
Bosnek 2

43 (a) kojà e gotvìla č ìde u čèrkva a mažjète če zèma žìto
whoever did the cooking will go to church. And the men will take grain,

47 (a) dodèka ne dòjde ženàta ot čèrkvata i ulòva vrapčè
until the woman comes from the church and they’ve caught a sparrow.

Bosnek 3

10 (a) i kumò če dòjde̝ i če go vòdi detèto u čèrkvata
and the godfather will come, and take the child to the church.

11 (a) i kato se vɤ̀rne kumò ot čèrkvata i mi dadè detèto
And when the godfather returns from the church he gives me the child

13 (a) i kàže tì mi go dàde evrèjče òn go e krɤstìl vèče detèto
He says, “You gave me a little Jew” – he’s already christened the child

14 (a) u čèrkvata i go nòsi vìka tì mi go dàde evrèjče
in the church and is carrying it – he says, “You gave me a little Jew,

42 (a) nalì kato se ožèn’a i kogà idaa u čèrkva bàbite gi vòda
So when they get married, and they go to church (the grannies lead them),

48 (a) ìde u čèrkvata ta bìe kambànata ta ìdexa
she goes to the church, the bells ring out, and they [all] went,

52 (a) i u čèrkvite bèše žìto nòsexa na ìmen dèn žìto na ivànovden
They carried [ritual] grain [dishes] into the church, on name days, on St. John’s Day.

53 (a) na jordànovden žìto se nòseše u čèrkvata sɤs càrevica odgòrekḁ
[And] on St. Jordan’s Day, they carried in the grain [dish] with corn on top.

57 (a) kvì pogàči nòsexḁ te takvìja segà è či segà na čèrkvata
what kinds of ritual bread they carried in? Now in the church

58 (a) na ràmoto kogà ni bèše jà ne vidòx pogàča ženà
when it was in the lowlands, I haven’t seen a single woman

59 (a) da e omesìla ama što porɤ̀čaž be òmesi be na čèrkvata
making her own ritual bread. Why do you order out? Make your own for the church!

61 (a) po trì pòpa u nàšta čèrkva mnògo e ùbavo togàva
three priests in each of our churches. It was really nice then.

Dolna Sekirna 1

30 (a) e ko pri pòpɤt u cṛ̀kvutu è u cṛ̀kvutu u nosì
Ah, to the priest, in the church. [Someone] took it into the church

31 (a) še ta go kṛštuvàše u cṛ̀kvutu
and they christened it in the church.

32 (b) pravoslàvni
The Orthodox [church].

Dolno Draglište 2

1 (b) čùkna: kəmbànite ìdeme v čèrkvə vrɤ̀nemè se ut tàm
The church bells ring, and we go to church. [When] we come back from there,

Garvan 1

48 (a) b'èl'i nəpràu tɤ̀j səmòtu pɤ̀sro čərkòwnu təkwòs tukə ùkuluwrɤ̀s
[all] white. They make it all decorated like in a church, all around,

49 (a) i tùkə ìmə tɤ̀j ìmə tɤ̀j gòr'e ìmə tùkətɤj krɤ̀st
and here there’s this, and here on top there’s a cross.

77 (a) tò nəlì hòdil' l'i si u č'èrkvə t'ì
You’ve been to a church, haven’t you?

78 (a) wòd'il'i l'i sti znàjti li č'èrkvə kəkò j
Have you [all] been? Do you know what a church is?

79 (GK) mm hòdil səm
[Yes, of course] I’ve been.

80 (a) à e tɤ̀j kət pòčniš əltàru dètu izlìzə pòpu əltàr sə kàzvə
Ah. Starting with the altar where the priest comes out, that’s called the altar.

82 (a) znàjš l'i kəkò j
You know what that is?

83 (GK) znàm
Yes, I know.

84 (a) i s'etn'e tò nəl'ì ìmə svitìci tɤ̀j ùkuluwrɤ̀s
And then, you know, there are these women saints all around,

86 (a) svitìci təkvìsə è gul'èmi təkòs i c'əlùvəš v'èč'i nərèt nərèt nərèt tàm
these big women saints like this, and you kiss them all, all in order.

87 (GK) tvà se tìjə kərtìnkite
Those are these pictures –

88 (a) kərtìnki è kərè
Pictures, yes, pic-

89 (GK) ikònite

90 (a) ikòntȅ a tɤ̀j ikònite
Icons, yes, those are icons.

91 (GK) a tvà sə svetìcite
Ah, those are the “female saints”.

92 (a) ikòn'i tò switìcə j ikònə ikòn'i
Icons, that “woman saint” is an icon. Icons.

94 (a) ikòni i tàtək əltàrə tòj ubl'àkən ùbəu isùsə xristòs kɤ̀ktuj j
Icons. And then the altar, it is dressed nicely, with Jesus Christ on it,

95 (a) təkòs imə mnògu kət si əku sì òdil' nə č'èrkvə
there’s a lot [of nice things], if you– if you’ve gone to church [you know].

96 (a) às wòd'ə i znàm kəkò j tò kəkò n'èštu ìmə vɤ̀tr'ə
I go, and I know how it is, how there’s something inside

97 (a) v əltàru nəpràvu isùs ristòs kɤ̀ktu j rəspɤ̀nət nə
the altar, in fact it’s Jesus Christ crucified on –

98 (a) nə krɤ̀stu tàm snìmənu ud dərvò nəpràenu
on the cross, pictured there – it’s made out of wood.

99 (a) tò dərvò è tɤ̀j è gul'èmi ikòn' təkvìsə
it’s [from] wood – those are [really] big icons.

Glavanovci 2

76 (a) za kṛštan’èto ako ìdeš u cṛkvu če se
for christening. If you go to the church

77 (a) tàm ìma si sùd za vodùtu u korìto si zgrèemo vòdu
there’s a vessel there for water. We heat water in a washtub,

Golica 3

126 (c) a tì wòt' ne sì xòd'la
But because you haven’t been going

128 (c) f cɛ̀rkuvətə
to church –

130 (c) às hòd'uw tɛ̀z godìna sreštu vilìgden hòd'uw
I went [to church] this year. I went at Easter [time].

Hvojna 1

51 (a) pr’et š’ɛ̀renijə kàmək vəf čɤ̀rkvətə s’àkə čɤ̀rkvə ìmə š’ɛ̀ren kàmək
in front of the multicolored stone in the church – each church has a colored stone

52 (a) pret š’ɛ̀renijə kàmək gi venč’ɛ̀vət tàm v’èč’e kumʌ̀ him dərž’ì sv’èš’t’i
and they marry them in front of the multicolored stone. There, the godfather holds candles

Malevo/Asg 1

43 (a) nə velìgden sə hòdi f čʌ̀rkvə
You go to church on Easter [Sunday].

45 (a) ubikàl’ət ə kət’ ìdət tə ubikàl’ət čʌ̀rkvətə tàm ukulu ʌ
They go around – when they go [there] they go around the church –

46 (a) čʌ̀rkvətə sàmu ubikàl’ət tàm čùkət jəjcà
they just go around the church. Then they crack eggs there:

47 (a) i sə səbìrət kuìt sə utìšli f čʌ̀rkvə čùkət sə
[everyone] who’s gone to the church gets together and they crack


57 (a) č’e zətvòriə č’èrkvite zətvòriə i dž’əmìjti
[in that] they closed the churches, they closed down the mosques...

Pavelsko 3

2 (a) òdehme f čʌ̀rkvə v’èčir sp’ʌ̀nət rəsp’enì.p’ʌ̀tək gu rəsp’ʌ̀vət ə pək f sɤ̀butə
we would go to church in the evening. On Good Friday they crucify him,

4 (a) vəskr’èsuvə i wòdim nòšnu vr’ème f čʌ̀rkvə
he is resurrected. We go to church during the night [before].

13 (a) əmi tàjə sèdm’icə i drùgətə e vʌ̀rbnicə i tugàə wòd’im f čʌ̀rkvə
Well, that week – the other week is Palm Sunday. We go to church then

14 (a) i nò̝sime vʌ̀rbə nwòsim tàm fəf čʌ̀rkvətə i pòsl’e
and bring willow branches. [That’s what] we bring. In the church, then,

15 (a) pòpət ni rəzdàvə vʌ̀rbətə nə že nə sìčki ž’enì
the priest distributes willow branches to the – to all the women

16 (a) i jə dun’ìsəm’e tə jə slàgəm’e nə cɤ̀rkvətə tàm
and we bring them and put them there in the church …

Petrov Dol 2

105 (GK) a nòsexte li go àgneto kato go opečete nòsexte li go
And did you take the lamb – when you roast the lamb did you take it

106 (GK) na cɤ̀rk na čɛ̀rkvata
to church [for a blessing]?

107 (b) nè

118 (a) inò vr’ɛ̀mi nòs’im gu nə cɤ̀rkvəta
Back then we carried it to the church

119 (GK) žìvo
[while it’s still] alive.

126 (a) nə gɤrbɤ̀ si nɤ cɤ̀rkvəta gi nòsewmi tugàva kət sə vɤ̀rn’i
[he hoists it] onto his back and we’d take them to church. And then when it comes back,

144 (a) ukɤ̀št’i gu vrɤ̀štɤt pàk ut cɤ̀rkvəta i gu kòl’im tugàskə pičèmi
at home. They bring it back from the church and we slaughter it, and then roast it.

Repljana 2

6 (a) i si kòl'amo jàgɤnci i nòsimo u cṛ̀kvu jàgn'e
And we slaughter lambs, [but first] we take a lamb to the church,

7 (a) mùško jàgn'e koè ìma ròdzi zanesèmo ga cṛ̀kva tùka bèše
a male lamb that has horns [already]. We took it. There was a church here,

100 (a) edɤ̀n i dzvònutu dṛ̀nnu čèkaj dzvònutu da l'òskamo
someone [came] and rang the church bells. So we thought, let's us ring the bells [too]

Skrŭt 3

14 (f) k’i čèkame da dòim ot crɤ̀kva i što ìma fkàštə
We’ll wait till we get back from church, and then [with] whatever’s in the house,

18 (f) càla pòs pòstexme vilìgden’ kat k’i dòi i ot cɤ̀rkva
We would keep the entire fast. On Easter [Sunday] when we come back from church,

20 (f) k’i ìem na cɤ̀rkva gl’àame da izl’èzem ot cɤ̀rkvata
We’ll go to church, and look [forward] to leaving church

Stančov Han 1

11 (a) i t’è duvìždәn’i duvìždәn’i blәgudәr’ɤ̀ tàm i si zәminàvәt nә̥ cɤ̀rkvә
and they – “Goodbye, goodbye, thank you” And they go off to the church.

Stikŭl 3

73 (a) tùrlata istàtak ìma adnɔ̀ cèrkvɨca è napràvena cɤ̀rkvɨca ut starìnnu ò̝šte
Beyond Turla there’s a little church, a church built way back in olden times.

74 (a) ut starìnnu unàa cɤ̀rkvica napràv’ena enàa cɤ̀rkvɨca napràv’ena i etàm
It’s built in olden times, this little church. And at this little church

97 (a) ač’ìk enəkvò̝ gò̝lu gò̝lu tarlì lyvàdɨ i cɤ̀rkvicana je tàm
[It’s] open and rather bare, bare, fields, meadows, and the little church is there

98 (a) i ezgà pustàv’enu atàm unuvà nɛ̀štu i zgà hò̝d’at tàm
and now there is this other thing put there, and now people go there.

99 (a) pò̝p ìma ta vaspejè envà kurbànčekən nəlɛ̀gat raznesɔ̀t
There’s a priest, he sings [over] the small sacrifice, they prostrate themselves, share out [the meat],

106 (a) ta nakìva ràbuti sìn ta zatvà sakìva d’èsu ìma paraklìsč’eta
Such things, son. And that’s why these things, where these little chapels

107 (a) zatvà hòd’ət ta sàmu uttùka sàmu uttùka na drùgise nè
that’s why they go. But only here, only here. Not to other ones.

141 (a) etùka pìsvalu takìva tùka s tɛ̀a sa edìnas sa gu ubᶤìli
and such things are written about them – They killed one of them

142 (a) pa drùgia si bìl fànat f plèn asòja ugradìl etùva
and the other was taken into captivity. And this [is the one who] built this,

143 (a) sòo paraklìsč’ek esòja èj gu tùva zgà č’ešmìcasa
this chapel. This one. Here it is now, this little fountain

Stoilovo 1

7 (a) ùtr’e v’èč’er ìmə stuèn’:e hòdime nə č’èrkvətə večèr kugà e
The next evening there’s standing [in the church]. We go to the church, when –

12 (a) əhə č’èrkvətə ùtre eč’er stuèn’:etu e ùtre v’èč’er
Aha. [At] the church the next evening – the standing is the next evening.

13 (a) pàlim sv’ɛ̀ščite stuìm’e pàzime gòspude
We light candles, we stand, and we watch [out for] the Lord.

22 (a) pàk xòdim nə č’èrkvətə nòsim sv’ɛ̀šči pàlim sv’ɛ̀t’ət
we go to church again, we carry candles, we light [them] and they shine [everywhere].

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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut