag pl m |
40 (a) [1:18] that we wrap on so we don’t get – but we still get wet
comp | wrap 1pl pres P | and | comp | dat 1pl clt | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | but | again adv | acc refl clt | get.wet 1pl pres P |
41 (a) [1:21] and when we come home and take off the leg wrappings,
and | when conj | dat refl clt | come 1pl pres P | and | until conj | comp | acc refl clt | 1pl pres P |
42 (a) [1:24] they are soaking wet, and we put them by the stove to dry out
nom n 3sg | pool sg f | water sg f | and | put 1pl pres I | to | stove sg f def | comp | comp | dry 3pl pres P |
43 (a) [1:28] so that we can go out again early [the next day].
disc | tomorrow adv | again adv | comp | go 1pl pres I |
44 (c) [1:29] [laughter]
45 (CG) Aha. But surely –
disc | but | surely adv |
46 (a) [1:31] That was how we went around. That’s [how our] life was.
thus adv | our sg n def adj | go vbl.n I | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | [...] | life sg m | 3sg impf cop |
47 (CG) Aha. And what did you do for “koleda” (Christmas)? “Koleda” – how did you celebrate that?
disc | and | for | for | Christmas sg f | what sg n interr | do 2pl impf I | for | Christmas sg f | how interr | celebrate 2pl impf I |
48 (a) [1:41] Well, for “koleda”, well –
and | and | for | for | Christmas sg f | thus adv |
49 (GK) For “bozhich”, or [maybe you also say] “koleda”,
for | Christmas sg m | or | Christmas sg f |
50 (CG) For “bozhich” [then].
for | Christmas sg m |
51 (b) [1:45] We don’t call it “bozhich”.
neg | acc n 3sg clt | say 1pl pres I | Christmas sg m |
52 (GK) or –
or |
53 (b) [1:45] Here, it’s “koleda”.
here adv | 3sg pres cop clt | Christmas sg f |
54 (GK) “Koleda”.
Christmas sg f |
55 (CG) “Koleda”.
Christmas sg f |
56 (a) [1:48] What you – however you call it.
what interr | nom 2pl | how interr | dat n 3sg clt | say 2pl pres I |
57 (b) [1:49] “Koleda”, but they call it “bozhich”.
Christmas sg f | and | on | in | Christmas sg m | say 3pl pres I | nom 3pl |
58 (a) [1:50] Ah.
disc |
59 (GK) Right.
thus adv |
60 (a) [1:51] Well, at Christmas we slaughter a pig, we gather together –
disc | hes | hes | […] | […] | Christmas sg f | slaughter 1pl pres P | pig sg n def | gather 1pl pres I | acc refl clt |
61 (CG) And what did you eat? Only the pig? Or –
and | [...] | what sg n interr | eat 2pl impf I | [...] | [...] | only adv | pig sg n | or |
62 (a) [2:01] Well no, [not just] the pig. No.
disc | not | pig sg n | no |
63 (CG) Surely other things [as well].
surely adv | other pl adj | thing pl n |
64 (a) [2:04] We do cooking. We cook meat, we cook [other] dishes with –
[...] | cook 1pl pres I | dat refl clt | meat sg n def | dat refl clt | cook 1pl pres I | on | dish sg f | with |
65 (b) [2:08] No, no, that’s for other days. When you slaughter a pig,
no | no | this sg n adj | for | other def pl adj | day pl m | and | when inter.rel | slaughter 2pl pres I | pig sg n def |
66 (b) [2:10] you choose the good parts, you fry them or roast them …
choose 3pl pres | good sg n adj | meat sg n | fry 3pl pres P | or | bake 3pl pres P |
67 (a) [2:13] Well yes, and –
disc | thus adv | disc | yes |
68 (b) [2:13] … with sauerkraut, or pickles [as the] first course ...
with | sour sg n adj | cabbage sg n | or | pickles sg f | most adv | before adv |
69 (a) [2:16] Right.
thus adv |
70 (b) [2:16] ... when people drink rakia, and after that comes the meat,
comp | drink 3pl pres I | brandy sg f def | and | after | this sg n adj | come 3sg pres I | meat sg n def |
71 (b) [2:19] and you put some parts of the meat aside [to give] to the butcher –
and | on | this sg m adj | to | butcher sg m def | separate 2sg pres P | from | meat sg n def |
72 (GK) Let her tell it [please].
disc | hort | nom f 3sg | comp | acc n 3sg clt | say 3sg pres I |
73 (b) [2:23] Tell it [then].
say sg imv I | acc n 3sg clt |
74 (CG) [laughter]
75 (a) [2:24] Well if the butcher is someone from outside, if he is –
disc | hes | that sg m adj | butcher sg m def | if conj | 3sg pres cop clt | foreign sg m adj | and | and | if conj | dat refl clt | 3sg pres cop clt |
76 (b) [2:28] Right.
thus adv |
77 (a) [2:29] My father slaughtered them himself, and did them up that way.
like | my sg m def adj | father sg m | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | slaughter 3sg impf I | and | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | do 3sg impf I | thus adv |
78 (a) [2:32] People cut up the meat, and then – then they roast it
cut 3pl pres P | meat sg n def | and | hes | hes | this sg n adj | 3sg pres cop clt | thus adv | […] | bake 1pl pres P | acc n 3sg clt |
79 (a) [2:38] for the meal, everyone gets together to eat, and then
for | lunch sg m | acc refl clt | gather 3pl pres P | eat 3pl pres I | and | eat 3pl pres I | after adv | dat refl clt | acc n 3sg clt | [...] |
80 (a) [2:41] they put the rest into small barrels.
and | acc n 3sg | put 1pl pres I | in | barrel pl n |
81 (CG) Uh huh.
bkch |
82 (a) [2:44] The meat. We salt it, using brine, so ...
meat sg n def | and | acc n 3sg clt | [ ... ] | salt 1pl pres P | hes | hes | with | brine sg m | disc |
83 (CG) Uh huh.
bkch |
84 (a) [2:50] ... so that it won’t go off.
comp | acc refl clt | neg | go.bad 3sg pres P |
85 (CG) Aha.
bkch |
86 (a) [2:52] It’s not as if it were fresh, but still it’s meat
[...] | nom n 3sg | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | like | fresh sg n def | but | dat refl clt | 3sg pres cop clt | meat sg n |
87 (a) [2:56] and we eat it.
nom 1pl | dat refl clt | acc n 3sg clt | eat 1pl pres I |
88 (CG) Yes.
yes |
89 (GK) [You keep it] in the cellar. In the cold [of the] cellar.
in | cellar sg f def | again adv | cold sg f def adj | cellar sg f |
90 (a) [3:01] Yes, where it’s cold.
yes | in | cold sg n adj |
91 (VZh) I’ve heard that older people can – When a pig is slaughtered –
nom 1sg | 1sg pres aux clt | hear sg m L.part I | that conj | old def pl adj | people pl | when conj | acc refl clt | slaughter 3sg pres P | pig sg n def |
92 (VZh) I don’t know what there is inside but they can predict [from it]
there adv | neg | know 1sg pres I | inside adv | in | acc n 3sg | what sg n interr | pres exist | but | can 3pl pres | comp | predict 3pl pres P |
93 (VZh) what the winter will be like. Is there something like that [around here]?
what sg f interr adj | fut | be 3sg pres P | winter sg f def | pres exist | interr clt | such sg n adj | thing sg n |
94 (a) [3:12] Oh, that’s – that’s “baba” (sausage), what they call tripe.
disc | this sg n adj | 3sg pres cop clt | this sg n adj | 3sg pres cop clt | sausage sg f def | rel | dat n 3sg clt | call 3pl pres I | tripe sg m def |
95 (a) [3:15] When we fill intestines with meat. Now they use skin pouches
[...] | intestine pl n def | comp | fill 1pl pres P | with | meat sg n | hes | now adv | skin.bag sg m | disc |
96 (a) [3:21] but back then we cut [meat] up very small, into tiny chunks –
then adv | 1pl pres aux clt | acc 3pl clt | [...] | acc n 3sg clt | cut 1pl pres I | in | tiny sg n adj | in | meat.chunks pl f |
97 (a) [3:24] into chunks, and we fill the sausages with it, and some bits of onion
in | meat.chunks pl f | and | fill 1pl pres P | sausage sg f def | with | little adv | onion sg m |
98 (a) [3:28] and bits of pepper, we cut up the meat, and fill them, and sew it up,
pepper pl f | cut 1pl pres P | and | meat sg n def | and | acc f 3sg clt | fill 1pl pres P | and | and | sew 1pl pres P |
99 (a) [3:34] and when we boil it a bit [we need to take care] that it’s not –
and | when conj | acc f 3sg clt | boil 1pl pres P | [...] | [...] | thus adv | comp | neg | 3sg pres cop clt |
100 (a) [3:37] that it doesn’t break. You have to keep watching it.
comp | acc refl clt | puncture 3sg pres P | disc | [...] | all adv | look 3pl pres I | comp | 3sg pres cop clt | thus adv |
101 (a) [3:41] And then we keep it – we put it up high so that during the winter – Ah!
