group conversation

Bosnek 1

78 (a) i bèše ùbavo è pa kato se sɤbèrexme i komšìi ta smèx
And it was nice. When we got together with neighbors, there was a lot of laughter.

Stojkite 1

23 (a) (VZh)
[Do you meet with friends frequently?]

24 (a) nì sa čɔ̀stu sr’ɔ̀štame sas drùškise səz bàbicìse gà kurdìsame
We frequently meet with friends, with [other] grannies. When we arrange

25 (a) muhabèk’ nə pɔ̀k’an ta pu trì sahàta sadìm
conversational get-togethers on the main road, we sit there for around three hours.

26 (a) ne duhòd’a nàum da sa razg’alìm
It doesn’t occur to us to go our separate ways.

Šumnatica 3

89 (VZh) əmhm elà sèdni
Come here, sit down [with us].

90 (b) [laughter] n’è mnògu muabèt pràime n’e mnògu muəbèt
[laughter] We’re conversing a lot, we’re having a lot of conversation.

91 (a) èj stòrite muabèt
Ah, conversation.

92 (RA) muabèt

93 (b) mnògu muəbèt pràime mnògu kənà da pràm təkàv e žyòt’ə
We’re having a lot of conversation. What can you do? That’s life.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut