
Kolju Marinovo 3

8 (a) jègnenca si ìməmi
We’d have lambs, …

Rajanovci 1

52 (a) tə sɤm g’um pomagàla kadà pròleti ostàimo jàgɤnci za da gi čùvamo
and helped her when in the spring we leave the lambs to watch them

53 (a) za da smènu mla stàrite òfce da smènu mlàdite̥ jà òdim
to switch – to switch the old sheep and the young ones. I go

54 (a) i agɤnčàr cèl dèn nò odèlno od ofcète da gi odbìvam
and herd lambs all day, but apart: we weaned them from the ewes.

55 (a) i tekà sɤm pàsla jàgɤnci pòsle sɤm pàsla govèdata
And so I pastured lambs. After that I pastured livestock,

Repljana 1

100 (a) izlèznemo od blàgovesti tàm nò jàganci se izjagnìle òvce
We go there at Annunciation, to the lambs, the sheep having given birth,

101 (a) jàganci òvce tàm gi pasù àjde bàba i dèda
up where they’re pasturing the sheep and lambs. And Grandma and Grandpa

102 (a) pàk tàm na košàrutu jà bàba mi
are up there again the summer pen. And I – Granny said to me,

103 (a) ò ednò jàgn’e se bòlno nèkvo mukàvičavo bolù ga nòge
“Oh, [there’s] a sick lamb, [it’s] bad off somehow. Its legs aren’t right.

104 (a) da dòjdeš da ga napòimo səs orlòvi nòkti
You should come up and [help] us feed it with ‘eagle’s talons’.”

109 (a) [laughter] àjde bàba svarìla orlòvi nòkti jà ìdem onà dṛžì jàgn’eto
So Grandma boiled up the “eagle’s talons”. I go [over] and she holds the lamb

110 (a) jà sipùjem ta ga napòimo tovà ozdravèe jàgn’eto
[while] I pour, and we feed it to it. And the lamb gets better.

112 (a) àjde sɤ̀ga da gi popasèmo da i pùštimo màlko jàgancitȉ
And now it’s time to take them to pasture, to let the little lambs out a bit.

113 (a) pùštimo gi jàgancitȉ jàganci ulòve bṛ̀ze kòj na gdè vìdi
We release the little lambs. The lambs catch [the wind] and rush off, each on its own.

115 (a) i jà jà po n’ì bṛ̀zim bṛ̀zim bṛ̀zim ta gi svì
And I - I’m running after them, running, running, till I’ve surrounded [them],

116 (a) pribrà gi jàganciti a dèda mi se javìl
and gathered up the lambs. Then Grandpa came up –

117 (a) sɤs ovcète oddalèko i me vidèl če bṛ̀zim rèče
he’d been off with the sheep and seen me running. And he said,

118 (a) jà ka te vidò če bṛ̀ziš po jàgancitȉ od ràdoz bi lìtnul
“When I saw you running after the little lambs, I could have leapt with joy.

119 (a) stàr səm ama mìlo me če tṛ̀čaš po jàgancite
I [may be] old, but it’s sweet for me [to see] you running after the lambs.

120 (a) jàganciti bṛ̀ze tì bṛ̀ziš po n’ì
The lambs run off, and you run after them.”

123 (a) mìlo me kat te vidò če bṛ̀ziš po jàganciti [laughter] a dojdè
“I [was so] happy when I saw you running after these lambs.” And he came

124 (a) pa ə mi se ràduje tàm če sɤm bṛzìla po jàgancite
and was so happy that I had been running after the lambs.

125 (a) otišlà sɤm pri n’ì rèko dèdo no jà sɤm došlà
So I went over to them and said, “Grandpa, I’ve [actually] come

126 (a) da gi lekùjemo bàba lì mi kazà da dòjdem da dòjdem
to help treat them. [Didn’t you know that] Grandma told me to come – to come

127 (a) da napòimo jàganciti jàgneto če e mlògo k’òpavo bòlno
so we could feed the lambs, [especially] the lamb that’s sickly and lame?”


207 (a) vèrno ìmaš ìmaš jàgn’e ìmaš ə mlekò ìmaš sìren’e amà
It’s true that if you have a lamb you’ve got milk and cheese, but

214 (a) (laughter) inàče nèma a mḷzèš i tekà ìmaš si jàgn’ence ìmaš si kokòščice
Otherwise there’s nothing to milk! But [if] you’ve got a lamb, hens,

Vŭrbina 1

18 (a) əgà ut jègnetənə udmàhneme tugà dujìme ufc’èn’e tə i ml’èku
We milk them after we separate them from the lambs, and [get] milk –

Vŭrbina 4

73 (d) təkòvə prul’ètešnu vrème kətu dòjde pɤ̀rvi màjsku vrème sə ràždət jàgəncite
in the spring, when the first days of May come, the lambs are born.

74 (d) i sə i tugàvə i gl’èdəne jàgəncite
And then – it’s looking after the lambs.

75 (d) sàmu edìn pɤ̀t sə f nàštu ràdəhə jàəncite
Lambs are born only once [a year] in our region.


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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

by Dr. Radut