and | acc f 3sg clt | keep 1pl pres I | on | high adv | put 1pl pres P | disc | during | winter sg f def | acc refl clt | excl |
102 (a) [3:46] After Christmas and before the Lenten fast begins, that’s when you need
comp | pass 3sg pres P | Christmas sg f | and | before | pl f | disc | comp | dat refl clt | must pres I imprs |
103 (a) [3:51] to eat it all up,
comp | dat refl clt | eat 2sg pres P | everything sg n adj |
104 (CG) Aha.
bkch |
105 (a) [3:53] so that you can do the fast before Easter.
for | when conj | fast 2sg pres P | for | Easter sg m |
106 (CG) Aha.
bkch |
107 (a) [3:56] So that’s Christmas.
Christmas sg f | disc | thus adv |
108 (CG) And how did you celebrate Easter?
and | Easter sg m | how interr | acc m 3sg clt | celebrate 2pl impf I |
109 (a) [4:01] Which?
which sg n interr adj |
110 (CG) Easter.
hes | Easter sg m |
111 (a) [4:03] Oh, Easter! With eggs [dyed] red, you know! [laughter]
disc | Easter sg m | with | red pl def adj | adrs | egg pl n |
112 (CG) And what did you do with the eggs?
and | […] | what sg n interr | do 2pl pres I | with | egg pl n def |
113 (a) [4:08] Well, we crack them [against] each other’s.
disc | crack 1pl pres I | acc refl clt |
114 (CG) Yes? And how many eggs did each child make?
yes | and | hes | how.many interr | egg pl n | make 3sg pres I | each sg n adj | child sg n |
115 (a) [4:15] Well, back then they collect them up. You know that during fasting no one eats eggs,
disc | disc | at | then adv | collect 3pl pres I | because | interr | during | fast pl m def | acc refl clt | neg | eat 3sg pres I |
116 (a) [4:19] so they pile up. Piles of them, a lot of eggs.
nom 3pl | acc refl clt | gather 3pl pres P | crowd sg f | many adv | egg pl n |
117 (CG) Yes?
bkch |
118 (a) [4:22] And they dye them, and [depending on] however many people there are in however many places,
and | acc 3pl clt | dye 3pl pres P | and | how.many inter.rel | people pl | 3pl pres cop clt | in | so.many rel adv | place pl n |
119 (a) [4:26] they’ll divide them up so each one will know how many eggs he gets to eat.
fut | acc 3pl clt | divide 3pl pres P | each sg m adj | comp | dat refl clt | know 3sg pres I | how.much interr adv | egg pl n | fut | eat 3sg pres I |
120 (CG) And how do they dye them?
and | […] | how interr | acc 3pl clt | dye 3pl pres I |
121 (a) [4:32] Well - now there are dyes, but back then we boiled up herbs.
disc | now adv | pres exist | dye pl f | but | then adv | 1pl pres aux clt | acc n 3sg clt | boil pl L.part I | hes | herb pl m |
122 (CG) Yes?
bkch |
123 (a) [4:39] The outer peel of onions [for instance],
[...] | from | red sg m def adj | onion sg m | hes | foliage sg f def |
124 (CG) Yes?
bkch |
125 (a) [4:42] makes a brown [dye] for an egg.
nom n 3sg | become 3sg pres P | brown sg f adj | egg sg n def |
126 (CG) Uh huh.
127 (a) [4:45] And we gather – out in the woods we get what they call milkweed,
and | gather 1pl pres I | disc | and | [...] | hes | forest sg f def | milkweed sg f | rel | acc n 3sg clt | call 3pl pres I |
128 (a) [4:50] and that becomes a sort of green color [for dyeing].
disc | and | nom f 3sg | nom f 3sg | then adv | this sg n adj | become 3sg pres I | disc | like | green sg n adj | somehow sg n adj |
129 (CG) Uh huh. Hah.
bkch | bkch |
130 (a) [4:57] There wasn’t this kind –
and | hes | exist impf neg | thus adv |
131 (CG) And did you make designs [on the eggs], with wax, or –
and | draw 2pl impf I | interr clt | acc 3pl clt | with | with | wax sg m | or |
132 (a) [5:02] We made designs on them [laughter] with candles, but what it became –
draw 1pl pres I | acc 3pl clt | with | candle pl f | and | what sg n interr | become 3sg pres P | disc |
133 (CG) Uh huh.
bkch |
134 (b) [5:06] Huh.
bkch |
135 (CG) What did you draw [on them]?
what sg n interr | draw 2pl impf I |
136 (a) [5:08] Everyone wrote his name!
each sg m adj | dat refl clt | write 3sg impf I | name sg n def |