village celebrations

Bela 2

5 (a) hodìla sɤm na zbòr
I’ve gone to the village celebration.

6 (VZh) odìla si na zbòr
You’ve gone to the celebration.

Breste 3

19 (a) nèmat ràbota ma a da promenìm a pa da ne pràim
They’ve nothing [else] to do “Let’s change it!” So we can’t put on

20 (a) pa zboròvete amì tò zbora nè e da edèš i da pìeš
[our own] village celebrations. Celebration aren’t just for eating and drinking,

21 (a) i da ìdes da sa vìdiš sestrɤ̀ mi žènena v drùgo selò
but to go see – My sister is married in another village,

22 (a) pa še dòjde da sa vìdime
she would come and we’d see one another.

23 (b) e to takà e bilò nèkoga ama segà postojànno sa zàedno
Well, that was then, but now [people] are together all the time,

24 (b) i op otìvat mu na zbòr u tòo skɤ̀p živòt segà
and they go to someone’s celebrations [even though] life is expensive now.

Brŭšljan 4

52 (d) ə kugɤ̀tu stàvəš'e nàš'ijət səbòr nə devèti àvgus tòə ìdvəš'e prəmətàretu
When we had our [village] fair, on August 9th, then peddlers would come.

Dolna Sekirna 3

102 (a) da mi dadè litàk da se premènim za sobòr
so that she would loan me her folk tunic to wear for the celebration.

111 (a) ču se premènim za sobòra
I’ll dress up nice for the village celebration.

112 (VZh) e za sabòra trèbe
Yes, one should for the celebration.

114 (a) ema tikà e elòv.dòl dùšinci odrànica əm gìginci košarèvo stan’òfci
That’s right. Elov Dol, Dushintsi, Odranitsa, Gigintsi, Kosharevo, Stanyovtsi –

115 (a) sè sè si ìma dùsinci èrul sìčki soborjè ìmaše
all of them, Dushintsi, Erul, all of them had their village celebrations.

117 (a) po sèko vrème sèki pràznik odèlno za selàta
All the time. Each village had its own holiday.

118 (a) nèma na edɤ̀n pràznik da e u dvè selà
You won’t find a holiday that gets celebrated in two villages,

119 (a) a si e odèlno u sèko selò tìja pràznik
each one is separate. Each has it own.

120 (a) u tovà tìja u tovà tìja u tovà tìja i narèt
This one here, that one there, that one there, and so on.

121 (a) i nìe si si ìdemo na sobòr
And we all go to the celebration.

Dolno Ujno

214 (a) si se səbìraxme i ud drùgo sèlo sa doodìle
… we would get together, and [people] would come from another village –

215 (a) poznàvaxme se səbìrame se na soborjè na
We knew each other. We got together at village celebrations, at –

217 (a) sà nèma səbòr
Now there’s no village celebration.

226 (RA) hə a sobòri kədè ìmaxte
Ah? And where did you have the village celebrations?

227 (a) e pa fəf lòmnica ìmaše te tùk u dòlno.ùjno ìmaše
Well, there were [some] in Lomnitsa, and some here in Dolno Uyno.

235 (a) ìmaše edìn dèdo petrè ot lòmnica kato se sabèreme
There was this Grandpa Peter from Lomnica, when we got together,

236 (a) i u sèka sveta nedèl'a ìdexme i kato se sabèrexme
We would go there every Holy Sunday. And when we got together,

237 (a) i kato m zème tupàno òro [laughter]
when he takes up the drum [for the dance] – [laughter]

251 (a) e pa kakvò se pràeše òdat si po soborjè
[What do you mean,] what did they do? They go to village celebrations,

252 (a) i pòslem si se pribìrat kakvò če se prài
and after that they go home. What [else] are they going to do?

Gigen 2

32 (VZh) [А на събора какво правехте?]
[And what did you do for the village celebration?]

33 (d) è togàva gòtvim ìdvat zbòrene od drùgite selà cɛ̀l dèn adèm pìem
We cook. Celebrants come from other villages, and we eat and drink all day.

34 (VZh) [Много хора ли идваха?]
[Did a lot of people come?]

35 (d) ìma po pedesèt čovɛ̀ka na zbòrɤ ìdvatᵊ prijàtele̝ svàtuve
There’s about fifty people at the celebration. All kinds of relatives come.

36 (d) tò dečurlìgata se prɤsnàle̝ segà
But all the kids are now scattered to the winds.

Huhla 5

15 (a) əmə kɤ̀g də n tòj b'a nìj ìməjne zbòr nə velìgd'èn' gol'àm
Well of course we did. It was – we had a big village gathering on Easter.

Petrov Dol 2

10 (a) a pɤk ə nɤ n’id’ɛ̀l’e də kla nəprìmer ftòrnik e gerg’òwdèn’
So on Sunday if we – for instance, [if] St. George’s Day is on a Tuesday,

11 (a) n’id’ɛ̀l’eta si pràewme zbòr zbòr sə vìkə pə̀k s’gà
we’d observe the village celebration –that’s what it’s called – on Sunday. And then [with]

12 (a) èm gerg’òwdèn’ èm zbòrɤ nɤjnò a gu pràviš inò àgn’i
both St. Georges’ day and the village celebration at once, you’d [roast just] one lamb

13 (a) dèt wìkɤt s idìn kuršùn dvà zàjəka
[and kill], as they say, two birds with one stone! [laughter]

86 (a) s’eà gerg’òwdèn’ pràjmi sɤz zbòr n’i mòeš
Now we observe St. George’s day together with the village celebration. You can’t

87 (a) n’èto da gu prèkə pɤk inò vr’èmi kət sɤ sɤbir’ɛ̀mi
do it now [separately]. But in the old days when we’d get together

145 (a) tugà pɤk s’igà bɤ̀rzəmi zə zbòrɤ
[That was] then. But now we all hurry to the village celebration …

147 (a) dɤ dòət gòst’it’ȅ
… because guests are coming.

Repljana 2

1 (VZh) a kogà bèše səbòra na repl'anà
And when was the [time of the traditional] village celebration of Replyana –

2 (a) gerg'òvden
St. George's Day …

3 (VZh) gerg'òvden bèše
[Ah,] it was St. George's Day.

4 (a) sɤbòrɤt na repl'anà e na gerg'òvden əxə̀
… the Replyana village celebration was on St. George's Day, yes.

15 (a) nə nә šèsti večertɤ̀ opečèmo jàgn'e edèmo i àjde na sèdmi
On the sixth in the evening we roast the lamb and eat it, and then on the seventh

16 (a) pòsle sɤbòr dòjdu ni drùgi drùgo jàgn'e drùgi kòl'amo jàgɤnci tegàj pòveče
is the celebration. People come over, we slaughter another lamb, lots more lambs.

17 (a) nò što ìma selà sìčki dòjdu ni na sɤbòr dòl'ni.lom od
And [people] from all the villages come to our celebration: from Dolni Lom,

18 (a) gòrni.lom tùka ot pṛtopòpinci ot blìskiti selà ni ìdvat
from Gorni Lom, from Protopopinsti: they come to us from all the nearby villages

19 (a) na zbòr mì pa ìdemo na n'ì n'ìm kadà e
for the celebration. And we go to them when it's time for theirs –

20 (a) dòln'i.lòm na tròica pètkovden u gòrn'i.lòm u čuprèn'u pa drùk
to Dolni Lom on Trinity, to Gorni Lom on Paraskeva, to Chuprenye at another [time].

21 (a) mì ìdemo pri n'i' a onì pri nàs
We go over to them, and they [come over] to us …

22 (VZh) u vərbòvo
[Our village celebration] in Vŭrbovo …

23 (a) na gerg'òvdən
… on St. George's Day.

24 (VZh) bèše na dvàes četvɤ̀rti màj
… was on May 24th.

25 (a) axa axa è tekà smo odìli svè po zboròve
Aha, aha. Well, that’s how [it was]. We’d [always] be going to formal celebrations,

26 (a) onì su nàm doodìli
and they would [always] come to us.

64 (a) koè e dušìčina poznàvamo zbèremo dušìčina za zbòrɤt
We recognize which plant is thyme, and we gather it for the celebration.

67 (a) no tegàj si za nàs a za zbòrɤt
But that was for us. As for the celebration –

68 (VZh) doòdәt li decàta segà za sɤbòra
Do [your] children come now for the celebration?

69 (a) doòdat mlògo abe doòdɤt ama pò se ìzmeni sɤ̀ga
Yes, often. Well – they come, but it's much more different now.

70 (a) nò mì kvò smo praìli no imà stàčka golemà za zbòrɤt
And [you should hear] we did: there was a big protest about the celebration.

71 (a) ot čuprèn'u dojdè edɤ̀n àngel bèše kmèt pa uvolnìše ni kmètɤt
This guy Angel came from Chuprenye, he was their mayor. And they fired our mayor

72 (a) ne dàva da pràimo zbòr mì sàkamo da si ìma
and didn't allow us to put on our celebration. We wanted there to be

73 (a) zbòr repl'ànci praìli smo si zbòr i si obìčamo
a celebration. We of Replyana have [always] had our own celebration, and we like

74 (a) da si ni doòde čovèci da si ìdemo
to have people come to us, and for us to go to them,

75 (a) da se ne maìn'a tàa tradìcija dobrè ama onì dojdòše
[and we] don't [want] to abandon this tradition. OK. But these people came –

76 (a) i bèše ni è tùj gòre tàj kɤ̀šta sɤvètɤ onì dojdòše
and there was this house up there, our village council. So they came

77 (a) ot čuprèn'u sɤbràli se tekvìja kmetovè upràvnici da dòjdu
from Chuprenye, this group of mayors and bureaucrats got together to come

78 (a) da prepràe repl'enù da se odlòži zbòrɤt če mì nastojàvamo
and make Replyana different, to put off the celebration. We were insisting

79 (a) da si pràimo zbòr repl'enà a re a čuprènci
on having our celebration [here] in Replyana. But the Chuprenye people

80 (a) nèče da pràe zbòr onì pò ne obìču stòkutu
didn't want to put on a celebration. They don't like animals much,

91 (a) a mì sèdmi òsmi sèdmi òsmi sèdmi òsmi òkamo
we chanted “Seventh, eighth! Seventh, eighth! Seventh, eighth!”

92 (a) zbòrɤt da si pràimo da se ne odlàga
We wanted to put on our celebration, and not to abandon it, and [to do it]

93 (a) na sèdmi i na òsmi dvà dɤ̀na zbòr
on the seventh and the eighth, two days of celebration [in our traditional way].

94 (a) na šèsti se stègamo ta si večertù kòl'emo
On the sixth in the evening, we get ready, we slaughter [the animals].

95 (a) pa tegàj na sèdmi zbòr tùj òro ot svì selà naròt
and then on the seventh is the celebration: dancing and people from all villages around.

96 (a) pḷ̀no tùj sәs naròt pa tegàj àjde i na òsmi
It's packed with people here. And then we continue on the eighth.

97 (a) i na òsmi dvàta dɤ̀na mùzika i dvè nòč mùzika svìri
On the eighth [too]. Both days there's music, and both nights. Music playing

98 (a) dvà dɤ̀na pràimo zbòr a onì ne dàvu da pràimo zbòr
for two days. [That's how] we celebrate. But they didn't let us put on the celebration.

99 (a) mì sèdmi òsmi sèdmi òsmi svèki òka no pa àjde
So everybody's shouting “Seventh, eighth! Seventh, eighth!” And then

100 (a) edɤ̀n i dzvònutu dṛ̀nnu čèkaj dzvònutu da l'òskamo
someone [came] and rang the church bells. So we thought, let's us ring the bells [too]

104 (a) če sàkamo si zbòr ne ne ne sàkamo da si napùštimo zbòrɤt
because we wanted our celebration, we didn't want to give up our celebration.

105 (a) onì se sàl obràču sàl se obràču ot tàm odovàm
They just turned [away], they just turned this way and that,

106 (a) i i si otòše i ne dàdoše da pràimo zbòr
and went off without giving us permission to have our celebration.

107 (a) i kmètɤt ni tegàj ga uvolnìše uvolnìše ga štò òn sàka
And that's when they fired our mayor. They fired him because he wanted –

108 (a) mì naròdɤt sàka da prài zbòr i òn nastojàva
we the people wanted to have the celebration, and he stood firm [on that],

109 (a) da si pràimo zbòr onì ga tègaj uvolnìše ta turìše
that we should have the celebration. So they sacked him, and put in his place

113 (a) sàku da si pràimo zbòr nèče se navàne drùk
[Everyone here] wanted us to have the celebration, so nobody else would take it on.

114 (a) a tàj se nàvanu tà da mìne da mànu kmètɤt
But she took it on, to make things go their way, that the mayor would be fired.

115 (a) ta ga manùše kmètɤt uvolnìše ga
So they [the Chuprenye people] got ride of [our] mayor, they fired him.

116 (a) i tekà napraìmo mì manùmo zbòrɤt
And we had to do [it their way], we abandoned the celebration.

Vladimirovo 1

1 (VZh) səbòrə nə nə l’ùtə kogà bèše na vrèmeto
In the old days, when was [the day] of the village celebration in Lyuta?

2 (a) na četirinàesti
On the fourteenth …

4 (a) noèmvri li bèše ne znàm
... of November, I think it was – I don’t know.

8 (VZh) i kàk kàk se praznùvə tovà ka kàk stàvaše səbòrə
And how did you celebrate it? How was the celebration set up?

11 (a) pò pòčne dè da znàame če a zbòra mèsime si omèsime lèp
It starts when – we know there will be a celebration, and we knead up bread,

12 (a) ə zakòl’ame si ako ìmame nèšto pò golèmo alì àgɤnce
and slaughter – if we have something larger, either a lamb –


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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut