bread in loaves

Babjak 1

14 (a) də gu nəmɛ̀šə də gu nəpràve nə
and knead it and make it into ...

15 (c) pitàri

16 (a) nə kulàci təkòvu
... into loaves, like that.

17 (c) kulàci təkòvu
Loaves like that.

24 (a) dvàase lɛ̀bə du dvàase kulàci l'ɛ̀buve əmə tè pò golɛ̀mi
… twenty breads, up to twenty loaves of bread. But they're bigger

25 (a) lɛ̀buv'ètu ne sà kətu tìjə màlečki unìjə sə gulɛ̀mi
[loaves] of bread. They're not like these little ones. Those are big –

26 (a) e tòlk'i tekà gulɛ̀mi lɛ̀buve tìjə də tràje pòveč'e
the bread loaves are this big – they['re made] to last longer.

Belica 2

116 (a) f ponedèlnik takìva samùne čèrni ama nèma azmɤ̀ da fàne mu:lɤ̀
on Monday – these dark loaves, that aren’t damp [?], that don’t get moldy

117 (a) nèma da isɤ̀xne ami mèko i ùbavo i te tè takà
and won’t dry out but rather [stay] soft and nice. And there it is.

141 (a) pòdmesa go sabà:le stàna tò šupnàlo mèsa go togàva
knead it. In the morning I get up [and] it has risen. Then I knead it into

142 (a) desetìna dvanàese samùna takìva è čèkam go v nuštuvìte ta ftàsa
ten or twelve loaves this size, and leave it in the kneading trough to finish rising.

143 (a) pòsle go razvàlim na dɤ̀ski kàk e segà vɤf fùrnite
Then we separate it out on the boards like it is now in the ovens,

144 (a) na dɤ̀ski za u f mesàle vɤf kɤ̀rpi
on boards for – with cloth, towels [over it],

Dolno Draglište 3

6 (a) pòsle č'e gu nəmèsime nə pitàrčetə slàgəme nə ednà dəskà
and then we’ll shape it into loaves, put them on a board

9 (a) i pòsle pà pràve:me si ednì fudùl'č'i mu vìkəme nìe
And then we would make some smaller loaves, we call them “fudulchi”.

26 (a) pòsle č'e gu pràviš nə pitàrčetə
then you’ll make it into small loaves, and that’s that.

Eremija 3

71 (GK) i po kòlko lèba pràixte
And how many [loaves of] bread did you make each time?

72 (a) po dèset po dvanàese po petnàese sprèma xòrata
Ten or fifteen – depending on the people ...

74 (a) kakvò sa tvṛ̀t netvṛ̀t če se rùčka [laughter]
… who are [to be fed]. Hard or not, it’ll be eaten! [laughter]

Oborište 1

15 (a) i tòj ftàsa i go razvalɤ̀ na ednà dɤskɤ̀
and it rises. And and I separate it out into loaves,

16 (a) sè po edìn l’àpᵊ i go zanesèm ta go tùrnem
one by one on a board, and we take it and toss it

27 (a) kato go razvalɤ̀ pa na dɤskɤ̀ta voziòdi i takà
When I separate it out on the board, it has risen [nicely], and that’s all.

Petrov Dol 2

19 (a) pr’àsnə vudà ut ču̥šmàta um’ès’et p’ìt’i xl’àp
fresh water from the well. They knead up loaves of bread –

Stikŭl 1

93 (a) hlɛ̀p dənò pùs esòtkivə hlɛ̀pkuve zgà ə sòč’ekəf hlɛ̀bec
bread, to hell [with it]. The tiny little loaves [they have] now, tiny bread

101 (a) mèn dədɔ̀d dvà hlɛ̀pkə stìgət sɨ̀ mɨ
They give me two loaves of bread and that’s enough for me,

Šumnatica 3

141 (GK) ama vìe po edìn hl’ab sàmo li pečàxte
But did you used to bake only one [loaf of] bread at a time?

142 (a) pu edìn
One at a time.

143 (b) pu id’ìn l’àp ednà tavà gul’àma
One loaf [of bread] at a time, in a very big pan.

144 (a) gul’àmə è təkàva
A big one.

145 (VZh) àma gul’àma kàeš
But a big one, you say.

146 (b) à gul’àmə təvà è səkà
A big pan – one this big.

Tihomir 2

47 (a) tò gal’èmkᵚɨ l’èp
It’s a big loaf of bread.

Vŭglarovo 1

54 (a) s’è̝tne iməhme hùrni pɤ̀k dè̝s’ət pitnàjset hl’àbə fàtəha
And then we had big outside ovens, they used to hold ten or fifteen loaves.

57 (a) dà nə ədnò zə gu m’è̝tnəš pitnàese hl’àbə
Yes. You can toss in fifteen loaves of bread at once.

58 (c) n’è te udel’è̝ni pu dvà kilugràmə li sə pudèleni təkà
No, they’re divided up – two kilos or so each. That’s how they’re divided.

59 (b) [unintelligible] pu dvà hl’àbə pò gul’èmi hl’àbuve
[unintelligible] Two loaves at a time, [but] bigger loaves.

60 (a) kòlkutu si udd’èl’əme nì tòlkə
Whatever size we want, that’s how we divide it up.

61 (a) n’è̝məše m’àrkə tugàvə nə nàšijə l’àp
There wasn’t a standard measure for our bread back then.

62 (b) n’è e t’è̝glen kət sigɛ̀
It didn’t get weighed [the way it is] now.

65 (a) i m’è̝tneš gu
And you put it …

66 (b) gul’èmi l’àbuve
Big loaves of bread.

67 (a) fùrnətə upeč’è sə tòu l’àp iskàrəž gu pitnàes duši̥ pu ədɨ̀n l’àp
... into the big oven, it bakes, you take it out. One loaf each for fifteen people.

Vŭrbina 2

65 (a) i tòə puìməš’e du trìjsi hl’èbə fùrnənə mùt’kə
and it would take up to thirty loaves. [It was] a small oven.

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut