Godeševo 1

1 (VZh)       [What [work] does a woman have to do in the house?]

2 (a) [0:01]      What does [the woman] have to do in the house?

what sg n interr have 3sg pres I
do 3sg pres I at.home adv

3 (VZh)       Yes.


4 (a) [0:03]      In the morning you’ll get up, sweep out, cook up [food], you’ll dress the kids

morning adv
arise 3sg pres P
sweep 3sg pres P
cook 3sg pres P
dress 3sg pres P child pl n def med

5 (a) [0:08]      you’ll heft them onto your shoulders, then [off] to the field with the donkeys.

acc 3pl clt
shoulder 3sg pres P then adv
field sg f def with
donkey sg n def

6 (a) [0:12]      You’ll set [the kids] down on the field, they race about [while] we work.

acc 3pl clt
set 3sg pres P
field sg f def nom 3pl
acc refl clt
roll 3pl pres I nom 1pl work 1pl pres I

7 (a) [0:16]      In the evening we bring them back, and begin again. We’ll cook beans,

evening adv again adv
acc 3pl clt
return 1pl pres I again adv begin 1pl pres I
cook 1pl pres P bean sg m

8 (a) [0:20]      we’ll eat, we’ll put the kids down to sleep again.

eat 1pl pres I
acc 3pl clt
lay 3sg pres I again adv
lie 3pl pres I child pl n def med

9 (a) [0:25]      At five in the morning we’re up on our feet again.

morning adv
five hour ct m again adv
1pl pres cop clt
foot pl f def

10 (a) [0:27]      We get up once more and that’s it.

again adv
arise 1pl pres P
this sg n med adj
3sg pres cop clt

11 (VZh)       [Say that again please?]

12 (a) [0:29]      -ning when they get up at five o’clock –

when conj become 3pl pres P
five hour ct m

13 (VZh)       [When] it’s cool.

cool adv

14 (a) [0:32]      When it’s cool. You’ll reap until the sun gets very hot,

cool adv
reap 2sg pres I until conj
acc refl clt
bake 3sg pres P sun sg n def

15 (a) [0:36]      and after that you’ll lie down in the shade and rest.

after this sg n med adj lie 2sg pres I
shadow sg f def
rest 2sg pres I

16 (a) [0:39]      And when it gets dark, when the sun [starts] to set,

darken 3sg pres I
interr clt
acc refl clt
again adv sun sg n def
acc refl clt
lean.down 3sg pres P

17 (a) [0:42]      the reapers get up again. They start to reap. They reap and reap and reap

again adv arise 3pl pres I reaper pl m def begin 3pl pres I
reap 3sg pres I reap 3sg pres I reap 3sg pres I reap 3sg pres I

18 (a) [0:46]      until they tire, and they lie down [to sleep] in the field. They lie in the field,

until conj
acc refl clt
tire 3pl pres P
dat refl clt
lie.down 3pl pres I
field sg f def lie.down 3pl pres I
field sg f def

19 (a) [0:49]      there [with] the donkey, there [with] the cattle, there [with] the children

there adv
3sg pres cop clt
donkey sg n def there adv
3pl pres cop clt
cattle pl n def there adv
3pl pres cop clt
child pl n def

20 (a) [0:52]      [who are] racing about. In the morning you get up again early, and that’s it.

roll 3pl pres P
acc refl clt
morning adv again adv arise 3pl pres I
early def adv this sg n med adj
3sg pres cop clt

         [What [work] does a woman have to do in the house?]

         What does [the woman] have to do in the house?


         In the morning you’ll get up, sweep out, cook up [food], you’ll dress the kids

         you’ll heft them onto your shoulders, then [off] to the field with the donkeys.

         You’ll set [the kids] down on the field, they race about [while] we work.

         In the evening we bring them back, and begin again. We’ll cook beans,

         we’ll eat, we’ll put the kids down to sleep again.

         At five in the morning we’re up on our feet again.

         We get up once more and that’s it.

         [Say that again please?]

         -ning when they get up at five o’clock –

         [When] it’s cool.

         When it’s cool. You’ll reap until the sun gets very hot,

         and after that you’ll lie down in the shade and rest.

         And when it gets dark, when the sun [starts] to set,

         the reapers get up again. They start to reap. They reap and reap and reap

         until they tire, and they lie down [to sleep] in the field. They lie in the field,

         there [with] the donkey, there [with] the cattle, there [with] the children

         [who are] racing about. In the morning you get up again early, and that’s it.

1 (VZh)       [Какво има една жена да върши в къщи?]

2 (a) [0:01]       кво̀ ѝмə дə въ̀рши фкъ̀шти

3 (VZh)       да

4 (a) [0:03]       сəба̀йле ше ста̀не ше измет’е̇̀ ше сваръ̀й ше ублечѐ деца̀тə

5 (a) [0:08]       ше ги нəра̀ нəра̀ми туга̀ нə нъ̀йвəтə сəс мəга̀рету

6 (a) [0:12]       ше ги нə нəсəдъ̀й нə нъ̀йвəтə т’е̇̀ сə тəрка̀л’əт нѝе рəбўо̀тиме

7 (a) [0:16]       əшəмда̀н па̀ ги вра̀шкаме па̀ пўо̀чваме ше свəръ̀йм фəсул’

8 (a) [0:20]       ше йəде̇̀м ше ше ги нəп нəл’а̀гəме па̀ дə лежо̀д деца̀тə

9 (a) [0:25]       сəба̀йле ут п’ѐт чəсо̀ па̀ сме нə нуг’ѝте

10 (a) [0:27]       па̀ ше ста̀неме и тва̀ е

11 (VZh)       [Кажи го пак?]

12 (a) [0:29]       ба̀ле кəту ста̀нəт ут п’ѐт чəсо̀

13 (VZh)       пу ла̀дну

14 (a) [0:32]       пу ла̀дну ше ж’о̀неш дукəд’е̇̀ сə нəпече̇̀ сло̀нцету

15 (a) [0:36]       и сл’əт тва̀ л’а̀гəш пут с’а̀нкəтə ше пучъ̀йвəш

16 (a) [0:39]       и ə зəмо̀ркнува̀ ли се па̀ сло̀нцету дə сə нəвед’е̇̀

17 (a) [0:42]       па̀ ста̀вəт жəтва̀рите по̀чвəд дə жо̀нəт жо̀нəт жо̀нəт жо̀нəт

18 (a) [0:46]       дукəто̀ се умур’о̀т и си л’а̀гəт нə нъ̀йвəтə л’а̀гəт нə нъ̀йвəтə

19 (a) [0:49]       та̀м и мəга̀рəту та̀м сə и гув’о̀ттə та̀м сə и д’əча̀тə

20 (a) [0:52]       нəтəрка̀л’əт сə сəба̀йле па̀ ста̀вəт уд ра̀нуту тва̀ е

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut