All Tokens

Token IDsort descending Meaning Case Number Gender Definiteness Person Verb Form Aspect Particle Clitic Deictic Other Pragmatic Lexeme
me 92734 [...] .
padà 92736 fall 1sg aor I падам
didzà 92737 lift 1sg aor I дигам
idòše 92739 go 3pl aor P ида
izòše 92740 eat 3pl aor P изям
izèdoše 92741 eat 3pl aor P изям
tèpanete 92742 beat pl f def P.part I тепам
mɤln’àta 92744 lightning sg f мълния
òblaci 92745 cloud pl m облак
oddèka 92746 оддека
izlèze 92747 emerge 3sg aor P изляза
pustin’àkɤt 92748 damned.thing sg m def пустиняк
utreštà 92750 shake 3sg aor P утрещя
pòtepa 92751 beat 3sg aor P потепам
pɤt 92754 time sg m път
òstroto 92756 sharp sg n def adj
sɤ̀pre 92758 stop 3sg pres P спра
dɤ̀žɤt 92759 rain sg m def дъжд
pràvime 92791 do 1pl pres I правя
tùrate 92793 put 2pl pres I
zabìemo 92795 thrust 1pl pres P забия
obṛ̀čamo 92796 whet 1pl pres I обръщам
ùškim 92799 as.if adv ужким
spreš 92800 stop 2sg pres P спра
povèrie 92802 belief sg n поверие
tìčam 92803 run 1sg pres I тичам
vṛ̀šnik 92805 cover sg m връшник
prenèsi 92807 carry sg imv P пренеса
kvičì 92810 squeal 3sg pres I квича
stiskàli 92812 squeeze pl L.part I стискам
pištù 92813 shriek 3pl pres I пищя
olomanìjata 92815 storm sg f def оломания
rasadìl 92817 transplant sg m L.part P разсадя
kḷ̀ca 92819 sprout 3sg pres I кълцам
vṛ̀l’a 92820 throw 3sg pres I хвърлям
gḷ̀ta 92821 swallow 3sg pres I гълтам
pṛvàče 92823 first.born sg n първаче
zṛ̀no 92824 grain sg n зърно
gradùškata 92825 градушка
pṛ̀v 92827 first sg m adj първи


Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut