weaving by pattern

Breste 1

131 (GK) i kakvì šàrki pràexte na
And what kind of patterns did you put on –

132 (a) pɤ̀k šàrki kakvìto sèkakvi koìto sam šàrime gim
Ah, patterns. Whichever – all kinds! The ones – we variegate them

133 (a) ta kat pribìrame si gi glàsim si gi tàm ot nìštelč’ite
when we choose them, get them ready there on the heddle,

134 (a) od nìškite glèdame od drùgo čerdžè emì tovà e
on the threads; we look [on the pattern] of another rug – Like that.

136 (a) əmhəm ili pa nìe si go nèšto izmìslime i sa tɤčè
Uh huh, or we invent something. And we weave it.

Sveta Petka 1

53 (a) i tavà e i pòčnež dә gu tәč’èš’ dә gu š’әrìš’ᵊ
And that’s [that part]. You begin to weave it, to make it into patterns.

74 (MM) takà e dobrè a šàrkite kòj ti kàzva kàg da gi tùriš
O.K. then. [When you weave] who tells you how to arrange the patterns?

75 (a) bojadžìja bojadžìja fànem sà ut š’àrkitè i
The dyer, the dyer. We look at the patterns and

76 (a) t’à si gl’èdə ud drùgətà i si gu vèzə tàm po tàmcək
one [of us] looks at [what] another one [does], and arranges [the threads] that way.

83 (d) kəkvàtu ujdìsuvə nə təvàkə i si gu š’ərìš’
... so as to fit the pattern, and then you follow it.

88 (MM) ama tì kàg da tùriš kojà šàrka kɤdè da bɤ̀de
but you [decide] how to place it, which pattern goes where.

90 (c) kɤdè də bɤ̀de
[You decide] where it will be.

91 (a) vìkamè go ìmə i č’erv’èno ìmə i zel’èno
We call it [like this]: here’s the red, here’s the green,

94 (a) sɛ̀kakvi sɛ̀kakvi
All sorts, all sorts.

95 (MM) aha tovà vèče ot tèbe zavìsi
So it all depends on you.

96 (a) dà od jakɤ̀lo ti [laughter]
Yes, on your brain [laughter].

Tǔrnjane 2

62 (a) tkàla sɤm i navòtki tkàla sɤm i kvò mu vìkame litò
I’ve woven by “navotki” (patterns), and I’ve woven what we call two-ply

67 (ED) a po prèpis tɤkàla li si
And you’ve woven according to a “prepis” (pattern)?

68 (a) i tәkàla sɤm navòtka tovà navòtka se kàzva
I’ve woven by a “navotka” (pattern), it’s called “navotka”.

70 (a) tkàla sɤm
I’ve woven [that way].

72 (a) i sɤm navadàla mòjta màjka
and I’ve done weaving by patterns. My mother…

75 (a) ne ne ùmem da da navàdam navòtka i tì kà znàeš
I don’t know how to weave according to a “navotka”, how did you know

76 (a) a onò pro pep po prèpiska
this – by uh, uh, a “prepiska” (pattern).

80 (a) navadàla sɤm navadàla sɤm tkàla sɤm sàmo če
I’ve woven by a pattern, woven by a pattern, except that

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut