
Verb form: 
Linguistic trait: 

Lines where tač'ème appears

Tihomir 1: 96 - č'e ɤf ɤv gr'èbene s nìtᵚi tač'ème ga snav'ème snav'è sa
Tihomir 1: 129 - i nabardilà g zav'ème i tač'ème sèj
Tihomir 1: 147 - č'e pàk pàk tač'ème si pòstel'ki
Tihomir 1: 150 - i pɔ̀strime gɯ tač'ème gᵚi pàk s etò as kač'ɔ̀
Tihomir 1: 152 - s kač' ɔ̀ esèj tač'ème
Tihomir 1: 179 - zat'ɔ̀gneme sedì krosnòto sedì tač'ème pa mnòga tač'ème
Tihomir 1: 179 - zat'ɔ̀gneme sedì krosnòto sedì tač'ème pa mnòga tač'ème
Tihomir 1: 181 - pa mnòga dèn':e tač'ème
Tihomir 1: 192 - as tòpate zìmame [unintelligible] pr'ɔ̀lata da tač'ème rìzᵊi rìzi nòsehme
Tihomir 1: 265 - deš'èkɯ tač'ème č'èrgᵚɨ mnògo ràbatᵊi tač'ème
Tihomir 1: 265 - deš'èkɯ tač'ème č'èrgᵚɨ mnògo ràbatᵊi tač'ème
Tihomir 1: 272 - č'èrgɯ č'èrgɯ tač'ème
Tihomir 1: 274 - i ž'ɔ̀lto i ž'ɔ̀lto tač'ème

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

Token | by Dr. Radut