weather predictions

Breste 2

4 (GK) kàk poznàvaxte vrèmeto kvò še bɤ̀de kogà še e na dɤ̀š
How did you know what the weather would be, when it would rain?

5 (a) sḷ̀nceto
[By] the sun.

7 (a) po sḷ̀nceto se opràvame
We orient ourselves by the sun,

9 (a) katò zàjde sḷ̀nceto
When the sun sets!

12 (b) ìska da kàže ə kakvò še bɤ̀de dalì še bɤ̀de dɤždovìto
He means [how do you know] what will happen, whether it will rain,

13 (b) kakvò še bɤ̀de vrèmeto po kvò poznàvaš kogà sl̀nceto ìde vɤf òblak
How can you foretell the weather? From when the sun goes behind a cloud,

14 (b) ili kàk kvò ili kogàto e červ̀eno na v’àtɤr
or what? When it’s red [if that means it will be] windy?

15 (a) kotò e červèno rečèm na vètɤr a pa ìnače ne znàem
When it’s red we say [there’s] wind, otherwise we don’t know.

16 (a) eli pa koto ìma òblak pret sḷ̀nceto ili zaidè vɤf òblak
Or when there’s a cloud over the sun, or it sets into a cloud,

17 (a) vìkame zaràn še vàli če sḷ̀nceto e vɤf òblak
we say tomorrow it will rain, because the sun’s in a cloud.

18 (a) sl̀nceto se e navlèklo vɤf òblak ili pa pret sḷ̀nceto ìma òblak
The sun’s moved into a cloud, or there’s a cloud in front of the sun,

19 (a) še ìma lòšo vrème
[so that means] there’ll be bad weather.

20 (b) mèsečinata sɤ̀što se poznàva
You can tell also by the moonlight.

Breste 3

96 (a) vèčer koto tò rečè tò tìja pèat na lòšo vrème
It’s said that if they crow in the evening, [that means there’ll be] bad weather.

Eremija 2

25 (a) vìka kakò bilò lètoto tòplo takà če i bilà zìmata stùt
They say if it’s a warm summer, then it will supposedly be a cold winter.

26 (a) ta ònija dèn go po ràdioto kazàa
And the other day they said on the radio –

27 (GK) znàm li kakvò e tò
How could I know what [it’s like]?

28 (a) e pa nògo bèše goreštinà mnògo bèše goreštinà i takà če bilò
Well, it was very hot. It was very hot. And that’s presumably how it will be

29 (a) ako nèma snèg da zavàli ako e sùa stuttà
If there is no snowfall. If it’s a dry cold,

30 (a) sìčko če izmṛ̀znat i dṛvèta si onì i dòsta issahnàa
everything, even the trees, will freeze. They’ve already withered quite a bit.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut