
Kolju Marinovo 3

57 (c) krèmeni uddòlu nəbìti krèməni təkà i tò vəršè
[It’s got] flintstones embedded in it underneath. Flintstones, that’s what threshes.

58 (GK) kɤ̀k sa nabìti nə kakvò t’à dikàn’ətə
How are they embedded, on what? This threshing board, …

68 (a) i sə nəbìti səs inò inì krèməni pràvea gi
And then it’s got this, these flintstones pounded into it. [Who] used to make them?

70 (a) tìjə ni dokàrvəə tìjə takɤ̀u i sə nabìvaa fəf ə
[Whoever it was,] they would bring us these things, and they’d get pounded into

71 (a) dəskɤ̀tə nə kujàto vəršèm uddòlu
the underside of the board we use for threshing.

Stoilovo 2

26 (a) krèmen’:e

29 (GK) ìmә i tè kakvì sә
Right, and what sort are they?

31 (GK) kәkvò pretstәvl’àvәt
What are they like?

32 (a) kәtu kàmen’ tò ednò tәkòvә pretstәvl’àvә
Like a stone. It’s like something of that sort.

34 (a) širòku utprèk’ i kòlkutu prәstìte dә mìnәt tәkà
Wide in front, enough for fingers to pass through, and

35 (a) tàm gu tùrime nә dikàn’ә dәrvò e dikàn’ә dәrvò nәpràeno sì
we put it there on the threshing board. It’s wood, made of wood.

38 (a) tәkòәt krèmen’:te̥ tә i nәpràjәt i nìe tùva pòčneme i vɤršè̝me
They fix it up with flintstones, and make it, and then we begin the threshing.

Tihomir 3

48 (c) i vòloveto az d’uèn’ az d’uèn’ i d’uèn’a e tàm
And the oxen. With a threshing board. A threshing board there

49 (c) sɤs krèmekᵊi naonòden da s da rɛ̀že zərnòto žìtoto
with flintstones, set up so as – to cut up the grain – the wheat.

Vŭglarovo 2

36 (a) dv’è̝ dɤ̀ski i udòlu kr’è̝mene nəkuvàni
two boards, and underneath flintstones hammered on,

133 (a) dikàn’ətə s t’è̝ə krè̝mene udòlu i t’à vərɨ̀ ubikàl’ə càl’ d’è̝n’
… there’s the threshing board, with these flints below. It goes around, all day long …

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Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut