Gorno Vŭršilo 1
50 (a) pa se napḷ̀nat pa vildžìi svìrat pa otpùsnem vìno
and the [place] fills up, then the violinists play, then we open up the wine.
Kolju Marinovo 6
7 (a) ta s’àku s’èlu utvòri vratàtə i cigùl’kətə svìri i [laughter] i p’èji
each village opens up its doors, and they play the violin, [laughter] and sing,
Malevo/Asg 2
80 (b) iməš’e tugàvə muzikànte n’àkuj s cigùlkə svìl’exə svìr’exə n’àkuj
There were musicians then, some played the violin, and some
Vasiljovo 2
23 (b) i si vìka:me gajdàre cigulàre d’è̝ mùzika ud n’àkade dòde
And we’d engage bagpipe players and violinists, wherever musicians came from,