
Bosnek 1

15 (a) dòjdeha ot tàmoka i kàraxa čerèši sɤs ə košòve i nìe siromàsi
they came from there bringing cherries in baskets. And we [were] poor.

18 (a) čerešàro e došɤ̀l ama če edète čerèši tovà e vìka takòva
the cherry-man has come, so you’ll eat cherries.” But then she said,

19 (a) čèrvi ìma jà vìka s tìja parì če vi kùpim orìz
“There’s worms,” and said, “With this money, I’ll buy rice,

Eremija 2

31 (a) dṛvètata issahnàa kajsìi čerèši sos plodò si isahnà
The trees have withered, the apricot and cherry trees, and their fruit.

Gorno Vŭršilo 1

2 (a) səm vədìla gròzde səm bràla čerɛ̀ši səm bràla sɛ̀no səm zbiràla
I dug out [onions]. I picked grapes, I picked cherries, I gathered in the hay

Stikŭl 2

46 (a) si ubràl ətàm čerɛ̀škite nè sɨ jɛ̀cə
Did you pick cherries over there? You didn’t do much!

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut