Vasiljovo 2

1 (VZh)       [How was the village settled?]

2 (b) [0:01]      How was it settled? Well, let me tell you. [It was] like this.

how interr
acc refl clt
3sg pres aux clt
settle sg n L.part P interr
dat 2sg clt
say 1sg pres I thus adv

3 (b) [0:04]      People from Teteven settled here because of their livestock – to have enough space

here adv Teteven.inhabitant pl m def
3pl pres aux clt
acc refl clt
settle pl L.part P because.of livestock sg m def
dat 3pl clt
3sg pres cop clt
wide sg n adj

4 (b) [0:10]      for them to graze. And they also kept houses in town.

graze 3pl pres I
dat refl clt
3pl pres aux clt
keep pl L.part P
city sg m def house pl f def

5 (b) [0:15]      So - they work here [in the field], and keep houses in the town,

disc here adv
dat refl clt
work 3pl pres I
city sg m def
dat refl clt
keep 3pl pres I house pl f def

6 (b) [0:18]      up to the school. [The area] beyond the school was settled by people from Brusen.

school sg n def
school sg n def there adv
3pl pres aux clt
acc refl clt
settle pl L.part P
Brusen.inhabitant pl m

7 (b) [0:22]      From the center of Vasilyovo onwards, it’s Brusen people – where they came from

middle sg f def
Vasilyovo sg n place there adv
Brusen.inhabitant pl m from.where interr
3pl pres aux clt
come pl L.part P

8 (b) [0:28]      [is] Brusen. Then further up are the “Shope” people. The Shope people are there.

again adv
Brusen sg m place more above adv
Shope pl m def Shope pl m def
there adv

9 (b) [0:32]      The Shope people escaped from the Shope region and came there.

again adv Shope pl m
3pl pres aux clt
escape pl L.part P
Shope.region sg m def
3pl pres aux clt
come pl L.part P there adv

10 (b) [0:35]      Then they settled there. And further on up are Greeks,

acc refl clt
settle 3pl aor P
this pl adj
there adv more above adv
Greek pl m def

11 (b) [0:39]      a Greek tribe. And then there’s also a tribe from the Klisura region.

Greek sg n adj tribe sg n pres exist
disc of.Klisura sg n adj tribe sg n

12 (b) [0:42]      All [of them] fled [from somewhere], and since it was empty here,

all adv thus adv
3pl pres aux clt
escape pl L.part P when conj
3sg pres aux clt
sg n L.part cop wasteland sg m here adv

13 (b) [0:45]      they came, and stayed here, and that’s how it happened.

acc refl clt
settle pl L.part P
dat refl clt
take.hold pl L.part P here adv
thus adv
dat refl clt
remain 3sg aor P

14 (b) [0:49]      The village got settled. And [the population] got to be dense. How many houses –

acc refl clt
settle 3sg aor P village sg n def
dat refl clt
become 3sg aor P thick sg n adj already adv how.many interr house pl f

15 (b) [0:52]      I don’t know how many there are now. I’m neither interested in [that fact]

acc 3pl clt
know 1sg pres I how.many interr
3pl pres cop clt
now adv
acc refl clt
interest 1sg pres I

16 (b) [0:55]      nor do I know [it], but I remember it being thirty “kushti” (houses).

acc 3pl clt
know 1sg pres I how.many interr
3pl pres cop clt
1sg pres aux clt
acc 3pl clt
remember sg f L.part P thirty house pl f

17 (VZh)       [Didn’t you used to say “keshti”?]

18 (b) [0:59]      Thirty “keshti” then.

thirty house pl f thus adv

19 (VZh)       [How did you observe the holidays in olden times?]

20 (b) [1:01]      In the old days this is how we observed the holidays. When Easter came,

one.time adv thus adv spend 1pl impf I holiday pl m def come 3sg impf P Easter sg m

21 (b) [1:05]      we celebrated it for three days. And we we’d go and gather together

three day ct m
dat refl clt
acc m 3sg clt
celebrate 1pl impf I
dat refl clt
go 1pl impf I
dat refl clt
acc refl clt
gather 1pl impf I

22 (b) [1:10]      with people from Ribarche for there to be more us, since we were few.

Ribarche.inhabitant pl m def
1pl pres cop clt
more adv
1pl impf cop little adv

23 (b) [1:13]      And we’d engage bagpipe players and violinists, wherever musicians came from,

dat refl clt
call 1pl impf I bagpipe.player pl m violinist pl m disc music sg f
somewhere adv come 3sg pres P

24 (b) [1:19]      and they played for us, and we celebrated three days.

dat 1pl clt
play 3sg pres I
dat refl clt
celebrate 1pl impf I
three day ct m

25 (b) [1:23]      For three days we’d go out, musicians played, and we celebrated.

interr three day ct m
dat refl clt
go 1pl impf I
dat refl clt 3pl impf I
dat refl clt
acc m 3sg clt
celebrate 1pl impf I

26 (b) [1:28]      Then would come the day of the Holy Ghost, and on that day too we go –

come 3sg impf P after adv
disc sg m
on sg m
go 1pl pres P

27 (b) [1:31]      [as] on holidays, we gather somewhere – and then the day of Ascension, and so on.

again adv holiday pl m somewhere adv
acc refl clt
gather 1pl pres P again adv Ascension sg m
thus adv all adv

28 (b) [1:35]      We’d gather together at certain ritual spots outside the village, and dance.

some pl adj pl m
acc refl clt
gather 1pl impf I
dat refl clt
dance 1pl impf I

29 (b) [1:40]      And the bagpipe players would play for us, either with whistles or bagpipe chanters,

all adv thus adv
dat 1pl clt 3pl impf I bagpipe.player pl m disc whistle pl f disc chanter pl f

30 (b) [1:44]      such types of reed whistles – and we even danced to trumpets!

such pl adj whistle pl f again adv
trumpet pl m
1pl pres aux clt
dance pl L.part I

31 (b) [1:47]      Little trumpets - we also danced to trumpets.

small.trumpet sg n
trumpet pl m
1pl pres aux clt
dance pl L.part I

         [How was the village settled?]

         How was it settled? Well, let me tell you. [It was] like this.

         People from Teteven settled here because of their livestock – to have enough space

         for them to graze. And they also kept houses in town.

         So - they work here [in the field], and keep houses in the town,

         up to the school. [The area] beyond the school was settled by people from Brusen.

         From the center of Vasilyovo onwards, it’s Brusen people – where they came from

         [is] Brusen. Then further up are the “Shope” people. The Shope people are there.

         The Shope people escaped from the Shope region and came there.

         Then they settled there. And further on up are Greeks,

         a Greek tribe. And then there’s also a tribe from the Klisura region.

         All [of them] fled [from somewhere], and since it was empty here,

         they came, and stayed here, and that’s how it happened.

         The village got settled. And [the population] got to be dense. How many houses –

         I don’t know how many there are now. I’m neither interested in [that fact]

         nor do I know [it], but I remember it being thirty “kushti” (houses).

         [Didn’t you used to say “keshti”?]

         Thirty “keshti” then.

         [How did you observe the holidays in olden times?]

         In the old days this is how we observed the holidays. When Easter came,

         we celebrated it for three days. And we we’d go and gather together

         with people from Ribarche for there to be more us, since we were few.

         And we’d engage bagpipe players and violinists, wherever musicians came from,

         and they played for us, and we celebrated three days.

         For three days we’d go out, musicians played, and we celebrated.

         Then would come the day of the Holy Ghost, and on that day too we go –

         [as] on holidays, we gather somewhere – and then the day of Ascension, and so on.

         We’d gather together at certain ritual spots outside the village, and dance.

         And the bagpipe players would play for us, either with whistles or bagpipe chanters,

         such types of reed whistles – and we even danced to trumpets!

         Little trumpets - we also danced to trumpets.

1 (VZh)       [Как се е заселило това село?]

2 (b) [0:01]       ами ка̀к се е засе̇̀лило налѝ ти ка̀звам така̀

3 (b) [0:04]       ту̀ка тетев’ѐнците са са зас’е̇̀лиле зəрəд добѝтака̭ да им е широ̀ко

4 (b) [0:10]       да пасе̂̀т и си сə подр̥жѐли и в граде̂̀ къ̀штите

5 (b) [0:15]       това̀ ту̀ка си рабо̀тат а по граде̂̀ си подр̥̀жат къ̀штите

6 (b) [0:18]       ду учѝлиштето̭ уд учѝлиштето та̀м са са зас’е̇̀лиле па брусн’ѐне

7 (b) [0:22]       ут среде̂̀та на васѝл’ово та̀м па брусн’ѐне удд’е̇̀ са дошлѐ

8 (b) [0:28]       па̀к уд бру̀сен по̀ наго̀ре па шо̀пето̭ шо̀пето па та̀м

9 (b) [0:32]       па̀ шо̀пе са изб’а̀гале от шоплу̀ка та са дошл’е̇̀ та̀м

10 (b) [0:35]       та са зас’е̇̀лиа па т’ѐа от та̀м по̀ наго̀ре пак гр̥̀ците

11 (b) [0:39]       па гр̥̀цко пл’ѐме ѝма и и тако̀ва клису̀рско пл’ѐме

12 (b) [0:42]       с’е̇̀ така̀ са изб’а̀гале кото е било̀ пуштин’а̀к ту̀кəна

13 (b) [0:45]       и са зас’е̇̀лиле и си заста̀нале ту̀ка и така̀ си остана̀

14 (b) [0:49]       и се зас’е̇̀ли село̀то си стане̂̀ гъ̀сто в’е̇̀ке ко̀лко къ̀шти

15 (b) [0:52]       не гѝ зна̀м ко̀лко са сега̀кана и нѝ са интересу̀вам

16 (b) [0:55]       нѝ ги зна̀йа ко̀лко са ама сəм ги запо̀мнила трѝесе къ̀шти

17 (VZh)       [Не беше ли кещи?]

18 (b) [0:59]       трѝесе ке̂̀шти така̀

19 (VZh)       [Как прекарвахте празниците едно време?]

20 (b) [1:01]       ама н’а̀коги така̀ прека̀рваме пра̀зниците̭ до̀деше велѝгден

21 (b) [1:05]       трѝ д’ѐна си го пра̀зваме и си о̀де:ме та си са сабѝра:ме

22 (b) [1:10]       сас риба̀рчанете да сме по̀вече че беме ма̀лко

23 (b) [1:13]       и си вѝка:ме гайда̀ре цигула̀ре д’е̇̀ му̀зика уд н’а̀каде до̀де

24 (b) [1:19]       та ни свѝри та си пра̀зваме по трѝ д’е̇̀н’а

25 (b) [1:23]       налѝ трѝ д’ѐн’а си о̀де:ме и си свѝреа и си го пра̀зваме

26 (b) [1:28]       до̀деше по̀сле па светѝ.ду̀х па на светѝ.ду̀х ше ѝдем

27 (b) [1:31]       па̀ пра̀зници н’а̀каде са сабѐрем па̀ спа̀совд’ен и така̀ с’ѐ

28 (b) [1:35]       на н’а̀какви обро̀ци се сабѝра:ме та си игра̀е:ме

29 (b) [1:40]       и с’ѐ така̀ ни свѝреа гайда̀ре д’ѐ свѝрки д’ѐ гайданѝци

30 (b) [1:44]       ѐ такѝва свѝрки па̀ с на трамп’ѐ сме игра̀ле

31 (b) [1:47]       и на трамп’ѐнце и на трамп’ѐ сме игра̀ле

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut