Vladimir Zhobov
Čokmanovo 1
1 (a) [0:01] On St. Elias’ day we went to the meadows for three days. We danced the horo, [wearing]
to | St.Elias's.day sg m | go 1pl impf I | for | three | day ct m | to | meadow pl f def med | dance 1pl impf I | round.dance sg n | with |
2 (a) [0:08] folk aprons with decorative coins. The drum would beat and we would jump about
apron pl f | with | [...] | twenty.lira.coin pl m def med | drum sg m def | beat 3sg impf I | nom 1pl | jump 1pl impf I |
3 (a) [0:13] as much as we could for three days. Now what can I say? There’s neither St. Elias day
how.much rel | can 1pl impf I | three | day ct m | now adv | what sg n interr | comp | say 1sg pres P | pres neg exist | neither | St.Elias’s.day sg m |
4 (a) [0:17] nor is there music playing nor do they dance – nothing at all. We grannies are accustomed
pres neg exist | neither | neither | music sg m | neither | dance 3pl pres I | neither | nothing sg n | nom 1pl | dat refl clt | 1pl pres cop clt | grandmother pl f def prox | learn pl f P.part P |
5 (a) [0:22] to dancing to live music. We would see to our work, and we would go
learn pl P.part P | music sg m def | comp | dat refl clt | dance 1pl pres I | see 1pl impf P | dat refl clt | work sg f def med | go 1pl impf I | dat refl clt | nom 1pl |
6 (a) [0:26] far away to the plains, and there we’d mow, and gather up forty loads.
to | far adv | to | plain pl n | there adv | dat refl clt | mow 1pl impf I | forty | load ct m | gather 1pl impf I |
7 (a) [0:30] We’d gather up the hay and load the hay onto the mules, and come home –
hay sg n | dat refl clt | gather 1pl impf I | with | mule pl n def med | load 1pl impf I | dat refl clt | hay sg n | come 1pl impf I | dat refl clt |
8 (a) [0:36] [and then] comes the holiday. St. Elias’ day, St. Peter’s day, Holy Sunday –
come 3sg pres I | holiday sg m def med | come 3sg pres I | St.Elias's.day sg m | come 3sg pres I | St.Peter's.Day sg m | come 3sg pres I | holy sg f adj | Sunday sg f |
9 (a) [0;40] We observed all the holidays. Now they don’t observe them. A pity for the young people!
nom 1pl | all pl def med adj | holiday pl m | acc 3pl clt | observe 1pl impf I | now adv | neg | observe 3pl pres I | pity adv | for | young pl def med adj |
10 (a) [0:46] It was different in the old days. It was good. Truly! [People] will say
bygone sg n def med adj | time sg n | 3sg impf cop | other adv | nice adv | 3sg impf cop | truly adv | fut | say 3pl pres I |
11 (a) [0:52] that it wasn’t bad, it was good. [And I affirm that] it was good for us
neg | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | bad sg n adj | sg n L.part cop | 3sg pres aux clt | nice adv | nice adv | 3sg impf cop | dat refl clt |
12 (a) [0:55] because we knew everything, we respected our men, and we respected everything.
because | dat refl clt | know 1pl impf I | everything sg n def med adj | and | man pl m def med | dat refl clt | respect 1pl impf I | and | everything sg n def med adj | dat refl clt | respect 1pl impf I |
13 (a) [0:59] Now the young people are messed up, they’ll abandon it. We raised our children!
now adv | young pl def med adj | in.bad.way adv | comp | acc n 3sg clt | leave 3pl pres I | child pl n | 1pl pres aux clt | raise pl L.part I |
14 (a) [1:06] There weren’t [any] hospitals, they wasn’t anything. And now what?
neg | 3sg pres aux clt | L.part exist | neither | hospital pl f | neg | 3sg pres aux clt | L.part exist | no.kind sg n adj | now adv | what sg n interr |
15 (a) [1:11] Ohhh! [They’re not about to] respect either Grandma or Grandpa. “We’re working now,
excl | neither | grandmother sg f def med | comp | respect 3pl pres I | neither | grandfather sg m def med | comp | respect 3pl pres I | nom 1pl | work 1pl pres I | now adv |
16 (a) [1:17] we’ve got our own money.” And they kicked out the old folks. Well, let them kick them out!
money pl.t | dat refl clt | have 1pl pres I | and | old pl def med adj | acc 3pl clt | kick 3pl aor P | excl | hort | acc 3pl clt | kick 3pl pres P |
17 (a) [1:23] Up here we have a – a chapel, it’s called the [chapel of the] Holy Spirit.
here adv | up adv | have 1pl pres I | [ ... ] | one sg f adj | [ ... ] | [ ... ] | chapel sg m | holy sg m adj | spirit sg m | acc refl clt | call 3sg impf I |
18 (a) [1:28] There was a big dance up there at the chapel. We came back [to] the dance.
impf exist | round.dance sg n | big sg n adj | here adv | at | chapel sg m | from.above adv | round.dance sg n | acc refl clt | again adv | return 1pl impf P |
19 (a) [1:32] Ah the dances! Ah, let’s dance horo again, and laugh
hort | again adv | dance pl n def med | hort | again adv | round.dance pl n | comp | dance 1pl pres I | and | comp | acc refl clt | laugh 1pl pres I |
20 (a) [1:36] and rejoice. What is there now? There’s nothing joyful, [there’s] nothing at all.
and | comp | acc refl clt | make.merry 1pl pres I | now adv | what sg n interr | neither | joyful adv | pres exist | neither | nothing sg n |
21 (a) [1:41] We remember what things of the past were like. They piled food on the festive table,
recall 1pl pres I | dat refl clt | past pl def med adj | thing pl f | what.kind pl adj | 3pl pres aux clt | pl L.part cop | to | festive.table sg m | food sg n | put 3pl impf I |
22 (a) [1:46] we had cabbage, potatoes, and big skin bags [of cheese].
cabbage sg f | potato pl n | and | with | skin.bag pl m | big pl adj | have 1pl impf I |
23 (VZh) [How did you do the threshing?]
24 (a) [1:51] We threshed with mules. We finished threshing [what was on] one threshing floor,
thresh 1pl impf I | with | mule pl n def med | one sg m adj | threshing.field sg m | thresh 1pl aor P | acc n 3sg clt |
25 (a) [1:56] two threshing floors. Here’s the wheat! Here’s the oats! Here’s the corn! The beans!
two m | threshing.field ct m | thresh 1pl impf P | hort | wheat sg f | hort | oats sg m | hort | corn sg f | beans sg m |
26 (a) [2:01] And we’d thresh it [all] and gather it up. And when the wind blows we’d toss it up
and | acc n 3sg clt | thresh 1pl impf I | and | acc n 3sg clt | gather 1pl impf I | and | when inter.rel | blow 3sg pres I | wind sg m | winnow 1pl impf I | acc n 3sg clt |
27 (a) [2:06] to the wind. And we loaded it onto the mules and brought it home.
to | wind sg m def med | and | acc n 3sg clt | load 1pl impf I | to | mule pl n def med | and | dat refl clt | acc n 3sg clt | bring 1pl impf I |
28 (a) [2:09] We went to the hills to gather wood, windfall, dry wood, and green wood.
to | hill sg m def | go 1pl impf I | wood pl n | comp | gather 1pl pres I | windfall pl m | windfall pl m | dry pl adj | wood pl n | green pl adj |
29 (a) [2:17] We bring them back and burn them on the fire. We had a fireplace here,
bring 1pl pres P | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | burn 1pl impf I | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | to | fire sg m | here adv | fireplace sg f | dat refl clt | have 1pl impf I |
30 (a) [2:22] a big log. We’d put them here and here you go! We’d put the kettle to boil.
one sg n adj | big sg n adj | small.log sg n | fut | dat refl clt | put 1pl impf P | hort | put 1pl impf P | comp | simmer 3sg pres I | cauldron sg f def med |
31 (VZh) [How did you celebrate weddings?]
32 (a) [2:26] [How] the wedding was celebrated: They went – first of all the hero’s (= groom’s) home.
wedding sg f | acc refl clt | make 3sg impf I | go 3pl impf P | most | before adv | to | hero sg m def med adj |
33 (a) [2:32] They set out from there, went to the bride’s to – They covered her hair and began to sing:
from.there adv | set.out 3pl impf P | go 3pl impf P | to | bride sg f def med | [...] | cover 3pl impf P | acc f 3sg clt | sing 3pl impf P |
34 (a) [2:37] “The fir tree bends down, bends over; the girl takes leave of her family, [singing]
fir sg f | acc refl clt | bend 3sg pres I | bend 3sg pres I | girl sg f | with | kin sg m | take.leave sg imv I |
35 (a) [2:40] ‘Dear old mother, you carried me nine – nine sweet months
old sg f adj | mother voc sg f | rel | acc 1sg clt | 2sg pres aux clt | bring.up sg f L.part P | nine | [ ... ] | nine | month |
36 (a) [2:44] next to your heart and three sweet years in your arms.’ ” They’d lead her out and then go
in | heart sg n | and | three | small.year pl f | in | arm pl f | lead.out 3pl impf P | acc f 3sg clt | and | go 3pl impf P | then adv |
37 (a) [2:50] to the church [where] they married her. There wasn’t any signing [of certificates] back then,
in | church sg f def med | marry 3pl impf P | acc f 3sg clt | impf neg exist | other.time adv | neg | sign vbl.n I |
38 (a) [2:52] they just married them. They went to the church and they registered them,
marry 3pl impf I | acc 3pl clt | other.time adv | in | church sg f def med | go 3pl impf P | and | sign 3pl impf I | acc 3pl clt |
39 (a) [2:56] And that’s how it was.
and | that sg n dist adj | 3sg impf cop |