Breste 1

1 (GK)       Tell [us] how you used to sow in the old days.

say sg imv P one sg n adj time sg n how interr plant 2pl impf I

2 (a) [0:03]      By hand! By hand. We get up early and make bread for the plowmen.

by.hand adv by.hand adv
arise 1pl pres P morning sg f early adv
knead 1pl pres I
ploughman sg m def

3 (a) [0:10]      Whoever has flour that’s all wheat will make “pure” [bread]

who sg m inter.rel have 3sg pres I flour sg n
wheat sg f
knead 3sg pres I clean sg f adj

4 (a) [0:14]      Whoever has more holdings [that is]; whoever has less will make

who sg m rel adj
dat m 3sg clt
3sg pres cop clt
more adv property sg m def who sg m rel adj
dat m 3sg clt
3sg pres cop clt
little adv
knead 3sg pres P

5 (a) [0:19]      it with a little corn flour, and put it in his bag, in the cart

little adv cornflour sg n such sg n adj
put 3sg pres I
bag sg f def
cart sg f def

6 (a) [0:24]      in a bushel-measure, in a bag. And we spray it with copper sulfate,

bushel.measure sg m def
bag sg m def with
acc n 3sg clt 1pl pres P
copper.sulfate sg m

7 (GK)       Uh huh.


8 (a) [0:28]      on the ground, we sprinkle it [on] with а broom and stir it up,

earth sg f def thus adv
acc m 3sg clt
sprinkle 1pl pres I with
broom sg f def
acc m 3sg clt
stir 1pl pres P

9 (a) [0:32]      stir it up with a shovel.

stir 1pl pres P with
shovel sg f def

10 (GK)       What’s that?

which sg n interr adj
3sg pres cop clt
this sg n adj

11 (a) [0:35]      We make the wheat blue [with the copper sulfate].

and 1pl pres I wheat sg n def

12 (GK)       Uh huh.


13 (a) [0:37]      And then we sow it. You can’t sow wheat that’s not [yet] blue.

acc n 3sg clt
sow 1pl pres I
nom sg n sg n P.part I
can pres imprs
acc refl clt
sow 3sg pres I

14 (a) [0:40]      So we spray it with copper sulfate and then we sow it by hand,

copper.sulfate sg m
acc m 3sg clt 1pl pres I
hand sg f
acc n 3sg clt
sow 1pl pres I sow 1pl pres I

15 (a) [0:45]      and then plow it, and harrow the top part, in the spot

acc n 3sg clt
plow 1pl pres I
acc n 3sg clt
drag 3sg pres P above adv
such sg n adj place sg n

16 (a) [0:50]      where it was plowed, not –

rel plow sg n P.part I not as

17 (GK)       Uh huh.


18 (a) [0:53]      In the field, again in the field, and again –

thus adv
again adv
field sg f
field sg f
again adv
acc refl clt

19 (a) [0:56]      It has to be plowed, and then we go and sow

must pres I imprs
acc refl clt
plow 3sg pres P
then adv
dat refl clt
go 1pl pres P
dat refl clt
sow 1pl pres I

20 (a) [1:02]      and we sowed, we fed ourselves, we sold wheat, we paid tax

dat refl clt
sow 1pl pres P
acc refl clt
feed 1pl impf I sell 1pl pres I
dat refl clt
wheat sg n pay 1pl impf tax sg m

21 (a) [1:08]      we paid the tax – didn’t I tell you [that] – and I said, “Dad, buy me this,

acc f 3sg clt
pay 1pl impf
interr clt
dat 2sg clt
say 1sg pres I buy sg imv P
dat 1sg clt
father voc sg m this sg n adj

22 (a) [1:11]      buy me that.” But just a little. Mostly we spun things by hand,

buy sg imv P
dat 1sg clt
that sg n adj more little adv more adv
1pl pres aux clt
dat refl clt
acc n 3sg clt
spin pl L.part I by.hand adv

23 (a) [1:18]      what we had. He’d buy us maybe a small dress,

what sg n inter.rel
dat refl clt
3sg pres cop clt
what sg n inter.rel
dat 1pl clt
what sg n inter.rel buy 3sg impf I
someone sg n dress sg f

24 (a) [1:21]      or if I didn’t have one, a bit of printed fabric. But otherwise

if conj not.have 1sg pres I some sg f adj printed.fabric sg f
other sg n adj what sg n interr

25 (a) [1:27]      we mostly wove things ourselves.

dat refl clt
acc n 3sg clt
weave 1pl pres I mostly adv

26 (GK)       And how is spinning done?

how interr
acc refl clt
spin 3sg pres I

27 (a) [1:31]      [With] a distaff.

distaff sg f

28 (GK)       Uh huh.


29 (a) [1:32]      On a distaff.

distaff sg f def

30 (GK)       And this distaff: what is it like?

distaff sg f def nom f 3sg what sg n interr represent 3sg pres I

31 (a) [1:36]      A thing like – like that shepherd’s crook over there.

one sg m adj this sg n adj ost this sg n adj crook sg m
interr clt
3sg pres cop clt
there adv

32 (GK)       Yes, a club.

yes club sg f def

33 (a) [1:41]      A small club. And there’s this thing of wood placed on it

club sg f def
acc n 3sg pres exist thus adv like remain sg n P.part P
wood sg n def dat refl clt

34 (GK)       Uh huh.


35 (a) [1:45]      like small protrusions so you can tie it on with a –

like protrusion pl n
can pres imprs
acc refl clt
tie 3sg pres I with
one sg m adj

36 (a) [1:49]      something like a small rag, but a strong [one],

one f sg adj such sg n adj
one f sg adj rag sg f strong sg f adj thus adv

37 (GK)       Uh huh.


38 (a) [1:52]      I [take] the distaff and spin. We spin all winter, we spin by lamp-light.

distaff sg f def
spin 1sg pres I entire sg f adj winter sg f spin 1pl pres I weave 1pl pres I
lamp sg f def weave 1pl pres I

39 (a) [1:58]      There was no – whoever had this electric current. Goodness – current!

pres neg exist who sg m interr adj
dat 2sg clt
3sg pres aux clt
have sg n L.part I such pl adj current pl m God voc sg m God voc sg m current pl m

40 (a) [2:03]      The lamp! I weave by lamplight, remove [what I’ve woven], we buy cotton, and–

lamp sg f def weave 1sg pres I
lamp sg f def weave 1sg pres I
acc m 3sg clt
drop 1sg pres I buy 1pl pres P cotton sg m

41 (a) [2:09]      That’s how it was once. But there weren’t killings and such things –

such sg n adj 3sg impf cop one.time adv
exist impf neg such sg m adj such pl adj murder pl n such pl adj thing pl f

42 (a) [2:17]      None of that.

exist impf neg

43 (GK)       Hm. And this thing that you put onto – onto the distaff,

when conj
this sg n adj rel
acc n 3sg clt
put 2sg pres I
distaff sg f def

44 (GK)       onto the distaff. What’s that called?

distaff sg f def how interr
acc refl clt
call 3sg pres I this sg n adj

45 (a) [2:25]      Onto the spindle?

spindle sg n def

46 (GK)       Ah.


47 (a) [2:26]      I spin onto the spindle.

spin 1sg pres I
acc n 3sg clt
spindle n def

48 (GK)       Uh huh.


49 (a) [2:29]      It’s called a distaff-ful

distaff sg f
acc refl clt
say 3sg pres I

50 (GK)       Uh huh.


51 (a) [2:34]      what you pull the wool from, the distaff-full, when you spin it,

distaff sg f when conj card 2sg pres P wool sg f def distaff.full sg f def
when conj
acc n 3sg clt
spin 1sg pres P

52 (a) [2:34]      and after that we put it on the yarn-crutch.

after adv
acc n 3sg clt
take 1pl pres P
yarn.crutch sg n def

53 (GK)       Uh huh.


54 (a) [2:37]      And there we count it off into units, three units. Three threads, one unit;

there adv
acc n 3sg clt
count 1pl pres I
unit pl f three unit pl f three thread pl f one f sg adj unit sg f

55 (a) [2:42]      three threads, one unit. And we make up forty units of three each.

three thread pl f one f sg adj unit sg f
acc n 3sg clt
make 1pl pres P
forty unit pl f

56 (GK)       Which is –

3sg pres cop clt

57 (a) [2:48]      A skein. We call it a skein. And after that, [after we get]

one f sg adj skein sg f one f sg adj skein sg f
dat n 3sg clt
call 1pl pres I
after adv this sg n adj

58 (a) [2:53]      to five skeins, to ten skeins, then [onto] the reed-comb.

five skein pl f
ten skein pl f
3sg pres cop clt
reed.comb sg n def reed.comb sg n def

59 (a) [2:58]      Ten skeins. And there was the reed-comb, and we would weave. Uh huh.

3sg pres cop clt
ten skein pl f
dat refl clt
have 3sg impf I reed.comb sg n
dat refl clt
weave 1pl impf I

60 (GK)       One reed-comb, ten skeins.

one sg n adj reed.comb sg n ten skein pl f

61 (a) [3:04]      One reed-comb, ten skeins. But there are reed-combs with fourteen,

one sg n adj reed.comb sg n ten skein pl f pres exist reed.comb sg n

62 (a) [3:08]      with fifteen, with eighteen –

pres exist
fifteen pres exist

63 (GK)       Uh huh.


64 (a) [3:11]      Hm.


65 (GK)       And what is it that goes through the reed-comb?

there adv through reed.comb sg n def what sg n interr pass 3sg pres I

66 (a) [3:13]      The threads –

thread pl f def

67 (GK)       Uh huh.


68 (a) [3:14]      The threads that we warp. We warp it, and then warp onto the wall.

thread pl f def rel
acc 3pl clt
warp 1pl pres I
warp 1pl pres P
acc n 3sg clt
warp 1pl pres I
wall sg m def

69 (a) [3:19]      We make the “shed” and then –

catch 1pl pres I there adv mouth pl.t

70 (GK)       How do you make [it], how – how do you warp [the loom]?

how interr
acc refl clt
catch 3sg pres I how interr how interr
acc refl clt
how interr
acc refl clt
warp 3sg pres P

71 (a) [3:23]      Well, we take this – it’s called a spool-frame. [There’s] two pieces of wood

thus adv
take 1pl pres P one f sg adj one sg n adj thus adv spool.frame sg f def
acc refl clt
say 3sg pres I two n wood pl n

72 (a) [3:29]      here and in the middle, with holes here and here,

here adv
middle sg f def
punch sg n P.part P
here adv
here adv

73 (a) [3:32]      and iron sticks inside. We put on spools [that] we used to have, we put one

iron pl adj stick pl f inside adv put 1pl pres P spool pl n have 1pl impf I put 1pl pres P one sg n adj

74 (a) [3:36]      3:36 and it spins, there. I would find one for you to see but I can’t.

acc refl clt
revolve 3sg pres I there adv
can 3sg pres I
acc n 3sg clt
find 1sg pres P
acc n 3sg clt
see 2pl pres P

75 (a) [3:38]      We put in the spools and the threads.

put 1pl pres P spool pl n
thread pl f def

76 (GK)       What’s that?

what sg n interr
3sg pres cop clt
nom sg n

77 (a) [3:41]      A spool! A spool, like wood, like this wood

spool pl n spool pl n like like wood sg n thus adv
wood pl n

78 (GK)       But hollow.

hollow n adj

79 (a) [3:48]      Hollow, yes, hollow. And there’s a hole inside. Some [people] made them,

hollow n adj yes hollow n adj
nom n 3sg
inside adv pres exist hole sg f some pl adj
acc 3pl clt
make 3pl impf I this sg n adj

80 (a) [3:52]      spindle-makers made them. And we warp it, and weave,

spindle.maker pl f def
acc 3pl clt
make 3pl impf I
dat refl clt
acc n 3sg clt
warp 1pl pres P
dat refl clt
acc n 3sg clt
weave 3sg pres I

81 (a) [3:58]      and weave things up, and –

dat refl clt
acc n 3sg clt
weave 1pl pres P
dat refl clt
acc n 3sg clt

82 (GK)       I remember my granny dragging a washtub down the street.

nom 1sg
dat refl clt
recall 1sg pres I
that conj
grandmother sg f
dat 1sg clt
one sg n adj trough sg n drag 3sg impf I
street pl f def

83 (a) [4:03]      Yes, yes! They wind up [as it drags], and we wind them up, and it –

yes yes
this sg n adj
acc refl clt
wind 3sg pres I thus adv
acc n 3sg clt
wind 1pl pres P nom sg n
acc refl clt

84 (a) [4:07]      the warp gets set, and we put it on the washtub. We set up the loom

nom n 3sg
acc refl clt
warp 3sg pres P then adv
acc n 3sg clt
put 1pl pres P
trough sg n def put 1pl pres P loom sg m def

85 (a) [4:11]      And then we wind it up, it can be on two stakes.

acc n 3sg clt
wind 1pl pres P
can pres imprs
two m stake pl m

86 (GK)       Uh huh.


87 (a) [4:14]      One stake here, one stake here, two stones.

here adv stake sg m
here adv stake sg m
two m stone pl m

88 (a) [4:16]      You can [put] it here, but I prefer it on the loom

can pres imprs
acc m 3sg
more adv nom 1sg
loom sg m def

89 (a) [4:18]      because it works better for me on the loom

dat 1sg clt
3sg pres cop clt
more straight adv
loom sg m def
dat 1sg clt
3sg pres cop clt
more straight adv

90 (GK)       And what parts did the loom have?

loom sg m def what.kind pl adj part pl f have 3sg impf I

91 (a) [4:23]      Well, they sit on the loom but [unclear] got taken to pieces

loom sg m def
dat refl clt
sit 3pl pres I
disassemble 3pl aor P

92 (a) [4:28]      There’s sticks in the middle, and two sticks on top

middle sg f def pres exist bar pl f
above adv two f bar pl f

93 (GK)       What do you call these things?

this sg n adj how interr
acc n 3sg clt
acc refl clt
call 3sg pres I
this pl adj

94 (a) [4:34]      “stan” (loom). It’s called a “stan”

loom sg m
dat m 3sg clt
acc refl clt
call 3sg pres I loom sg m

95 (GK)       “Stan”. Do you call [any parts of] it “mana”, or don’t you know?

loom sg m frame sg f
which sg n interr adj call 2pl pres I
know 2pl pres I

96 (a) [4:37]      What?

97 (GK)       Do they call something “mana”, or –

frame pl f call 3pl pres I
interr clt
something sg n

98 (a) [4:40]      No such. I don’t know that we call anything “mana”. It’s the “stan”.

pres neg exist pres neg exist
know 1sg pres I
such sg n adj
call 1pl pres I frame pl f loom sg m def

99 (a) [4:44]      [With] a beam, the batten…

beam sg n batten pl.t

100 (GK)       Uh huh.


101 (a) [4:49]      ... and –


102 (GK)       And down below?

below adv

103 (a) [4:51]      Foot-pedals that we step on, put it down! There are foot-pedals

foot.pedal pl.t
that conj
step 1pl pres I deposit sg imv I
dat refl clt
pres exist
foot.pedal pl.t

104 (GK)       And what are these foot-pedals for?

nom 3pl
what sg n interr
3pl pres cop clt
this pl adj foot.pedal pl.t

105 (a) [4:55]      Well, to regulate the heddle and the “shed”.

govern 3sg pres I [...]
heddle pl.t def
mouth pl.t def

106 (GK)       Uh huh.


107 (a) [5:00]      They raise the one “shed”, then we throw the shuttle, the we raise

raise 3pl pres P
acc refl clt
this pl adj mouth pl.t after adv shove 1pl pres P after adv raise 1pl pres P

108 (a) [5:04]      the other “shed” and then throw the shuttle again.

that pl adj mouth pl.t after adv again adv shove 1pl pres P

109 (GK)       Uh huh.


110 (a) [5:07]      [It was] difficult work, but that’s how we worked.

hard sg f adj work sg f but thus adv
1pl pres aux clt
work pl L.part I

111 (GK)       And so when you throw the shuttle?

when conj shove 2sg pres P

112 (a) [5:14]      You weave, again with the batten.

weave 2sg pres I again adv with
batten pl.t def

113 (GK)       You bang down the batten.

batten pl.t def pound 2sg pres I

114 (a) [5:18]      We bang it, yes.

beat 1pl pres I
acc 3pl clt

115 (GK)       But doesn’t the fabric shrink when –

acc refl clt
interr clt
shrink 3sg pres I fabric sg n def when conj

116 (a) [5:22]      It doesn’t shrink because there’s this – it holds it firm.

acc refl clt shrink 3sg pres I because pres exist
acc refl clt
stretch 3pl pres I thus adv

117 (GK)       Something wooden.

wooden sg n adj something sg n

118 (a) [5:30]      To – Not wood! It’s iron. Oh, how is it called? Cogs!

toward neg
3sg pres cop clt
wooden sg n adj nom sg n
3sg pres cop clt
iron sg n adj
how interr
dat n 3sg clt
acc refl clt
call 3sg pres I cog pl m

119 (GK)       Ah.


120 (a) [5:37]      It’s notched, notched, notched iron. It’s iron

nom n 3sg
notch sg n P.part P notch sg n P.part P notch sg n P.part P iron sg n such sg n adj iron sg n

121 (GK)       Uh huh.


122 (a) [5:41]      but there are jagged bits, all tiny as if chiseled in.

but adv pres exist notch sg n P.part P notch sg n P.part P thus adv tiny sg n adj like indent sg n P.part I

123 (a) [5:45]      Here and inside there’s this little iron thing

here adv
inside adv pres exist one sg n adj such sg n adj one sg n adj iron.piece sg n

124 (GK)       Uh huh.


125 (a) [5:51]      that turns around when you open it like this

acc refl clt
bend 3sg pres I when conj when conj
acc n 3sg clt
open 2sg pres P
thus adv

126 (a) [5:53]      it pulls out and holds it firm.

acc refl clt
stretch 3sg pres P
hold 3sg pres I

127 (GK)       Uh huh.


128 (a) [5:56]      and you weave.

acc refl clt
weave 3sg pres I

129 (GK)       So it stays flat.

become 3sg pres I flat sg f adj

130 (a) [5:58]      So it stays flat so that you can weave.

become 3sg pres P flat sg n adj
can pres imprs
acc refl clt
weave 3sg pres I

131 (GK)       And what kind of patterns did you put on –

what.kind pl adj pattern pl f make 2pl impf I

132 (a) [6:02]      Ah, patterns. Whichever – all kinds! The ones – we variegate them

disc pattern pl f what.kind pl rel adj all.kind pl adj which pl rel adj [...] variegate 1pl pres I
acc 3pl

133 (a) [6:09]      when we choose them, get them ready there on the heddle

when conj
gather 1pl pres I
dat refl clt
acc 3pl clt
prepare 1pl pres I
dat refl clt
acc 3pl clt
there adv
heddle pl.t def

134 (a) [6:13]      on the threads; we look [on the pattern] of another rug – Like that.

thread pl f def look 1pl pres I
other sg n adj rug sg n disc this sg n adj
3sg pres cop clt

135 (GK)       You invent something yourselves.

nom 2pl
dat refl clt
something sg n invent 2pl pres I

136 (a) [6:19]      Uh huh, or we invent something. And we weave it.

nom 1pl
dat refl clt
acc n 3sg clt
something sg n invent 1pl pres I
acc refl clt
weave 3sg pres I

         Tell [us] how you used to sow in the old days.

         By hand! By hand. We get up early and make bread for the plowmen.

         Whoever has flour that’s all wheat will make “pure” [bread]

         Whoever has more holdings [that is]; whoever has less will make

         it with a little corn flour, and put it in his bag, in the cart

         in a bushel-measure, in a bag. And we spray it with copper sulfate,

         Uh huh.

         on the ground, we sprinkle it [on] with а broom and stir it up,

         stir it up with a shovel.

         What’s that?

         We make the wheat blue [with the copper sulfate].

         Uh huh.

         And then we sow it. You can’t sow wheat that’s not [yet] blue.

         So we spray it with copper sulfate and then we sow it by hand,

         and then plow it, and harrow the top part, in the spot

         where it was plowed, not –

         Uh huh.

         In the field, again in the field, and again –

         It has to be plowed, and then we go and sow

         and we sowed, we fed ourselves, we sold wheat, we paid tax

         we paid the tax – didn’t I tell you [that] – and I said, “Dad, buy me this,

         buy me that.” But just a little. Mostly we spun things by hand,

         what we had. He’d buy us maybe a small dress,

         or if I didn’t have one, a bit of printed fabric. But otherwise

         we mostly wove things ourselves.

         And how is spinning done?

         [With] a distaff.

         Uh huh.

         On a distaff.

         And this distaff: what is it like?

         A thing like – like that shepherd’s crook over there.

         Yes, a club.

         A small club. And there’s this thing of wood placed on it

         Uh huh.

         like small protrusions so you can tie it on with a –

         something like a small rag, but a strong [one],

         Uh huh.

         I [take] the distaff and spin. We spin all winter, we spin by lamp-light.

         There was no – whoever had this electric current. Goodness – current!

         The lamp! I weave by lamplight, remove [what I’ve woven], we buy cotton, and–

         That’s how it was once. But there weren’t killings and such things –

         None of that.

         Hm. And this thing that you put onto – onto the distaff,

         onto the distaff. What’s that called?

         Onto the spindle?


         I spin onto the spindle.

         Uh huh.

         It’s called a distaff-ful

         Uh huh.

         what you pull the wool from, the distaff-full, when you spin it,

         and after that we put it on the yarn-crutch.

         Uh huh.

         And there we count it off into units, three units. Three threads, one unit;

         three threads, one unit. And we make up forty units of three each.

         Which is –

         A skein. We call it a skein. And after that, [after we get]

         to five skeins, to ten skeins, then [onto] the reed-comb.

         Ten skeins. And there was the reed-comb, and we would weave. Uh huh.

         One reed-comb, ten skeins.

         One reed-comb, ten skeins. But there are reed-combs with fourteen,

         with fifteen, with eighteen –

         Uh huh.


         And what is it that goes through the reed-comb?

         The threads –

         Uh huh.

         The threads that we warp. We warp it, and then warp onto the wall.

         We make the “shed” and then –

         How do you make [it], how – how do you warp [the loom]?

         Well, we take this – it’s called a spool-frame. [There’s] two pieces of wood

         here and in the middle, with holes here and here,

         and iron sticks inside. We put on spools [that] we used to have, we put one

         3:36 and it spins, there. I would find one for you to see but I can’t.

         We put in the spools and the threads.

         What’s that?

         A spool! A spool, like wood, like this wood

         But hollow.

         Hollow, yes, hollow. And there’s a hole inside. Some [people] made them,

         spindle-makers made them. And we warp it, and weave,

         and weave things up, and –

         I remember my granny dragging a washtub down the street.

         Yes, yes! They wind up [as it drags], and we wind them up, and it –

         the warp gets set, and we put it on the washtub. We set up the loom

         And then we wind it up, it can be on two stakes.

         Uh huh.

         One stake here, one stake here, two stones.

         You can [put] it here, but I prefer it on the loom

         because it works better for me on the loom

         And what parts did the loom have?

         Well, they sit on the loom but [unclear] got taken to pieces

         There’s sticks in the middle, and two sticks on top

         What do you call these things?

          “stan” (loom). It’s called a “stan”

         “Stan”. Do you call [any parts of] it “mana”, or don’t you know?


         Do they call something “mana”, or –

         No such. I don’t know that we call anything “mana”. It’s the “stan”.

         [With] a beam, the batten…

         Uh huh.

         ... and –

         And down below?

         Foot-pedals that we step on, put it down! There are foot-pedals

         And what are these foot-pedals for?

         Well, to regulate the heddle and the “shed”.

         Uh huh.

         They raise the one “shed”, then we throw the shuttle, the we raise

         the other “shed” and then throw the shuttle again.

         Uh huh.

         [It was] difficult work, but that’s how we worked.

         And so when you throw the shuttle?

         You weave, again with the batten.

         You bang down the batten.

         We bang it, yes.

         But doesn’t the fabric shrink when –

         It doesn’t shrink because there’s this – it holds it firm.

         Something wooden.

         To – Not wood! It’s iron. Oh, how is it called? Cogs!


         It’s notched, notched, notched iron. It’s iron

         Uh huh.

         but there are jagged bits, all tiny as if chiseled in.

         Here and inside there’s this little iron thing

         Uh huh.

         that turns around when you open it like this

         it pulls out and holds it firm.

         Uh huh.

         and you weave.

         So it stays flat.

         So it stays flat so that you can weave.

         And what kind of patterns did you put on –

         Ah, patterns. Whichever – all kinds! The ones – we variegate them

         when we choose them, get them ready there on the heddle

         on the threads; we look [on the pattern] of another rug – Like that.

         You invent something yourselves.

         Uh huh, or we invent something. And we weave it.

1 (GK)       йа кажѝ едно врѐме ка̀к сѐехте

2 (a) [0:03]       на̀ръка на̀ръка ше ста̀неме за̀ран ра̀но ше мѐсиме за ора̀ча

3 (a) [0:10]       ко̀й ѝма бра̀шно hм цѐлуп пшенѝца ше мѐси чѝста

4 (a) [0:14]       ко̀йто му е по̀вечко имо̀та ко̀йто му е по ма̀лко ше намѐси

5 (a) [0:19]       мъ̀ненко просенѝченце тако̀а и ту̀ра ф торбъ̀та и кола̀та

6 (a) [0:24]       и у шѝника и у чува̀йа със го посѝниме у сѝн.камик

7 (GK)       əмhəм

8 (a) [0:28]       на земъ̀та тъка̀ го ръ̀симе със метлъ̀та и го разбр̥̀каме

9 (a) [0:32]       разбр̥̀каме със лопа̀тката

10 (GK)       коѐ е това̀

11 (a) [0:35]       а сѝниме жѝтото

12 (GK)       əhə

13 (a) [0:37]       та го сѐеме че то̀ несѝнено не мо̀же да се сѐе

14 (a) [0:40]       със сѝн.камик го сѝниме и със ръ̀ка го сѐеме сѐеме

15 (a) [0:45]       и го орѐм го завлечѐ одго̀ре и то̀ на тако̀ва мѐсто

16 (a) [0:50]       дѐто о̀рано нѐ като̀

17 (GK)       əмhəм

18 (a) [0:53]       така̀ на па̀к на нѝва на нѝва па па̀к да се

19 (a) [0:56]       трѐва да се изорѐ па тегѝвана и си ѝдеме та си сѐеме

20 (a) [1:02]       и насѐеме и са ра̀не:ме прода̀ваме си жѝто пла̀те:ме да̀нəг

21 (a) [1:08]       га пла̀те:ме ли ти каам ку̀пи ми та̀то това̀

22 (a) [1:11]       ку̀пи ми онова̀ по̀ ма̀лко по̀вече сме си го прѐле на̀ръка

23 (a) [1:18]       кво̀ си е кво̀ ни кво̀ купу̀ваше на нѐко дрѐшчица

24 (a) [1:21]       ако̀ нѐмам нѐкоа басмѝца и и дру̀го како̀

25 (a) [1:27]       си го тəчѐме по̀вече̭

26 (GK)       а ка̀к се предѐ

27 (a) [1:31]       у̀рка̭

28 (GK)       əмhəм

29 (a) [1:32]       на у̀ркə̭тə̭

30 (GK)       и у̀рката т’а̀ кво̀ претставлйа̀ва

31 (a) [1:36]       е едѝн това̀ ѐто това̀ крива̀к ли е там [неясно]

32 (GK)       да̀ тойа̀гата

33 (a) [1:41]       тойа̀шката и на нѐго ѝма така̀ кото оста̀вено од др̥во̀то си̭

34 (GK)       əмhəм

35 (a) [1:45]       като то̀мболчета та да мо̀е са вр̥̀зва със едѝн

36 (a) [1:49]       една̀ тако̀ва на една̀ кр̥̀пчица йа̀чка така̀

37 (GK)       əмhəм

38 (a) [1:52]       и hу̀рката и прѐда цѐла зѝма предѐме тачѐме на ла̀мбата тъчѐме

39 (a) [1:58]       ѐма ко̀й ти е има̀ло такѝви то̀кове̭ бо̀же бо̀же то̀кове̭

40 (a) [2:03]       ла̀мбата тъ̀ча и на ла̀мбата тъ̀ча та га спу̀штим ку̀пиме паму̀к абе

41 (a) [2:09]       тако̀о бѐ нѐкоги ама нѐмаше такъ̀в тəкѝва убѝйства тəкѝва ра̀боти̭

42 (a) [2:17]       нѐмаше

43 (GK)       hм и като̀ от това̀ дѐто го сла̀гаш на на на ху̀рката

44 (GK)       на у̀рката ка̀к се вѝка това̀

45 (a) [2:25]       на вретѐното̭

46 (GK)       а

47 (a) [2:26]       прѐда го на вретѐнцето̭

48 (GK)       əhə

49 (a) [2:29]       къдѐл’а се ка̀зва

50 (GK)       əhə

51 (a) [2:34]       къдѐл’а кото извла̀чиш вl̀ната къдѐл’ата и кото̀ го испрѐда

52 (a) [2:34]       и по̀сле го зѐмем на мотовѝлчето

53 (GK)       əhə

54 (a) [2:37]       и та̀м го четѐме на чѐтенички трѝ чѐтенички трѝ нѝшки една̀ чѐтеничка

55 (a) [2:42]       трѝ нѝшки една̀ чѐтеничка и го напра̀им на четѝресе чѐтенички по трѝ

56 (GK)       што е

57 (a) [2:48]       на една̀ главѝчка една̀ гла̀ва му вѝкаме и по̀сле тава̀

58 (a) [2:53]       на пѐд гла̀ви та до дѐсед гла̀ви да а бр̥̀дото̭ бр̥̀дото

59 (a) [2:58]       да а дѐсед гла̀ви и си ѝмаше бр̥̀до и си тъчѐ:ме аа

60 (GK)       едно̀ бъ̀рдо дѐсет гла̀ви

61 (a) [3:04]       едно̀ бр̥̀до дѐсет гла̀ви ѝма бр̥̀до и четѝринаес

62 (a) [3:08]       ѝма и петна̀ес ѝма и осемна̀есе

63 (GK)       əмhəм

64 (a) [3:11]       əм

65 (GK)       та̀м през бъ̀рдото кво̀ мина̀ва

66 (a) [3:13]       нѝшките

67 (GK)       əhə

68 (a) [3:14]       нѝшките дѐка ги сновѐме па уснувѐме па гу сновѐм на на дува̀ра

69 (a) [3:19]       ло̀виме та̀м уста̀ а бѐ те

70 (GK)       ка̀к са ло̀ви ка̀к ка̀к са пл ле ка̀к са сновѐ

71 (a) [3:23]       така̀ ми зѐмеме една̀ едно̀ така̀ снова̀телка се ка̀зва двѐ дрвѐта

72 (a) [3:29]       от ту̀к и ф средъ̀та и наду̀пчено от ту̀ка и от ту̀ка

73 (a) [3:32]       и желѐзни пръ̀чки въ̀тре ту̀риме масу̀рчета ѝма:ме ту̀риме едно̀

74 (a) [3:36]       та са вр̥тѝ там е не мо̀е го на̀йдем да го вѝдите

75 (a) [3:38]       ту̀риме масу̀рчета и нѝшкити

76 (GK)       какво̀ е то̀

77 (a) [3:41]       масу̀рче масу̀рче кото̀ кото̀ др̥̀во токо ѐ дрва̀

78 (GK)       ама ку̀хо

79 (a) [3:48]       ку̀хо да̀ ку̀хо то въ̀тре ѝма ду̀пка̭ нѐкои ги пра̀веа това̀

80 (a) [3:52]       вретена̀рките ги пра̀еа и си го основѐме и си гу тъчѐ

81 (a) [3:58]       и си гу истъчѐме и си гу

82 (GK)       а̀с си спо̀мн’ам че ба̀ба ми едно̀ корѝто вла̀чеше по у̀лиците

83 (a) [4:03]       да̀ да̀ и това̀ са навѝва тъ̀й го понавѝем то̀ са

84 (a) [4:07]       то са основѐ тогива го ту̀рнем на корѝтото ту̀рнеме станъ̀

85 (a) [4:11]       та го навѝеме па мо̀же и на два̀ ко̀лци

86 (GK)       əhə

87 (a) [4:14]       от ту̀к ко̀л’и от ту̀к ко̀л’и два̀ ка̀мън’е

88 (a) [4:16]       мо̀же и на нѐго ма по̀вече йа̀ на станъ̀

89 (a) [4:18]       че ми е по̀ у̀правно на станъ̀ ми е по̀ у̀правно

90 (GK)       а във станъ̀ каквѝ ча̀сти ѝмаше

91 (a) [4:23]       па по станъ̀ те си седъ̀т ама [неясно] размартико̀саа

92 (a) [4:28]       на средъ̀та ѝма прѐчки и одго̀ре двѐ прѐчки

93 (GK)       на ту̀й ка̀к му са вѝка на тѝйа

94 (a) [4:34]       ста̀н му са вѝка ста̀н

95 (GK)       ста̀н ма̀на не на коѐ вѝкате или не зна̀ете

96 (a) [4:37]       койо̀

97 (GK)       ма̀ни вѝкат ли на нѐшто или

98 (a) [4:40]       нѐма нѐма не зна̀м на тако̀ва да вѝкаме ма̀ни станъ̀

99 (a) [4:44]       и кросно̀ набр̥̀делки

100 (GK)       əмhəм

101 (a) [4:49]       та

102 (GK)       оддо̀лу

103 (a) [4:51]       по̀дноже че стъ̀паме подла̀гай то си ѝма и по̀дноже

104 (GK)       и тѐ за какво̀ са тѝа по̀дноже

105 (a) [4:55]       емѝ да управйа̀ва ништел ништѐлкити и уста̀та̭

106 (GK)       əhə

107 (a) [5:00]       дѝгнат са тѝа у̀ста по̀сле съ̀внем по̀сле дѝгнем

108 (a) [5:04]       па онѝа у̀ста по̀сле па̀ со̀внем

109 (GK)       əhə

110 (a) [5:07]       тру̀дна ра̀бота ама̀ така̀ сме работѝли

111 (GK)       е е като̀ со̀внеш

112 (a) [5:14]       и тъчѐш па̀к със набр̥̀делки̭те̭

113 (GK)       набр̥̀делките бѝеш

114 (a) [5:18]       бѝем ги да̀

115 (GK)       а то̀ не съ̀ ли ст’а̀га платно̀то като̀

116 (a) [5:22]       не съ̀ стѐга што̀то ѝма и тако̀вана а та са о̀пнат така̀

117 (GK)       дъ̀рвено нѐшто

118 (a) [5:30]       към нѐ е др̥̀вено то̀ е желѐзно о ка̀ му са вѝка зъ̀пци

119 (GK)       а̀

120 (a) [5:37]       то назъ̀бено назъ̀бено назъ̀бено жилѐзо тако̀ва жилѐзу

121 (GK)       əhə

122 (a) [5:41]       ама отту̀к ѝма назъ̀бенко назъ̀бенко тъка̀ сѝтно като нəрѐскəнку

123 (a) [5:45]       и от ту̀ка и въ̀тре ѝма едно̀ тако̀ва едно̀ жилѐсце

124 (GK)       əhə

125 (a) [5:51]       та са свѝва кото кото го уто̀риш е така̀

126 (a) [5:53]       са о̀пне та држѝ стѐгнатко

127 (GK)       əhə

128 (a) [5:56]       и съ тъчѐ

129 (GK)       да ста̀ва ра̀вна

130 (a) [5:58]       да ста̀не равно̀ да мо̀е да са тъ̀че

131 (GK)       и каквѝ ша̀рки пра̀ехте на

132 (a) [6:02]       пъ̀к ша̀рки каквѝто сѐкакви коѝто сəм ша̀риме гим

133 (a) [6:09]       та кат прибѝраме си ги гла̀сим си ги та̀м от нѝштелч’ите

134 (a) [6:13]       од нѝшките глѐдаме од дру̀го черџѐ емѝ това̀ е

135 (GK)       и вѝй си нѐшто исмѝсл’ате

136 (a) [6:19]       əмhəм или па нѝе си го нѐшто измѝслиме и са тъчѐ

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut