marking sheep ownership

Baskalci 2

1 (GK) ami kàg gi belèžexte ufcète belèžexte li gi da gi poznàvate
So how did you mark sheep? Did you mark them in a way to recognize them?

2 (a) ami sèki ìmaše belèk
Well, each one had a mark.

3 (GK) kakɤ̀f
What kind?

4 (a) belèk na tovà na ušìte se prài belèk
A mark – they make a mark on the ears.

5 (GK) i kàk se prài tòj
And how do they do that?

12 (a) ušèto e naprìmer tovà
[On] the ear, for instance

14 (a) na ofcàta tovà pretstavl’àva ušèto sà nèkoj ìma nàči
That means on the sheep’s ear. There are some [people], you know –

15 (a) jà ot tùka takà ke otsèčem dìp màlko i se vìka tovà izbrɤ̀ska
I make a little slanted cut here, and we call that “izbrŭska” (slant-cut).

17 (a) na dèsnotu kakòf ti e be belègo na dèsnotu ušè e izbrɤ̀ska
What’s your mark on the right ear? On the right ear it’s a slant-cut.

19 (a) drùgo drùgiju pәk po otprèt ìma
But another will [make it] in front.

21 (a) otprèt ràbuška a takà kato prevìeš ušènceto nalì
[He’ll make] a notch in front. So when you fold the ear over,

22 (a) i sɤs ednì pà sɤs nòžnici stàva tovà ili sɤs krɤklìzi
and then – it’s done with scissors, or with shears –

24 (a) otsèčneš dìp tovà se otcèpva dìp po màlkinko
you slice of a little bet and you get a “swallowtail” cut here.

26 (a) po màlko ama sèkoj č’e znàe belègo kakòf mu e znači
Very little, but [enough] so each one knows which mark is his.

27 (a) na dèsnoto ušè ti e belègo ràbuška otprèt ràbuška
So you’ve got a mark, a “rabushka” (notch) on the right ear. A notch in front.

28 (a) na lèvoto ušè ti e belègo odzàt ràbuška nalì odzàt se vìka
And on the left ear you’ve got a mark, a notch in the back. It’s called “the back”

29 (a) kato ušèto kato e takà ot tàzi stranà
when the ear is like this, on this side.

31 (a) a pa otprèt se vìka pa prèdnata stranà
and [the notch] in the front part is called “the front”.

34 (GK) izbrɤ̀ska kugà e udzàt
[So it’s called] a slant-cut when it’s in back –

35 (a) o odzàt izbrɤ̀ska i otprèt mòže izbrɤ̀ska pa i otprèt ìma i izbrɤ̀ska
A slant-cut in the back, but you can also have a slant-cut in the front.

36 (a) ponèže tìja vɤf selòto sa znàči nògu nògu rètko trèbva da se slùči
Because it should happen very, very rarely that in one village

37 (a) na edìn belèg da sà mòjo belèk i tvòjo da se sravnàva
people should [all] use the same mark, that mine should be just like yours,

38 (a) osòbeno ako sa komšìi òti nèma da si i poznàete
especially if we are neighbors. Because otherwise you wouldn’t recognize them.

39 (a) nèkoj i poznàvat nògu ama nèkoj pa ne mòe gi poznàvat
Some would recognize them but others wouldn’t be able to.

40 (a) ako nè e belègo ne mòe gi poznàvat ke se zakàrat
If not for the mark they wouldn’t recognize them, and then they’d quarrel

41 (b) tì ke go vìkaš tvòje jàs ke go vìkam mòje [laughter]
You’ll say it’s yours, I’ll say it’s mine,

42 (a) i ìska da se bìeme
and we might get into a fight!

45 (GK) i drùgi drùg drùgi ìmaše li drùgi bèlezi
And other – were there other kinds of marks?

46 (a) nè na drùg belèk ìma kogà se sɤbìrat na tovà
No. Well [yes], there’s another mark when you gather at –

47 (GK) nә kuè
At what?

48 (a) na bačìjata na màndrata tùk è gòo kogà se mɤzàt
At the dairy farm, up there where they do the milking,

49 (a) kugà i sәbìrәt prez letòto sә dә tәkòva ìma katràn’
when they gather them there in the summer. They use pitch.

52 (a) i sɤs katràn’u i belèguvàme katràn’u i gu tùriš
And we mark them with pitch. You put it –

53 (a) na edìn ke e pres krɤ̀stu pràva čertà na drùgiju
One would make a straight line on [the sheep’s] back, another

54 (a) ke e ot srәnàtә nә drùgiju i tòo sèki znàe nàči
would [make it] on the side, and another – and each one will know

55 (a) kakòf katràn’ ke e složìl nә ufcète
what kind of pitch [marking] he’ll have put on his sheep.

57 (a) i tàm i ofčàreto znàәd znàči pu kәtràn’u punèže
And the shepherds up there know, you see, by the pitch [marks]

58 (a) nә grɤbò se slàgә seà dèka se glèda nәlì
that were put on the backs [of the sheep]. Because it’s visible, right?

60 (a) i tìja è kato a vìdi à tàa e
and when they see one, they’ll say “Ah, that sheep [belongs]

61 (a) na èdi kòj si tòa kәtràn’ e nә tòa fil’ànkišìjәtә
to so and so, that kind of pitch mark designates that person.”

63 (a) drùgiju kәtràn’ e [laughter]
And another pitch mark [to another].

64 (GK) ami a drùgi nèmaše li drùgi belèzi pu pu uxòtu
So – weren’t there any other marks on, on the ear?

65 (a) nè drùgi drùgi kakvò
No. What other – ?

67 (a) nè dùpčәt i saà vek’e kәt stәnà stupànstvutu tùrәt im
No, they don’t make punches. When the collective farm came, they used

68 (a) nèkәkvi dzәmbì tàm kәtu i jàs ne sàm vidèl
some sort of punches. But I never saw [any of that].

71 (GK) nàči sàmo ìzbrɤska i ràbuška
So only the slant-cut and the notch.

72 (a) dà izbrɤ̀ski ràbuški znàči otprèt odzàd znàči àku tì e
Yes, slant-cuts and notches, in front or in back, so if you’ve got …

74 (a) dìp cèpnenko nèkoj pa mòže belègu dә mù e
… a cut at a slant – but then someone could [also] make his mark

75 (a) nә vrɤ̀u nә ušèncetu saà sàmu tәkà e cèpnenku rәscàpeno
on top of the ear, with only a little bit cut out.

76 (a) vìkә se ušàtka
That’s called “ushatka” (straight cut).

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut