ritual songs

Babjak 3

11 (b) i s kətu nətòpa: tuvà cvɛ̀te f č’ùpu i večertà gu upɛ̀va:
And when they put the flowers in the pot, in the evening they sing [and]

12 (b) upɛ̀va: upɛ̀va: prez noštà gu iznàs’a: udvɤ̀nkə
sing [and] sing over [each pot] and then at night they carry them outdoors

Čokmanovo 1

33 (a) ut.tam tɔ̀rnəhə ìd'ehə u nev'ɛ̀stətə zɔ prekrìehà jə zəp'ɛ̀ehə
They set out from there, went to the bride’s to – They covered her hair and began to sing:

34 (a) jèlə sə svìvə prevìvə mumà s ròdum pruštàvəj
“The fir tree bends down, bends over; the girl takes leave of her family, [singing]

35 (a) stàrə màjč'ice d'ètu mə si kùtilə d'èv'et gudi d'èv'et m'ɛ̀sečku
‘Dear old mother, you carried me nine – nine sweet months

36 (a) nə sərc'è i trì gudìnki nə rəc'è izved'ɛ̀hə jə i tìdəhə tugà
next to your heart and three sweet years in your arms.’ ” They’d lead her out and then go

Eremija 2

12 (a) nakìtime go sos cvetjà sos takòva venèc na glavàta i zème kotlènce
We decorate her with flowers, a wreath on her head, she takes a small pot

13 (a) u na rakàta bèlo i vodìčka i nìe slet nìx pèeme
in her hand, white, with water, and we [go] after them and sing,

14 (a) vàjdudùle dàj bòže dòš onà rɤ̀si
“Oh Dodola, God grant rain!” and she sprinkles [the water].

Vasiljovo 1

46 (a) a pa nìe momìčeta sə zbìra:me pɤk ta pejè̝m pṛ̀stenete
And we girls would get together and sing [songs of enchantment] over our rings.

47 (a) tùka vaf rekɛ̀ta sme sa zè̝le ta gi pejè̝m
We came to “sing” over the rings here at the river, [which]

48 (a) i tò ə l’è̝t ɛ̀ zbràli sa sa momìčeta i momčè̝ta
is [at this point] ice. So the boys and girls got together,

49 (a) i nìe z’è̝mat belò kotl’è i sipàle vɛ̀tre vòda
and we – they take a tin-plated kettle [that] they’ve poured water into,

50 (a) i tùrnat na ledɛ̀ put kutl’èto ə uv’ès put kutl’èto
and put it on the ice, and under the kettle – there’s oats under the kettle.

51 (a) i nal’ì ìmame s’è̝ pṛ̀stenčeta pu rac’è̝te pṛ̀stene
And, you know, we all have little rings on our hands. Rings.

52 (a) ɛ̀ s’è̝ki si spùsti pṛ̀sten’e vɛ̀tre vav vodɛ̀ta i pejè̝m gi
So each one drops her rings into the water, and we sing over them.

53 (a) ta ispejè̝m pesentɛ̀ i prib’è̝rat tovà sproti vasìl
We finish the songs and they take – on the night before St. Basil’s Day –

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut