
Godeševo 1

12 (a) bàle kətu stànət ut p'èt čəsò
-ning when they get up at five o’clock –

13 (VZh) pu làdnu
[When] it’s cool.

14 (a) pu làdnu še ž'òneš dukəd'è̝ sə nəpečè̝ slòncetu
When it’s cool. You’ll reap until the sun gets very hot,

15 (a) i sl'ət tvà l'àgəš put s'ànkətə še pučɤ̀jvəš
and after that you’ll lie down in the shade and rest.

Vŭrbovo 2

7 (a) sèdni sèn’k’u čà tàm tùj če se tèp ti stàne lòše
sit [in the] shade! [If you stay] over there, you’ll get sick.

9 (a) è te tùj sèn’k’a
Here, [come over] here [in] the shade.

18 (a) a tì bàbo uznì sèn’ku pa sèdni na sèn’k’ə
Well then, you, dear one, come into the shade! Sit in the shade,

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut