Petŭr Shishkov
Stančov Han 1
1 (PSh) You didn’t finish telling me about Christmas. Did they come by –
nom 2sg | neg | dat 1sg clt | narrate 3sg aor P | about | Christmas sg f | there adv | pass 3pl impf I | interr clt |
2 (a) [0:03] Yes
yes |
3 (PSh) At Christmas, did carolers and such come by?
at | Christmas sg f | pass 3pl impf I | interr clt | carolers pl m | such pl adj |
4 (a) [0:06] Yes, yes. The carolers came by, yes. Also [at] New Year’s.
yes | yes | yes | pass 3pl impf I | carolers pl m | yes | and | new sg f def adj | year sg f |
5 (a) [0:11] A lot of them come. Both old people too went, from house [to] house,
hes | many adv | come 3pl pres I | disc | and | old pl def adj | and | go 3pl impf I | around | [...] | house pl f |
6 (a) [0:15] and young people. Children – [ah,] they were boys. They came from the villages,
and | young def adj | child pl n def | [...] | nom 3pl | 3pl impf cop | boy pl n | ost | from | village pl n def | come 3pl impf I |
7 (a) [0:20] and they carried these staffs, they sang and such.
with | staff pl f | disc | carry 3pl pres I | sing 3pl pres I | and | and | do.such 3pl pres I |
8 (a) [0:27] We treat them to a bun each. Mom had made [one for] each of them,
and | [...] | treat 1pl pres I | acc 3pl clt | by | one sg n adj | bun sg n | each sg m | dat refl clt | 3sg pres aux clt | make sg f L.part P | Mom sg f |
9 (a) [0:32] and she had hung one bun each onto the staff of each one of them.
and | to | each sg m | dat m 3sg clt | on | on | staff sg f def | hang sg f L.part P | by | one sg n adj | bun sg n |
10 (a) [0:36] And we treat them to whatever we’ve come up with,
and | acc 3pl clt | treat 1pl pres I | there adv | with | what sg n rel | 1pl pres aux clt | arrange pl L.part |
11 (a) [0:40] and they – “Goodbye, goodbye, thank you” And they go off to the church.
and | nom 3pl | goodbye | goodbye | | there adv | and | dat refl clt | depart 3pl pres I | to | church sg f |
12 (PSh) And how were the carolers dressed?
and | how interr | acc refl clt | dress 3pl impf I | caroler pl m def |
13 (a) [0:52] Well, you know, some had a “uniform”, but some [were] just the way they were
disc | disc | disc | some sg m | with | hes | sg n adj | but | some sg m | as | 3sg pres cop clt | dat refl clt |
14 (a) [0:58] if they had no “uniform”. There wasn’t [much], the people here were poor.
when conj | not.have 3sg pres I | uniform sg f | neg exist | 3sg impf cop | here adv | [...] | hes | poor sg m adj | people sg m | 3sg impf cop |
15 (a) [1:02] Even now, even now they’re not rich. Poor people
and | now adv | and | now adv | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | rich sg m adj | poor sg m adj | people sg m |
16 (PSh) [cough]
17 (a) [1:06] [they] were here, poor. There’s no way here to manage.
3sg impf cop | here adv | poor adv | disc | neg exist | from | what sg n interr | comp | do.thus 3sg pres I |
18 (a) [1:10] Well, there’s a mine here, this Krŭstets.
ost | here adv | exist pres | mine sg f | this sg n adj | Кrŭstets sg m place |
19 (PSh) What’s there?
what sg n interr | pres exist | there adv | there adv |
20 (a) [1:15] There’s a mine in Krŭstets.
in | Кrŭstets sg m place | exist pres | mine sg f |
21 (PSh) But what kind of mine?
but | what.kind sg f adj | mine sg f |
22 (a) [1:17] They used to work there. Well, [a] coal [mine].
there adv | work 3pl impf I | disc | with | coal pl.t |
23 (PSh) Uh huh
bkch |
24 (a) [1:22] They extract coal. That’s where most of the people worked. Also here in Tryavna.
coal pl.t | drive.out 3pl pres I | there adv | most def adv | people pl | and | and | work 3pl impf I | and | here adv | in | Tryavna sg f place |
25 (a) [1:28] Later there got to be more [workers], more factories like “Avram Stoyanov”,
nom 3pl | after adv | become 3pl aor P | more adv | Avram sg m name | Stoyanov sg m name | there adv | who pl rel | more adv | in | factory pl m |
26 (a) [1:35] and also “Angel Kŭnchev”, but that’s older. But later –
Angel sg m name | Kŭnchev sg m name | nom m 3sg | dat refl clt | 3sg pres cop clt | more | old sg m adj | but | but | after adv |
27 (a) [1:40] And now some of them are closed, but which ones are closed, I don’t know, in Tryavna –
and | now adv | close pl P.part P | some pl | but | which pl interr adj | 3pl pres cop clt | close pl P.part P | neg | know 1sg pres I | Tryavna sg f place |
28 (a) [1:45] There’s no work, the kids – They let him go, he [just] sits around. What can he do?
neg exist | work sg f | [ ... ] | to | child pl n def | acc m 3sg clt | discharge 3pl aor P | and | sit 3sg pres I | what sg n interr | comp | do 3sg pres I |
29 (PSh) Well, uh. You, [when you were] girls, how did you used to dress earlier on?
disc | hes | nom 2pl | girl pl f def | there adv | how interr | how interr | acc refl clt | dress 3pl impf I | before adv |
30 (a) [2:06] They put on – there were [folk] tunics. We put on [these] folk tunics for festivals.
dress 3pl impf I | exist impf | hes | tunic pl m | tunic pl m | to | celebration pl m def | dat refl clt | acc refl clt | dress 1pl impf I | here adv |
31 (a) [2:12] That’s what we put on. Otherwise, for every day they dressed
disc | with | disc | and | acc refl clt | dress 1pl pres I | but | otherwise adv | each sg m adj | day sg m | dat refl clt | wear 3pl pres I |
32 (a) [2:17] like we dress now.
as | dat refl clt | and | thus adv | acc refl clt | dress 1pl pres I |
33 (PSh) And how did these folk tunics look?
how interr | look 3pl impf I | this pl adj | tunic pl m |
34 (a) [2:22] What?
disc |
35 (PSh) How did these folk tunics look? What are they like?
how interr | look 3pl impf I | this pl adj | tunic pl m | what sg n interr | represent 3pl pres I |
36 (a) [2:25] Well, it’s – woolen, the whole of it, wool woven at home,
disc | thus adv | with | woolen sg n adj | entire sg n def adj | woolen sg n adj | weave sg n P.part I | homemade sg n adj | and |
37 (a) [2:30] and here it’s got – Ah, it’s with these colorful [decorations].
and | here adv | with | disc | with | hes | such pl adj | multicolored pl adj | disc |
38 (a) [2:36] And here it’s got sequins and here there’s one tassel each
and | here adv | thus adv | with | sequin pl m | and | here adv | by | one sg f adj | tassel sg f |
39 (a) [2:40] and in the back there’s two tassels each. [laughter] [sigh]
behind adv | by | two f | tassel pl f |
40 (PSh) [laughter]
41 (a) [2:43] [sigh]
42 (PSh) Do you know how to weave these things?
nom 2sg | know 2sg pres I | interr clt | comp | weave 2sg pres I | such sg n adj |
43 (a) [2:45] To weave? Me?
comp | weave 1sg pres I |
44 (PSh) Yes
yes |
45 (a) [2:46] Oh, how much I’ve woven for my daughters! Dowries –
excl | how.many interr | 1sg pres aux clt | weave sg f L.part I | for | daughter pl f def | disc |
46 (PSh) [cough]
47 (a) [2:50] We used to weave many dowries here for the children,
dowry pl m | excl | here adv | acc n 3sg clt | weave 1pl impf I | many adv | dowry pl m | for | for | child pl n def |
48 (a) [2:56] for the girls. We wove everything, you know? Fabric, everything. All was woven [by hand].
for | girl pl n def | weave 1pl impf I | adrs | everything sg n adj | and | fabric sg n def | everything sg n def adj | everything sg n def adj | acc refl clt | weave 3sg impf I |
49 (a) [3:03] A shirt to wash – everything was woven, everything. Yes. But now – [Even] now
shirt sg f | comp | wash 2sg pres P | everything sg n adj | acc refl clt | weave 3sg impf I | everything sg n adj | disc | and | and | now adv | now adv |
50 (a) [3:10] we go in the summer to the river to bleach them, we’d bleach [each of] the fabrics
hes | summer sg n def | to | river sg f def | go 1pl pres I | comp | acc 3pl clt | bleach 1pl pres I | bleach 1pl pres I | fabric pl n def |
51 (a) [3:15] nice and white. But now young people don’t know how to spin,
white pl adj | nice pl adj | disc | now adv | hes | youth sg m def | neg | know 3sg pres I | comp | spin 3sg pres I |
52 (a) [3:22] nor to knit. [laughter]. It’s rare [laughter]. that any [of them] know [laughter].
neither | comp | [...] | knit 3sg pres I | disc | rarely adv | acc refl clt | rel | dat refl clt | know 3pl pres I |
53 (PSh) What do you [use] to spin with? That is –
and | with | with | what sg n interr | spin 2sg pres I | hes | [...] |
54 (a) [3:28] Everything. I spin cotton and – and wool. I spin everything.
everything sg n adj | and | cotton sg m | spin 1sg pres I | and | and | wool sg f | and | everything sg n adj | spin 1sg pres I |
55 (PSh) But using what? Using which [sorts of things]?
but | with | what sg n interr | with | what.kind pl adj |
56 (a) [3:33] Well, like this. You put [it on] a distaff.
disc | thus adv | on | hes | distaff sg f | [...] | thread 2sg pres P |
57 (PSh) A distaff.
distaff f sg |
58 (a) [3:38] On this wooden thing. You tie [it to] the spindle,
and | on | on | wooden sg n adj | hes | disc | tie 2sg pres P | thus adv | and | spindle sg n def |
59 (a) [3:42] and you spin. You twirl [it] here and you roll it up here, and you spin.
and | spin 2sg pres I | rotate 2sg pres I | here adv | and | disc | roll 2sg pres I | here adv | and | spin 2sg pres I |
60 (a) [3:46] Yes, that’s how it was. Everything. People spin now too, you know.
yes | thus adv | 3sg impf cop | and | everything sg n adj | and | now adv | and | again adv | spin 3pl pres I | disc |
61 (a) [3:53] Those who have sheep still spin. They still spin. [Sometimes] they give it out
who sg m rel | have 3sg pres I | sheep pl f | again adv | spin 3pl pres I | again adv | dat refl clt | spin 3pl pres I | give 3pl pres I | acc n 3sg clt |
62 (a) [3:57] for spinning to – to a factory, but [usually]
and | comp | comp | comp | acc n 3sg clt | spin 3pl pres I | hes | to | factory sg f | but |
63 (a) [4:02] they don’t like it as much so you spin it yourself anyway,
more adv | neg | acc n 3sg clt | like 3pl pres I | and | dat refl clt | acc n 3sg clt | spin 2sg pres P |
64 (a) [4:04] the way you want it to be. Yes.
as rel | dat refl clt | acc n 3sg clt | want 2sg pres I | yes |
65 (PSh) And do they have looms, to do the weaving after that?
and | loom pl m | have 3pl pres | interr clt | comp | weave 3pl pres I | after adv |
66 (a) [4:09] What?
disc |
67 (PSh) Looms. Are there still old looms around here?
loom pl m | pres exist | interr clt | still adv | old pl adj | loom pl m | here adv |
68 (a) [4:12] Yes. There are. See over there [what’s left] of mine. Some –
yes | exist pres | ost | acc m 3sg clt | ost | there adv | from | my sg m def adj | one pl adj | on | disc |
69 (a) [4:17] [some of the] frame beams remained, and the rest they cut up for firewood. [laughter]
and | beam pl f | remain 3pl aor P | other sg f def adj | acc f 3sg clt | cut 3pl aor P | [...] | for | wood pl n |
70 (a) [4:21] [Of] looms, there are two [pieces], with the heddle here in front. You sit here
loom pl m | two f | disc | here adv | with | heddle pl.t | here adv | in.front adv | sit 2sg pres P | dat refl clt | here adv |
71 (a) [4:26] and you throw this way, throw that way, and the feet –
and | throw 2sg pres I | to | thus adv | throw 2sg pres I | to | thus adv | [...] |
72 (a) [4:28] Your feet are here, and you move your feet.
foot pl m def | here adv | have 2sg pres I | foot pl m | move 2sg pres I | foot pl m def |
73 (PSh) And what do you put your feet on?
on | what sg n interr | acc refl clt | put 3pl pres I | foot pl m def |
74 (a) [4:33] On these wooden – these pedals made of wood. You step on it,
[...] | wooden pl adj | wooden pl adj | disc | hes | make pl P.part P | pedal pl n | and | step 2sg pres I | on | acc n 3sg |
75 (a) [4:39] and when you step on the foot [pedal], and ooh! and ooh!
and | when conj | step 2sg pres I | on | foot sg m def | and |
and |
and |
76 (a) [4:42] and you [push] like this and like this, it becomes fabric. Wonderful!
on | thus adv | and | on | thus adv | and | become 3sg pres I | fabric sg m | marvel sg n |
77 (PSh) And when you step on these pedals what do they do? What happened?
and | when conj | step 2sg pres I | on | on | this pl adj | pedal pl n | what sg n interr | do 3pl pres I | what sg n interr | happen 3sg impf I |
78 (a) [4:49] It opens up – that [which] has been threaded [onto the warp],
open 3sg pres I | acc refl clt | and | nom n 3sg | and | thread sg n P.part P | adrs |
79 (a) [4:51] [the way] we [ourselves] threaded it. [The warp] is all threaded [and ready]
rel | dat refl clt | acc n 3sg clt | thread 1pl impf I | nom 1pl | everything sg n adj | acc refl clt | thread 3sg pres I |
80 (a) [4:55] And when you step here like this, it opens up, this [thing] we call the “shed”.
when conj | step 2sg pres I | thus adv | and | acc refl clt | open 3pl pres I | call 1pl pres I | dat n 3sg clt | mouth sg f | to | this sg n adj |
81 (a) [4:59] It opens up for the yarn –it does it like this. So it opens up, and with –
open 3sg pres I | for | yarn sg f def | say 3sg pres I | [...] | ost | thus adv | acc refl clt | open 3sg pres I | and | with |
82 (a) [5:02] you throw the shuttle, and you – you weave with that. And with the other foot,
throw 2sg pres P | with | shuttle sg f def | [...] | weave 2sg pres I | on | thus adv | and | with | other sg m def | foot sg m |
83 (a) [5:07] when you step again on it – We used to weave [on looms] with four foot [pedals]
when conj | step 2sg pres I | again adv | on | thus adv | and | with | four | foot ct m | acc refl clt | [...] | weave 1pl impf I |
84 (a) [5:11] and we also used to weave [on looms] with two foot [pedals]. Yes.
and | with | two m | foot ct m | weave 1pl impf I | yes |
85 (PSh) And how did you dye the fabric after that?
and | how interr | dye 2pl impf I | after adv | fabric sg n def |
86 (a) [5:17] What?
disc |
87 (PSh) The fabric! How did you dye it afterwards?
fabric sg n def | how interr | acc n 3sg clt | dye 2pl impf I | after adv |
88 (a) [5:20] We wore [our clothes] white. People who wanted to ...
white pl adj | acc 3pl clt | wear 1pl impf I | who sg m rel | want 3sg pres I |
89 (PSh) [Ah,] white.
white pl adj |
90 (a) [5:21] ... would dye them.
dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | dye 3sg pres I |
91 (PSh) But what do they use to dye with?
but | with | what sg n interr | dye 3pl pres I |
92 (a) [5:25] There were dyes back then. Dyes, dyes, dyes
hes | dye pl f | dat refl clt | exist impf | then adv | dye pl f | dye pl f | dye pl f |
93 (a) [5:28] Whatever dye ( = color) you want, that’s how you’ll make it.
which sg f rel adj | what.kind sg f rel adj | dye sg f | want 2sg pres I | that.kind sg f adj | fut | dat refl clt | acc f 3sg clt | make 2sg pres P |
94 (PSh) But did you buy them or did you make them?
but | acc 3pl clt | buy 2pl impf I | or | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | make 2pl impf I |
95 (a) [5:32] We bought them.
buy 1pl impf I | acc 3pl clt | hes | yes |
96 (PSh) You didn’t make your dyes?
disc | neg | dat refl clt | make 2sg impf | dye pl f |
97 (a) [5:35] No. Well, we dye certain things using walnuts. Here, now I have some,
no | disc | from | walnut sg m def | dye 1pl pres I | some pl adj | thing pl f | ost | here adv | now adv | have 1sg pres I | some pl adv |
98 (a) [5:41] like this one. You get brown [color] from walnuts. Like this [one].
ost | from | that pl adj | disc | from | walnut sg m def | become 3sg pres I | brown sg n adj | ost | this sg n adj |
99 (PSh) Hm.
100 (a) [5:46] They dye this [color even] now from walnuts, [it’s] not [possible] otherwise.
now adv | from | walnut sg m def | acc refl clt | dye 3sg pres I | otherwise adv | neg | 3sg pres cop clt |
101 (a) [5:49] We bought [all other] dyes. But when they wanted to make something blue –
dye pl f | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | buy 1pl impf I | but | when conj | want 3pl pres I | comp | acc n 3sg clt | 3pl pres P |
102 (a) [5:54] old people wore more blue [but] young [people] wear white. Yes.
old pl def adj | people pl | acc n 3sg clt | wear 3pl impf I | more | blue sg n adj | young def adj | white sg n adj | acc n 3sg clt | wear 3pl pres I | yes |
103 (a) [6:00] And you make a dowry for a girl. When you set off, when you go to a wedding,
dowry sg m | hes | for | girl sg n def | dat refl clt | make 2sg pres P | depart 2sg pres P | fut | go 2sg pres P | to | wedding sg f def |
104 (a) [6:04] that dowry will be piled up there, blankets, flat-weave rugs – [it’s] all there.
and | pile sg m P.part P | that sg m adj | dowry sg m | on | on | this sg n adj | blanket pl n | kilim pl m | everything sg n adj | there adv |
105 (a) [6:13] People will walk around and look and look at the bride [and her] dowry. [laughter]
fut | dat refl clt | walk 3pl pres I | look 3pl pres I | look 3pl pres I | at | bride sg f def | dowry sg m def |
106 (a) [6:19] And [there’ll be something] – a shirt, trousers – for every one of the relatives, for everybody.
and | to | each acc sg m | of | relative pl m def | everything sg n adj | shirt sg f | hes | hes | trousers pl.t |
107 (a) [6:24] They give [something] to everyone there. And [some]one says – he goes around the table
everything sg n adj | dat refl clt | serve 3pl pres I | there adv | hes | call 3sg pres I | one sg m adj | 3sg pres I | around | hes | table sg f def |
108 (a) [6:28] and says – it’s one of these fiddlers that are there – “Here’s for the father-in-law!
call 3sg pres I | ost | this pl adj | violinist pl m def | which pl rel adj | 3pl pres cop clt | thus adv | for | sg m def |
109 (a) [6:33] “Here’s for the mother-in-law”, and so on. And that’s what life was like back then.
thus adv | for | sg f def | there adv | and | thus adv | ost | this sg n adj | life sg m def | 3sg impf cop | then adv |