interaction between interviewers


132 (RSh) za pràznik li da pìtam
Should I ask [her] about holidays?

150 (GK) čèkaj màlko
Wait a minute.

151 (RSh) čèj čèj
Wait, wait!

153 (GK) ot načàloto kažì i segà da
[Tell her] to say it now from the beginning.

257 (GK) za tɤkàne i takìva ràboti dalì e tɤkàla i vɤ̀lnata
[Ask her] about weaving and such things – did she weave, [about] wool –

Bosnek 1

69 (a) nalì si znàeš kakvò e kanàt ne znàeš
You know what a “kanat” is, don’t you? [I suspect] you don’t.

Breste 3

38 (b) za svetùčkata t’à ìska da kàže na kakvò nè na tòka
[When she says] “svetuchka” she means by what [light], not by electric lights,

Golica 3

45 (a) kažɛ̀te im da zəvəl'ɛ̀t
Tell them to make it start raining!

47 (VZh) da zaval'ə̀t li
To make it start raining?

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut