Čokmanovo 1

1 (a) [0:01]      On St. Elias’ day we went to the meadows for three days. We danced the horo, [wearing]

St.Elias's.day sg m go 1pl impf I
three day ct m
meadow pl f def med dance 1pl impf I round.dance sg n with

2 (a) [0:08]      folk aprons with decorative coins. The drum would beat and we would jump about

apron pl f with
twenty.lira.coin pl m def med drum sg m def beat 3sg impf I nom 1pl jump 1pl impf I

3 (a) [0:13]      as much as we could for three days. Now what can I say? There’s neither St. Elias day

how.much rel can 1pl impf I three day ct m now adv what sg n interr
say 1sg pres P pres neg exist neither St.Elias’s.day sg m

4 (a) [0:17]      nor is there music playing nor do they dance – nothing at all. We grannies are accustomed

pres neg exist neither neither music sg m neither dance 3pl pres I neither nothing sg n nom 1pl
dat refl clt
1pl pres cop clt
grandmother pl f def prox learn pl f P.part P

5 (a) [0:22]      to dancing to live music. We would see to our work, and we would go

learn pl P.part P music sg m def
dat refl clt
dance 1pl pres I see 1pl impf P
dat refl clt
work sg f def med go 1pl impf I
dat refl clt
nom 1pl

6 (a) [0:26]      far away to the plains, and there we’d mow, and gather up forty loads.

far adv to plain pl n there adv
dat refl clt
mow 1pl impf I forty load ct m gather 1pl impf I

7 (a) [0:30]      We’d gather up the hay and load the hay onto the mules, and come home –

hay sg n
dat refl clt
gather 1pl impf I with
mule pl n def med load 1pl impf I
dat refl clt
hay sg n come 1pl impf I
dat refl clt

8 (a) [0:36]      [and then] comes the holiday. St. Elias’ day, St. Peter’s day, Holy Sunday –

come 3sg pres I holiday sg m def med come 3sg pres I St.Elias's.day sg m come 3sg pres I St.Peter's.Day sg m come 3sg pres I holy sg f adj Sunday sg f

9 (a) [0;40]      We observed all the holidays. Now they don’t observe them. A pity for the young people!

nom 1pl all pl def med adj holiday pl m
acc 3pl clt
observe 1pl impf I now adv
observe 3pl pres I pity adv
young pl def med adj

10 (a) [0:46]      It was different in the old days. It was good. Truly! [People] will say

bygone sg n def med adj time sg n 3sg impf cop other adv nice adv 3sg impf cop truly adv fut say 3pl pres I

11 (a) [0:52]      that it wasn’t bad, it was good. [And I affirm that] it was good for us

3sg pres aux clt
sg n L.part cop bad sg n adj sg n L.part cop
3sg pres aux clt
nice adv nice adv 3sg impf cop
dat refl clt

12 (a) [0:55]      because we knew everything, we respected our men, and we respected everything.

dat refl clt
know 1pl impf I everything sg n def med adj
man pl m def med
dat refl clt
respect 1pl impf I
everything sg n def med adj
dat refl clt
respect 1pl impf I

13 (a) [0:59]      Now the young people are messed up, they’ll abandon it. We raised our children!

now adv young pl def med adj in.bad.way adv
acc n 3sg clt
leave 3pl pres I child pl n
1pl pres aux clt
raise pl L.part I

14 (a) [1:06]      There weren’t [any] hospitals, they wasn’t anything. And now what?

3sg pres aux clt
L.part exist neither hospital pl f neg
3sg pres aux clt
L.part exist no.kind sg n adj now adv what sg n interr

15 (a) [1:11]      Ohhh! [They’re not about to] respect either Grandma or Grandpa. “We’re working now,

neither grandmother sg f def med
respect 3pl pres I neither grandfather sg m def med
respect 3pl pres I nom 1pl work 1pl pres I now adv

16 (a) [1:17]      we’ve got our own money.” And they kicked out the old folks. Well, let them kick them out!

money pl.t
dat refl clt
have 1pl pres I
old pl def med adj
acc 3pl clt
kick 3pl aor P excl hort
acc 3pl clt
kick 3pl pres P

17 (a) [1:23]      Up here we have a – a chapel, it’s called the [chapel of the] Holy Spirit.

here adv up adv have 1pl pres I
[ ... ]
one sg f adj
[ ... ]
[ ... ]
chapel sg m holy sg m adj spirit sg m
acc refl clt
call 3sg impf I

18 (a) [1:28]      There was a big dance up there at the chapel. We came back [to] the dance.

impf exist round.dance sg n big sg n adj here adv
chapel sg m from.above adv round.dance sg n
acc refl clt
again adv return 1pl impf P

19 (a) [1:32]      Ah the dances! Ah, let’s dance horo again, and laugh

hort again adv dance pl n def med hort again adv round.dance pl n
dance 1pl pres I
acc refl clt
laugh 1pl pres I

20 (a) [1:36]      and rejoice. What is there now? There’s nothing joyful, [there’s] nothing at all.

acc refl clt
make.merry 1pl pres I now adv what sg n interr neither joyful adv pres exist neither nothing sg n

21 (a) [1:41]      We remember what things of the past were like. They piled food on the festive table,

recall 1pl pres I
dat refl clt
past pl def med adj thing pl f what.kind pl adj
3pl pres aux clt
pl L.part cop
festive.table sg m food sg n put 3pl impf I

22 (a) [1:46]      we had cabbage, potatoes, and big skin bags [of cheese].

cabbage sg f potato pl n
skin.bag pl m big pl adj have 1pl impf I

23 (VZh)       [How did you do the threshing?]

24 (a) [1:51]      We threshed with mules. We finished threshing [what was on] one threshing floor,

thresh 1pl impf I with
mule pl n def med one sg m adj threshing.field sg m thresh 1pl aor P
acc n 3sg clt

25 (a) [1:56]      two threshing floors. Here’s the wheat! Here’s the oats! Here’s the corn! The beans!

two m threshing.field ct m thresh 1pl impf P hort wheat sg f hort oats sg m hort corn sg f beans sg m

26 (a) [2:01]      And we’d thresh it [all] and gather it up. And when the wind blows we’d toss it up

acc n 3sg clt
thresh 1pl impf I
acc n 3sg clt
gather 1pl impf I
when inter.rel
blow 3sg pres I wind sg m winnow 1pl impf I
acc n 3sg clt

27 (a) [2:06]      to the wind. And we loaded it onto the mules and brought it home.

wind sg m def med
acc n 3sg clt
load 1pl impf I
mule pl n def med
dat refl clt
acc n 3sg clt
bring 1pl impf I

28 (a) [2:09]      We went to the hills to gather wood, windfall, dry wood, and green wood.

hill sg m def go 1pl impf I wood pl n
gather 1pl pres I windfall pl m windfall pl m dry pl adj wood pl n green pl adj

29 (a) [2:17]      We bring them back and burn them on the fire. We had a fireplace here,

bring 1pl pres P
dat refl clt
acc 3pl clt
burn 1pl impf I
dat refl clt
acc 3pl clt
fire sg m here adv fireplace sg f
dat refl clt
have 1pl impf I

30 (a) [2:22]      a big log. We’d put them here and here you go! We’d put the kettle to boil.

one sg n adj big sg n adj small.log sg n
dat refl clt
put 1pl impf P hort put 1pl impf P
simmer 3sg pres I cauldron sg f def med

31 (VZh)       [How did you celebrate weddings?]

32 (a) [2:26]      [How] the wedding was celebrated: They went – first of all the hero’s (= groom’s) home.

wedding sg f
acc refl clt
make 3sg impf I go 3pl impf P most before adv
hero sg m def med adj

33 (a) [2:32]      They set out from there, went to the bride’s to – They covered her hair and began to sing:

from.there adv set.out 3pl impf P go 3pl impf P
bride sg f def med
cover 3pl impf P
acc f 3sg clt
sing 3pl impf P

34 (a) [2:37]      “The fir tree bends down, bends over; the girl takes leave of her family, [singing]

fir sg f
acc refl clt
bend 3sg pres I bend 3sg pres I girl sg f
kin sg m take.leave sg imv I

35 (a) [2:40]      ‘Dear old mother, you carried me nine – nine sweet months

old sg f adj mother voc sg f rel
acc 1sg clt
2sg pres aux clt
bring.up sg f L.part P nine [ ... ]
nine month

36 (a) [2:44]      next to your heart and three sweet years in your arms.’ ” They’d lead her out and then go

heart sg n
three small.year pl f
arm pl f lead.out 3pl impf P
acc f 3sg clt
go 3pl impf P then adv

37 (a) [2:50]      to the church [where] they married her. There wasn’t any signing [of certificates] back then,

church sg f def med marry 3pl impf P
acc f 3sg clt
impf neg exist other.time adv
sign vbl.n I

38 (a) [2:52]      they just married them. They went to the church and they registered them,

marry 3pl impf I
acc 3pl clt
other.time adv
church sg f def med go 3pl impf P
sign 3pl impf I
acc 3pl clt

39 (a) [2:56]      And that’s how it was.

that sg n dist adj 3sg impf cop

         On St. Elias’ day we went to the meadows for three days. We danced the horo, [wearing]

         folk aprons with decorative coins. The drum would beat and we would jump about

         as much as we could for three days. Now what can I say? There’s neither St. Elias day

         nor is there music playing nor do they dance – nothing at all. We grannies are accustomed

          to dancing to live music. We would see to our work, and we would go

         far away to the plains, and there we’d mow, and gather up forty loads.

         We’d gather up the hay and load the hay onto the mules, and come home –

         [and then] comes the holiday. St. Elias’ day, St. Peter’s day, Holy Sunday –

         We observed all the holidays. Now they don’t observe them. A pity for the young people!

         It was different in the old days. It was good. Truly! [People] will say

         that it wasn’t bad, it was good. [And I affirm that] it was good for us

         because we knew everything, we respected our men, and we respected everything.

         Now the young people are messed up, they’ll abandon it. We raised our children!

         There weren’t [any] hospitals, they wasn’t anything. And now what?

         Ohhh! [They’re not about to] respect either Grandma or Grandpa. “We’re working now,

         we’ve got our own money.” And they kicked out the old folks. Well, let them kick them out!

         Up here we have a – a chapel, it’s called the [chapel of the] Holy Spirit.

         There was a big dance up there at the chapel. We came back [to] the dance.

         Ah the dances! Ah, let’s dance horo again, and laugh

         and rejoice. What is there now? There’s nothing joyful, [there’s] nothing at all.

         We remember what things of the past were like. They piled food on the festive table,

         we had cabbage, potatoes, and big skin bags [of cheese].

         [How did you do the threshing?]

         We threshed with mules. We finished threshing [what was on] one threshing floor,

         two threshing floors. Here’s the wheat! Here’s the oats! Here’s the corn! The beans!

         And we’d thresh it [all] and gather it up. And when the wind blows we’d toss it up

         to the wind. And we loaded it onto the mules and brought it home.

         We went to the hills to gather wood, windfall, dry wood, and green wood.

         We bring them back and burn them on the fire. We had a fireplace here,

         a big log. We’d put them here and here you go! We’d put the kettle to boil.

         [How did you celebrate weddings?]

         [How] the wedding was celebrated: They went – first of all the hero’s (= groom’s) home.

         They set out from there, went to the bride’s to – They covered her hair and began to sing:

         “The fir tree bends down, bends over; the girl takes leave of her family, [singing]

         ‘Dear old mother, you carried me nine – nine sweet months

         next to your heart and three sweet years in your arms.’ ” They’d lead her out and then go

         to the church [where] they married her. There wasn’t any signing [of certificates] back then,

         they just married them. They went to the church and they registered them,

         And that’s how it was.

1 (a) [0:01]       нә әлѝн’д’ен’ hо̀д’əhм’е пу трѝ д’ѐн’ә нә л’ува̀ткит’е игра̀еhме hо̀ру сәс

2 (a) [0:08]       фу̀сти сәс ә әрмелѝцит’е то̂̀пән’ә ч’у̀кәш’е нѝе рѝпкәhме

3 (a) [0:13]       ко̀лкуту мо̀ж’еме трѝ д’ѐн’ә сига̀ кәкво̀ дә ка̀ж’е н’ѐмә н’ѐ елѝн’д’ѐн’

4 (a) [0:17]       н’ѐмә нѝ нѝ свир’а̀н нѝту игра̀йәт нѝту нѝшту нѝе си сме ба̀бисе нәуч’ѐни

5 (a) [0:22]       нəуч’ѐни свир’а̀нә дә си игра̀име вѝд’еhме си ра̀птәтә hо̀д’əhме си нѝе

6 (a) [0:26]       нә дел’ѐку нәh рәвништа̀ та̀м си кус’е̂̀hне четѝрисе тува̀рә збѝрәhме

7 (a) [0:30]       с’е̂̀ну си збѝрәhме сəс му̀л’əтəтə тува̀р’əhме си с’е̂̀ну дуhо̀дәhмѐ си

8 (a) [0:36]       ѝд’е пра̀зникәт ѝд’е әлѝн’д’ен’ ѝд’е п’ѐтруд’ѐн’ ѝд’е свита̀ нид’е̂̀л’ә

9 (a) [0;40]       нѝе сѝч’кит’е пра̀зници ги та̀ч’еhме сига̀ ни та̀чет ж’е̂̀лку зә мла̀дит’е

10 (a) [0:46]       әв’ѐлцкуту вр’е̂̀ме беше дру̀гу hу̀бәву беше в’е̂̀рну жә руко̂̀т

11 (a) [0:52]       н’ѐ е било̀ ло̀шу било̀ е hу̀бәву hу̀бәву беше си

12 (a) [0:55]       ч’и си зна̀еhме сѝчкуту и мәж’ув’ѐте си увәж’е̂̀вәhме и сѝч’куту си увәж’е̂̀вәhме

13 (a) [0:59]       с’ега̀ мла̀дит’е по̂̀лнума̀лу дә гу уста̀в’әт деца̀ сме иску̀твәли

14 (a) [1:06]       нѐ е има̀лу нѝ бо̀лници нѐ е има̀лу нѝкәквѝчку сега̀ кәкво̀

15 (a) [1:11]       о̀h нѝ ба̀бәтә дә увәж’е̂̀вәт нѝ д’а̀дуту дә увәж’е̂̀вәт нѝе ра̀птиме сега̀

16 (a) [1:17]       пәрѝ си ѝмәме и ста̀рите hи зәрѝтәhә а̀h да̀ hи рѝтнат

17 (a) [1:23]       ту̀кә нәго̀ре ѝмәме м әнә пә пә пәрәклѝсч’ек св’етѝ ду̀h сә ка̀зваш’е

18 (a) [1:28]       им’е̂̀ш’е hо̀ру гул’е̂̀му ту̀кә нә пәрәклѝсч’ек’ удго̀р’е hо̀ру сә па̀к во̂̀рнеhме

19 (a) [1:32]       hо̂̀ па̀к hура̀тә hо̂̀ па̀к hура̀ дә игра̀име и дә сә см’ѐйем

20 (a) [1:36]       и дә сә вѐселѝм’е сега̀ кәкво̂̀ н’ѝту в’ѐселу ѝмә н’ѝту нѝшту

21 (a) [1:41]       спумѝнәмѐ си мѝнәлѝте ра̀бути кәквѝ сә бѝли нә тр’ѐпезнѝк’ йе̂̀ден’е ту̀р’әhә

22 (a) [1:46]       кәрд’о̂̀ пәт’ѐтә и с м’е̂̀hуве гул’е̂̀ми им’е̂̀hме

23 (VZh)       [Как вършахте?]

24 (a) [1:51]       во̂̀рhәhм’е сәс му̀л’етәтә әдѝн hәрма̀н изво̂̀рhәме гу

25 (a) [1:56]       два̀ hәрма̀нә изво̂̀рhәhме hо̂̀ пч’ен’ѝцә hо̂̀ ув’ѐс hо̂̀ ца̀рев’ѝцә фәсу̀л’

26 (a) [2:01]       и гу нәво̂̀ршвәhме и гу збѝрәме и га̀ в’е̂̀е в’е̂̀тер вейе̂̀hме гу

27 (a) [2:06]       нә ветеро̂̀т и гу тва̀реhме нә му̀летәтә и си гу дука̀рвәhме

28 (a) [2:09]       нә бәѝр’ә hо̀деhне дәрва̀ дә бер’ѐме суhа̀рйе суhа̀рйе су̀hи дәрва̀ суро̀ви

29 (a) [2:17]       дука̀рәме си ги гур’е̂̀hме си ги нә ўо̀гән’ ту̀кә бәж’е̂̀ си им’е̂̀hне

30 (a) [2:22]       едно̀ гул’е̂̀му к’уту̀ч’е ше си ту̀реhме а̀йде ту̀р’әhме дә кәкѐтә hа̀ркумәтә

31 (VZh)       [Как правехте свадбите?]

32 (a) [2:26]       сва̀дбә сә пра̀веш’е ѝдеhә нәй нәпр’ѐш’ нә йуна̀кувәтә

33 (a) [2:32]       ут.та̀м то̂̀рнәhә ѝд’еhә у нев’е̂̀стәтә зо̂ прекрѝеhа̀ йә зәп’е̂̀еhә

34 (a) [2:37]       йѐлә сә свѝвә превѝвә мума̀ с ро̀дум прушта̀вәй

35 (a) [2:40]       ста̀рә ма̀йч’ице д’ѐту мә си ку̀тилә д’ѐв’ет гуди д’ѐв’ет м’е̂̀сечку

36 (a) [2:44]       нә сәрц’ѐ и трѝ гудѝнки нә рәц’ѐ извед’е̂̀hә йә и тѝдәhә туга̀

37 (a) [2:50]       ф ч’о̂̀рквәтә венч’е̂̀hә йә н’ѐмәш’е дру̀гуш’ не путпѝсвәне

38 (a) [2:52]       венч’е̂̀вәhә hи дру̀гуш ф ч’о̂̀рквәтә ид’е̂̀hә и путпѝсвәhа̀ и

39 (a) [2:56]       и нва̀ беше

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut